Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI 04-09 Rule 1 WP.29 Version.doc Rule 1. Proposal for WP.29 16 Jun, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI 04-10 Rule 2 WP.29 Version.doc Rule 2: proposal for WP.29 16 Jun, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI 04-07 Meeting minutes.doc Meeting minutes 16 Jun, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI 04-08 1997 Agreement output.doc 1997 Agreement. Working document output of the meeting 16 Jun, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI 04-03 Agreement output.doc 1997 Agreement. Amendment proposal from the Russian Federation 17 May, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word Document PTI 04-05 Development Schedule.docx Schedule 17 May, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI-04-02 Rule 2 amend pp.19-21 - GfE AM to glazing.doc Proposal of amendment Rule 2 - Glass for Europe 17 May, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
Microsoft Word 97 Document PTI-04-01 Agenda.doc Draft agenda 17 May, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
PDF File PTI-04-04 Accession EU to the 1997 Vienna Agr_WP29-145-11e.pdf WP29-145-11. Accession by the European Comunity to the UNECE 1997 Agreement 17 May, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez
PDF File PTI-04-06 WP29-168-15e.pdf WP29-168-15e. The performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested in the framework of type-approval or self-certification 17 May, 2016 by Eduard Fernandez


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