Web Meeting, 18 February - 12:00-15:00 CET

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document TF ADAS 01-13 (Chairs) Meeting Minutes Final Draft.docx 15 Mar, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document ADAS 01-02rev1 (Chairs) Overview of pending proposals for UN R79.docx 25 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document ADAS 01-02rev1 (Chairs) Overview of pending proposals for UN R79 clean.docx 25 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document ADAS 01-02 (Chairs) Overview of pending proposals for UN R79.docx 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
PDF File ADAS 01-08 (Japan) Drivers Abnormal Condition Response System_Deceleration Stop Type Basic Design Document.pdf 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
PDF File ADAS 01-07 (Japan) Driver Incapacity Response System.pdf 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ADAS 01-12 (Japan) Driver Status Matrices.xlsx 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
PDF File ADAS 01-11 (Japan) System for Automatically Detecting the Drivers Abnormal Conditions.pdf 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
PDF File ADAS 01-10 (Japan) Driver Incapacity Response System Advanced Pulling-over Type_Local Road Edition.pdf 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
PDF File ADAS 01-09 (Japan) Drivers Abnormal Condition Response System_Pull-over Type.pdf 18 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
PDF File ITS-12-04e - The Idea of 'Driver in the Loop' in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.pdf 15 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document ADAS 01-03 (OICA_CLEPA) ADAS Use Cases_v1.3.docx 15 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ADAS 01-06 (OICA_CLEPA) General thoughts_v1.pptx 15 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document ADAS 01-05 (Chairs) Definition and the scope for the TF on ADAS activity - draft.docx 12 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ADAS 01-04 (China) Terms and Definitions.xlsx 12 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document ADAS-01-01 (Secretary) Draft Agenda for the 1st Meeting of TF ADAS.docx 12 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document GRVA-09-16e - TF ADAS Preliminary Meeting Minutes.docx 09 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe
Microsoft Word Document GRVA-09-15e - Draft TF ADAS Terms of Reference.docx 09 Feb, 2021 by Marc Van Impe

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