- European Investment Bank: Sharing PPP experience (EPEC)
- Study on PPP Legal & Financial Frameworks in the Mediterranean Partner Countries
- Étude sur les cadres juridique et financier des PPP dans les pays partenaires méditerranéens
- National Policy on Public Private Partnership for Health in Nigeria
- Lessons from PPP projects in the Caribbean
- New South Wales Government guidelines for privately financed projects
- Partnerships Victoria guidance for Public Sector Comparators
- UK Treasury / Office of Government Commerce guidance on Competitive Dialogue Procedure (2008)
- UK Treasury new approach to the Public Private Partnerships (2012)
- UK Treasury / Infrastructure UK infrastructure procurement routemap
- UK Treasury guidance on making savings in operational PFI projects
- UK National Audit Office lessons from PFI and other projects
- Queensland Government project assurance framework: preliminary evaluation
- Australian Government PPP Business Case Development Guidance
- Queensland Government PPP guidance material
- New South Wales Government guidelines for risk allocation and commercial principles
- Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Spain - Lessons from UK PFI projects
- The New Royal Children’s Hospital — a public private partnership
An Overview of Public Private Partnerships in Health (Harvard School of Public Health)
Public Private Partnership in Canadian Healthcare - A Case Study of the Brampton Civic Hospital
- A preliminary reflection on the best practice in PPP in the Healthcare Sector: A review of different PPP Case Studies and experiences
- EPEC report on the establishment and reform of EPEC member PPP units
- UK Parliamentary research paper on the Private Finance Initiative (2001)
- WHO report on Public-Private Partnerships in Hospitals (2006)
- The performance and management of hospital PFI contracts (2010)
- Best practice in design of public-private partnerships (PPPs) for social infrastructure, particularly in healthcare and education (2012)
- Health and economic analysis for an evaluation of the public-private partnerships in health care delivery across Europe (2014)
- IFC Lessons from our work in infrastructure, health and education (2010)
- The search for Integrated Healthcare - The Alzira model, from the region of Valencia (2011)
- Wilton Park: Public-private investment partnerships in health systems; Strengthening (2008)
- A case study of the Pelonomi and Universitas hospital co-location project (2007)
- Breaking new ground: P3 hospitals in Canada (2011)
- Civitas report - PFI - Still the only game in town? (2012)
- UK National Audit Office paper for the Lords Economic Affairs Committee: Private Finance Projects (2009)
- UK National Audit Office report: PFI: Construction Performance (2003)
- UK Treasury Select Committe Review of the Private Finance Initiative (2011)
- Grimsey, D. and Lewis, M., Public Private Partnerships and Public Procurement, Agenda, 2007
- Seungwoo Son: Legal analysis on Public-Private Partnerships Regarding Model PPP Rules, 2012
- Dennis A Rondinelli: Partnering for Development: Government-Private Sector Cooperation in Service Provision
- UNDP toolkit for pro-poor Municipal PPPs
- European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC) PPP Guide 2015
- European Commission Guidelines for Successful Public-Private Partnerships (2003)
- UCSF / Global Health Group: PPP programme
- Mitchell / Harvard School of Public Health: An Overview of Public-Private Partnerships in Health
- European Commission: Health and Economic Analysis for an evaluation of the public-private partnerships in healthcare delivery across the EU (2013)
- Asian Development Bank: Guidebook on Public-Private Partnership in Hospital Management