Conference call - 04th & 05th June, 2020 - from 10:00 to 14:00 each day 

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-11 Rev.1 (Secretary) Draft Report 16th Session IWG ASEP Mod BS.docx 11 Aug, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2020_08_11 GRBP-71-13e-Rev.2 2020 schedule of meetings.xlsx 11 Aug, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-11 (Secretary) Draft Report 16th Session IWG ASEP.docx 11 Aug, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-01 Rev.2 (Secretary) Draft Agenda 16th Session IWG ASEP - Copie.docx 21 Jul, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
PDF File ASEP-16-10 (IMMA) ASEP 2.0 changes.pdf 05 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
PDF File ASEP-16-09 (IMMA) Sound model consideration to motorcycles.pdf 05 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-07 Rev.1 (IMMA) R41 revised ASEP 2.0_June2020.docx 05 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-08 Rev.1 (IWG ASEP) ToR_2018_09 Approved_ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRB-66e_Report GRB-68 09_2018_Annex III.docx 04 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-01 Rev.1 (Secretary) Draft Agenda 16th Session IWG ASEP - Copie.docx 03 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-08 (Secretary) ToR_2018_09 Approved_ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRB-66e_Report GRB-68 09_2018_Annex III.docx 03 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
PDF File ASEP-16-06 (China) Measurement Methods for Noise Emitted by Light-duty Vehicles in Multiple Driving Mode Conditions.pdf 03 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word 97 Document ASEP-16-05 (Germany) Motorrad-Online Article about ban of driving in Austrias Region Tirol.doc 02 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word 97 Document ASEP-16-04 (Germany) ZEIT-Online Article Decision of German Federal Council about motorcycle noise.doc 02 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word 97 Document ASEP-16-03 (Germany) Resolution of the Federal Council 125-20 about Motorcycle Noise.doc 02 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani
Microsoft Word Document ASEP-16-01 (Secretary) Draft Agenda 16th Session IWG ASEP.docx 02 Jun, 2020 by Françoise Silvani

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