Washington D.C., 17 - 19 September 2012

Informal Documents

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PDF File GTR9-4-03e.pdf (Chair) Status Activity List Items 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Excel Sheet GTR9-4-03e.xls (Chair) Status Activity List Items 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow GTR9-4-08e.ppt (TF-RUCC Chair): Guidelines To Conduct FlexPLI Round Robin Car Test Smoothly and Effectively 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-11e.pdf (Concept Tech) Investigation of the Influences of Friction within the Inverse Certification Test Setup 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Word 97 Document GTR9-4-12e.doc (JP Research/Alliance) Report addressing the Pedestrian Research performed by JASIC 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-12e.pdf (JP Research/Alliance) Report addressing the Pedestrian Research performed by JASIC 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-14e.pdf (BASt) Comparison of FlexPLI Performance in Vehicle Tests with Prototype and Series Production Legforms 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-15e.pdf (Chair) Informal document WP.29-157-21: Second progress report of the informal group on Phase 2 of gtr No. 9 (IG GTR9 - PH2) 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-17e.pdf (TF-RUCC Chair) FlexPLI Round Robin Car Test Schedule 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Excel Sheet GTR9-4-17e.xls (TF-RUCC Chair) FlexPLI Round Robin Car Test Schedule 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-18e.pdf (BASt) FlexPLI vs. EEVC LFI Benefit Estimation 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-04e.pdf (UK) 1994 EEVC WG10 Report 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-10e.pdf (Chair) Informal document WP.29-157-16: Proposal for the establishment of Special Resolution No. 2 on description and performance of test tools and devices necessary for the assessment of compliance 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-09e.pdf (Humanetics) FlexPLI Round Robin Test Results 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-05e.pdf (UK) 1996 EEVC WG10 report to the 15th ESV conference 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-06e.pdf (UK) 1998/2002 EEVC WG17 Report 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-07e.pdf (TF-RUCC Chair) TF-RUCC Activity Report 6 Sept. 2012 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-08e.pdf (TF-RUCC Chair) Guidelines To Conduct FlexPLI Round Robin Car Test Smoothly and Effectively 14 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow GTR9-4-13e.ppt (JP Reasearch/Alliance) JP Research Summary: JASIC Flex Injury Estimate 17 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-13e.pdf (JP Reasearch/Alliance) JP Research Summary: JASIC Flex Injury Estimate 17 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-19e.pdf (NHTSA) Overview of NHTSA Pedestrian Activities 24 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-21e.pdf (USCAR) OSRP Pedestrian Lower Leg Response Research test series 24 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-20e.pdf (JASIC) Validation of Pedestrian Lower Limb Injury Assessment using Subsystem Impactors 25 Sep, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation GTR9-4-22e.pptx (IG GTR9-PH2) Checklist for Vehicle Testing 26 Nov, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-22e.pdf (IG GTR9-PH2) Checklist for Vehicle Testing 26 Nov, 2012 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Word 97 Document GTR9-4-01-Rev1e.doc (Chair/Secretary) Agenda for the 4th meeting of the Informal Group on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 – Phase 2 (Agreed) 09 Jan, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-01-Rev1e.pdf (Chair/Secretary) Agenda for the 4th meeting of the Informal Group on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 – Phase 2 (Agreed) 09 Jan, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-16-Rev1e.pdf (BASt) Pedestrian Lower Extrimity Injury Risk - Revision 1 09 Jan, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Excel Sheet GTR9-4-03-Rev1e.xls (Chair) Status of Activity List Items, Rev. 1 09 Jan, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-03-Rev1e.pdf (Chair) Status of Activity List Items, Rev. 1 09 Jan, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-02-Rev1-corr1e.pdf (Chair/Secretary) Minutes for the 4th meeting of the Informal Group on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 – Phase 2 (IG GTR9-PH2) - Final 06 Feb, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Word 97 Document GTR9-4-02-Rev1-corr1e.doc (Chair/Secretary) Minutes for the 4th meeting of the Informal Group on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 – Phase 2 (IG GTR9-PH2) - Final 06 Feb, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Word 97 Document GTR9-4-01e.doc (Chair/Secretary) Agenda for the 4th meeting of the Informal Group on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 – Phase 2 (Draft) 29 May, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-02e.pdf (Chair/Secretary) Minutes for the 4th meeting of the Informal Group on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 – Phase 2 (IG GTR9-PH2) - Draft 29 May, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-16e.pdf (BASt) Pedestrian Lower Extrimity Injury Risk 29 May, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-03-Rev2e.pdf (Chair) Status Activity List Items, updated in the 7th meeting, 3 July 2013 18 Jul, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Excel Sheet GTR9-4-03-Rev2e.xls (Chair) Status Activity List Items, updated in the 7th meeting, 3 July 2013 18 Jul, 2013 by Thomas Kinsky
PDF File GTR9-4-03-Rev3e.pdf (Chair/Secretary) Status Activity List Items, updated in the 9th meeting, 17 Dec. 2013 24 Feb, 2014 by Thomas Kinsky
Microsoft Excel Sheet GTR9-4-03-Rev3e.xls (Chair/Secretary) Status Activity List Items, updated in the 9th meeting, 17 Dec. 2013 24 Feb, 2014 by Thomas Kinsky


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