In-person Meeting in La Défense, France, with possibility of remote participation

Meeting information

The meeting will take place at the office of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion in Tour Séquoïa, in La Défense, France (Day 1) and Grande Arche, in La Défense (Day 2).

All questions regarding the organisation of the meeting may be sent to the following email address:

A detailed agenda will be distributed before the meeting. The provisional schedule is as follows:

  • 20 March (morning and afternoon), 9:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00.

  • 21 March (morning only), 9:30 - 12:30.

Day 1 and Day 2:

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRE-2023-09e-Rev.2.docx 21 Mar, 2024 by Romain Pessia
PDF File FADS-14-INFO.pdf (France) Access Information 18 Mar, 2024 by Francois Guichard
PDF File WP.29-192-18e.pdf (FADS) Updated report to WP.29 18 Mar, 2024 by Francois Guichard
PDF File WP.29-192-17.pdf (FADS) Status report to WP.29 18 Mar, 2024 by Francois Guichard
Microsoft Word Document FADS-14-01.docx (Co-chairs) Provisional Agenda of the 14th Meeting 18 Mar, 2024 by Francois Guichard
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation FADS-14-02.pptx (Japan) Initial Aspects on Fitness Work for ADV 18 Mar, 2024 by Francois Guichard
Microsoft Word Document FADS-14-03.docx (United Kingdom) Review of R79 for TF-FADS phase 2 18 Mar, 2024 by Francois Guichard

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