Web-Meeting, 24 April 2023

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-01-draft_agenda.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 23rd DPPS draft agenda 20 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
PDF File IWG-DPPS-23-03 Test Rig Synchronization for DPPS.pdf (Subgroup-OZ) Test rig Synchronization 20 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
PDF File IWG-DPPS-23-04 Overall Flowchart DPPS_23.pdf (OZ/Secretary) - Overall Flowchart -references revised 20 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-05 consolidated doc with all changes GTR and UNR 24Apr23.docx (Chair/Secretary) - consolidated doc with all changes GTR & UNR 24Apr2023 24 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-06 modified_ECE-TRANS-WP29-1101-Amend-5.docx (CK-Austria) - draft modified MR1 Amend5 (GVM) 24 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-02-draft_minutes.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 23rd DPPS draft minutes 24 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-07 OZ small group on tolerances Proposal on 28Apr2023.docx (OZ/Secretary) - OZ small group on tolerances Proposal on 28Apr2023 28 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-08 GRSP-73-XX MR1-Amend4 Addendum5 GVM consolidated 28Apr.docx (CK/Secretary) - MR1 Amend4 Add5 GVM consolidated 28Apr 28 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-09 GRSP-73-YY MR1-Amend5 Addendum6 HBM informal 28Apr.docx (CK/Secretary) - MR1 Amend5 Add6 HBM informal 28Apr 28 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-10 GRSP-73-ZZ GTR9-03 informal doc.docx (Chair/Secretary) GRSP-73-ZZ GTR9-03 informal doc 05 May, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-23-11 GRSP-73-WW Final_status_report_IWG-DPPS for GTR9-03.docx (Chair/Secretary) GRSP-73-WW Final Status report IWG-DPPS for GTR9-03 05 May, 2023 by Irina Dausse

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