Virtual Meeting, 11 May 2023, 12:00 -15:00 CEST

The WebEx meeting link will be:

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document WP.29-189-18r1e.docx (Secretariat) Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication in the context of WP.29 09 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VCTF-01-09.pptx (Car2Car Consortium) Presentation to Task Force on Vehicular Communication 25 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Word Document VCTF-01-08.docx (OICA) Draft Industry Position 25 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VCTF-01-07.pptx (ETSI) Status on C-ITS work within ETSI 25 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
PDF File VCTF-01-06-Rev.1.pdf (SAE) SAE Standards Overview 25 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
PDF File VCTF-01-06.pdf (SAE) SAE Standards Overview 11 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
PDF File VCTF-01-05-Rev.1.pdf (IEEE) IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) 25 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
PDF File VCTF-01-05.pdf (IEEE) IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) 11 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VCTF-01-04.pptx (UK) UK work on V2X 09 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VCTF-01-03.pptx (China) The current status of Vehicular Communication in China 09 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Word Document VCTF-01-02-Rev.1.docx (Secretariat) Proposal for the Terms of Reference for the group 11 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Word Document VCTF-01-01-Rev.2.docx Provisional agenda for the 1st session (Revision 2) 11 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Word Document VCTF-01-01-Rev.1.docx Provisional agenda for the 1st session (Revision 1) 11 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER
Microsoft Word Document VCTF-01-01.docx Provisional agenda for the 1st session 09 May, 2023 by Melissa Amanda ARCHER

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