WebEx, Friday 17 June 2022 - 1.00pm-3.30pm (Geneva time, CEST)
Meeting number (access code): 2612 x84
Direct link: https://unece.webex.com/unece/
Links provided during the session:
- Report of the Inland Transport Committee side event on "Automation, Connectivity and E-Mobility (ECE/TRANS/315/Add.1, Annex IV)
- Website of the Inland Transport Committee side event on "Automation, Connectivity and E-Mobility (https://unece.org/transport/events/itc-side-event-automation-connectivity-and-e-mobility)
- Draft European ITS directive text, provided by ISO TC2014 / CEN expert: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52021PC0813&from=EN
- ITS standards provided by the ISO TC2014 / CEN: https://www.mobilityits.eu
Documents and presentations:
Outcome of the 4th session
See ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1166, para. 50
50. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Co-Chair of the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) reported on the outcome of the
fourth session of the IWG on ITS on 17 June 2022. He explained that the group reviewed the
progress made in the implementation of the revised UNECE Roadmap on ITS, adopted in
February 2021 and discussed ways to materialize the outcomes of these activities by e.g.
updating the UNECE ITS publication with support by the IWG. He reported on the
involvement of the Group in the organization (together with the International
Telecommunication Union) of the annual symposium on the Future Networked Car (FNC)
in March 2022 and its session 1 highlighting UNECE and authorities’ activities on ITS. He
proposed to WP.29 that the webinars organized by the Group’s leadership and the secretariat
would be scheduled for winter 2023 and that the Group’s leadership would represent WP.29
at the 2023 session of the UNECE/ITU symposium.