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titleSource: European Union/Re-open EU


Mandatory quarantine: updated  list of countries and areas

The countries and areas with a high risk of infection are set down in the Covid-19 Ordinance on International Passenger Transport Measures. This list is regularly updated.

Removed from the list on 20 August 2020: Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Singapore

The newly added countries and areas are written in bold.

List valid upon arriving in Switzerland from 20 August 2020

List valid upon arriving in Switzerland between 8 August 2020 and 19 August 2020

List valid upon arriving in Switzerland between 23 July 2020 and 7 August 2020

List valid upon arriving in Switzerland between 6 July 2020 and 22 July 2020




Travelling to Switzerland
Travelling from EU/EAA countries, including the United Kingdom, is in principle allowed.

All travellers entering Switzerland from countries or regions that are defined as Covid risk areas will have to quarantine for 10 days. The Federal Office of Public Health keeps a list of countries concerned, which is updated regularly.

As of 8.8.20, Luxembourg, Romania and Spain (with the exception of the Balearic and Canary Islands) are defined as Covid risk areas.

Travelling from Switzerland or returning to Switzerland
From the beginning of the pandemic, the Swiss Government has been advising against non-urgent travel abroad. This advice has gradually been lifted for a selection of countries.

Currently, the following countries are exempt from the general advice against non-urgent travel abroad: countries in the Schengen area, United Kingdom, Andorra, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, Romania, Rwanda, San Marino, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Urugay, Vatican/Holy See.

If you re-enter Switzerland having at any point in the past 14 days spent time in a state or area defined as a Covid risk area, you must immediately go to your home or to other suitable accommodation, where you must stay for 10 days from the day of your arrival. Also, you have to report your arrival to the responsible cantonal authority within two days, and follow its instructions. The list of countries and territories with increased covid-infection risks is defined and regularly updated in a Federal Act. 

Following the EU council recommendations, entry restrictions are lifted for a selection of third countries. It currently concerns: Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunesia, and Urugay, and the EU states outside the Schengen area (Bulgaria, Ireland, Croatia, Romania, and Cyprus). China is also expected to be removed from the list in line with the EU recommendations, provided it guarantees reciprocal rights of entry to people travelling from Switzerland.

An updated list of States and areas with an increased risk of infection is available at

Rules and Exceptions
Entry restrictions have been lifted for residents of EU/EEA countries (including UK), as well as for their family members (irrespective of their nationality).
Travellers that are required to go into quarantine willl be notified during the flight, on board of coaches and at border crossings. They will have to register with the cantonal authorities within two days after arrival, and follow their instructions. Airline and travel companies will be instructed not to transport sick passengers.
For updated information, also see the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) FAQs

Links to national sources

Source: Driving abroad

titleSource: Federal Office of Transport FOT







  •         Borders with Schengen states are open again.

  •       Full free movement of persons with EU/EFTA States and the UK (Press release)

  •       Travel ban to Switzerland:  For third-country (non Schengen) nationals who do not have rights of free movement, entry restrictions continue to apply.


  •    Granting of Schengen and national visas is suspended (exception: emergency situations and healthcare specialists).

  •          Green Lanes were used to transport priority goods as well as by persons working in health care or emergency services.

  •          All border crossings are open again.

  •          Ordonnance 3 du 19 juin 2020 sur les mesures destinées à lutter contre le coronavirus (COVID-19)


  • Rail: international passenger traffic is gradually returning to normal operation (FR, DE, AT: from mid May; IT: regional traffic from mid June, long distance from 29 June)
    (Press release)
  • Restriction on international flights to enter Switzerland only via Zürich, Geneva and Basel airport has been lifted.



Travel ban to Switzerland from Italy, Germany, France and Austria

End date: not available

Further information:

titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union


As of  27 June, Swiss public transport has returned to standard timetables, with the recommendation for passengers to wear face masks at peak times.

On 15 June, borders with EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein and the UK were opened, and the fines imposed on people doing cross-border shopping lifted. Travel between Switzerland and a country that is not part of the Schengen Area is still not allowed. Provided they can prove their status with official documentation, the following categories are exempted from the provision:

  • Swiss citizens.
  • Holders of a travel document (e.g. a passport or identity card) and
    • a residence permit, i.e. a Swiss residence permit (L / B / C / Ci permits)
    • a cross-border permit (G permit; only for work-related purposes)
    • an FDFA legitimation card
    • a D visa issued by Switzerland
    • a C visa issued by Switzerland after 16 March 2020 in a valid exceptional case
    • a C visa issued by Switzerland in order to work on a short-term contract
    • an assurance of a residence permit from a cantonal migration authority or an entry permit with a visa issued by Switzerland (an employment contract is not sufficient to cross the Swiss border. Persons with an assurance of a residence permit may enter Switzerland at the earliest three days before the date on which assurance becomes valid).
  • Holders of a refugee’s travel document issued by Switzerland and a valid residence or permanent residence permit or a valid F permit.
  • Individuals who have rights of free movement.
  • People transiting through Switzerland to another country that they can enter.
  • People in a situation of special necessity. The border control authority will assess the necessity of such situation.
  • Specialists in the healthcare sector who need to enter Switzerland for important work-related reasons and who hold a confirmation of notification, an assurance of a residence permit or an entry permit with a visa issued by Switzerland.

As of 15 June, all border crossing points are open; both private and commercial transport is allowed. Goods drivers are allowed to operate to, from and through Switzerland if they have a bill of lading.

More information can be found here.

Source: Swiss government



On 1 April, the Swiss Federal Department of Justice notified the extension of border controls until 24 April. The prolongation involves borders with all Schengen states except land and air borders with France, Italy, Spain, Austria and Germany, which have been prolonged separately. Borders with the Principality of Liechtenstein are also exempted from the provision.

Therefore the current duration of border controls is as follows:

  • All air borders except from air borders with Liechtenstein:
    25 March 2020 – 24 April 2020
  • Air borders with Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Austria:
    18 March 2020 – 17 April 2020
  • Land borders with France, Germany and Austria:
    16 March – 15 April 2020
  • Land border with Italy:
    13 March – 12 April 2020

Source: Swiss Federal Department of Justice and European Commission



Entry by road on the Swiss territory from Italy, France, Germany, and Austria is limited to Swiss citizens, Swiss residents and people entering for professional reasons. Only major border crossings are open for movements of persons.

International freight transport is not affected by these measures, and all border crossing points are open for freight movements. Green lanes are also in place at some border crossings for import, export and transit of medical products, foodstuff, fuel supplies, and post. List of border crossings equipped with green lanes for freight transport is available here.

Sources: ASTAG and Federal Customs Administration