Release notes on the XSD files (v4.3.7) --------------------------------------- (All attributes and classes are mentioned using their XML element names) --- General changes - Added XSD files for messages I19 and I20 - Added field length restriction on TransportEquipment/ID field - Renamed XML element "FunctionCode" to "Function", in accordance with the WCO data model - Added annotations to eTIR_CodeLists.xsd to facilitate JAXB integration - Added the ContainerCode element inside Consignment - Fixed the Guarantee cardinality in I15 message from 1..1 to 0..1 - Fixed the Declaration cardinality in I16 message from 1..1 to 0..1 - Removed the type field from BinaryFile - Updated CL16 typeCode - Fixed E11 and E13 restrictedCode - Fixed the functionCode format for I15 - Updated the InterGovFunctionCodeType pattern in the DataSets - Fixed an issue with namespaces in all eTIR messages - Solved a consistency issue in the SoapAction URLs, the XSD namespaces and the targetNamespace: replaced the URN approach by a URL one - Adapted the eTIR schemas files names : * Message specific XSDs (eTIR_xxx.xsd) * Data sets XSD (eTIR_DataSets.xsd) * Code lists XSD (eTIR_CodeLists.xsd) * Metadata XSD (eTIR_Metadata.xsd)