Vienna (Austria), 26-28 March 2014

Informal Documents

  File Modified
PDF File WLTP-06-33-rev1e - Minutes.pdf 14 May, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet WLTP-06-29e - Subgroup EV meeting minutes.xlsx 03 Apr, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-20-rev1e - GTR status report by DC.pptx 03 Apr, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-10-rev1e - Status report downscaling gearshifting by H Steven.pptx 03 Apr, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-32e - Validation phase 2 for additional pollutants by JRC.pdf 03 Apr, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-31e - WLTP correction algorithms by EU-COM.pptx 03 Apr, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-30e - Wind tunnel test program by PSA.pptx 03 Apr, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-26e - Starting note default RLD parameters by VW.pptx 24 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-18-rev1e - Proposal on density NMHC by ACEA.pptx 24 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-12-rev1e - Starting note wind tunnel concept by BMW.pptx 21 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-11-rev1e - Road load family concept by BMW.pptx 21 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-02-rev2e - Agenda.pdf 21 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow WLTP-06-28e - Round robin testing plan - Europe by ACEA.ppt 21 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-27e - Report on additional pollutants - ammonia _ JRC.pdf 21 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-25e - OIL 19 Alternative warming up procedure by Japan.pptx 19 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-24e - Starting note on torque meter method by TNO.pdf 18 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-23e - Starting note on onboard anemometry by TNO.pdf 18 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Word Document WLTP-06-15e - Ambient temperature correction test - gtr draft _ EU_BMW.docx 17 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-16e - OIL#41 Drive trace index by Japan.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-14e - Progress report ATCT _ EU_ACEA.pdf 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-13e - Proposal on reference speeds by AUDI.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-10e - Status report downscaling gearshifting by H Steven.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-09e - Petrol tank inlet orifices by ACEA.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-08e - Status report Utility factors _ EU_ACEA.pdf 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-07e - HEV definition _ACEA.pdf 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-06-rev1e - Provisions for Sailing _ACEA.pdf 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-05e - Note on RLD issue #12 by Japan.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Word Document WLTP-06-22e - Definitions by EU_TRL.docx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Word Document WLTP-06-21e - UN gtr corrigendum by DC.docx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-20e - GTR status report by DC.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-19e - Round robin Asian exercise by TS.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-18e - Proposal on density NMHC by ACEA.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation WLTP-06-17e - Handling of manual mode with AT by ACEA.pptx 14 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-04e.pdf HEV definition by EU-COM 04 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet WLTP-06-03e.xlsx Open Issues Table_ 25-02-2014 04 Mar, 2014 by Stephan Redmann
PDF File WLTP-06-01e Invitation 31 Jan, 2014 by Stephan Redmann


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