Notifications sent by the secretariat

ECE/TRAN/2005/124/21 - Notification regarding the establishment of UN GTR No. 21 in the Global Registry (English/French)

ECE/TRAN/2005/124/21/Amend.1 - Notification regarding the establishment Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 21 in the Global Registry (English/French)

Notifications received from the Contracting Parties on UN GTR No. 21

 1st status report (deadline 10.01.2022)

Canada (received 07.05.21)PDFPDF
Russian Federation (received 04.06.21)PDFPDF
Republic of Korea (received 07.07.21)PDFPDF
Japan (received 21.12.21)PDFPDF (Status report)
Belarus (received 24.12.21)PDFPDF (final notification)
 2nd status report (deadline 10.01.2023)Email/letterDocument
Japan (received 10.01.23)PDFPDF (final notification)
3rd status report (deadline 10.01.24)

United Kingdom (received 23.5.23)PDFPDF
13th status report (deadline 10.01.25)

United States of America (received 30.08.24)PDFPDF
Notifications received from the Contracing Parties on Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 21
1st status report (deadline 26.08.2025)

