Table of contents



Evaluation Methodology

Application scope

The Evaluation Methodology (officially "People-first PPP Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals") should be readily usable by governments, private sector, private lenders, and international organizations, and applicable to all PPP sectors and all categories of PPP projects, whether they are small-scaled or large-scaled, national or cross-border. It can be applied to publicly-owned projects, PPP projects - both government-pay PPPs and concessions (user-pay) - or any other partnership frameworks (e.g. institutional PPPs).

Project activities and sequences

The design of this tool will result from a multi-stakeholder consultation process and a robust collaborative endeavor therefore ensuring effective implementation and wide-scale adoption. The development process should be conducted in a constant back-and-forth process compliant with the following sequences before the tool goes back to the Bureau for its consideration and approval:

  1. A project lead at the UNECE secretariat will be appointed to manage and oversee the entire project process.
  2. A technical group composed of experts will be set up to develop the tool.
  3. A multi-stakeholder validation group will review the tool regularly and make recommendations for its improvement. In addition to the business community, PPP Units, international organizations, other UN bodies, academia and NGOs/CSOs, the UNECE secretariat will also approach banks and key International Finance Institutions (African-Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World-Bank, etc.) to make sure that they are part of this group and are fully involved in the validation process.
  4. The technical group will revise it accordingly and deliver a second version after final validation is conducted.
  5. The tool will be tested against actual projects. Good practices and lessons learned will be documented, and issues will be identified.
  6. The technical group will make the necessary improvements to fine-tune the tool and will integrate the recommendations of the validation group following the same process as described above.
  7. Once the revised draft is approved by the validation group, it will be published on the UNECE website for public review.
  8. The validation group will make key recommendations for the effective implementation of the tool, taking into account challenges at global, country and project level.

Domain coordinators

Impact Assessment Tool

Melissa Peneycad

James Stewart

Joan Enric Ricart

Project list

ProjectProject nameProject leaderSupport

Extra Budgetary Resources

Start date


Project initiation


Stakeholder mobilization


Draft Development


Public review







P0011People-first PPP Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals


Joan Enric RICART 


Third-quarter 2019







Relevant documents


  File Locked By Modified
PDF File People-first PPP Impact Assessment Tool-Project Proposal.pdf Project Proposal 09 Aug, 2019 by Claudio MEZA
PDF File ECE_CECI_WP_PPP_2021_03-ru.pdf People-first PPP Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals-ru 09 Dec, 2021 by Claudio MEZA
PDF File ECE_CECI_WP_PPP_2021_03-fr.pdf People-first PPP Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals-fr 09 Dec, 2021 by Claudio MEZA
PDF File ECE_CECI_WP_PPP_2021_03-en.pdf People-first PPP Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals-en 09 Dec, 2021 by Claudio MEZA


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