Table of contents
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1. Objectives
Project purpose
The purpose of this project is to develop a UNECE standard or standards reflecting international best practice in PPPs for variable on-grid renewable energy development (wind and solar). These standards will assist governments in the establishment of national targets and legal, regulatory, commercial and policy frameworks for variable renewable energy development.
Project scope
Governments have been confronted with the difficulty to identify the right projects or the right PPP models from successful international PPP experience that can be used as a basis for their own programmes. Access to international best practices is a remedy against repeating common mistakes and building efficiency into national PPP programmes.
In order to develop a PPP standard or standards, the project will assess different models of PPPs for variable on-grid renewable energy development pertaining to different project scales (small, medium and large), using the Project Team members’ experience in markets where PPPs are used to deliver renewable energy services.
In addition, the Project Team will focus on policy, more precisely, on how a robust PPP variable renewable energy programme aligns with a country’s general energy policy ( with an energy for all optic ) , and will recommend best practice for the establishment and management of such programme within the wider energy framework of a country. Due to the variable nature of wind and solar energy it is important for the wider energy policy and framework to incorporate a careful analysis and management of additional factors such as back-up generation, system modification and grid accessibility for variable energy . The Project Team will also, were possible, focus on those PPP projects that failed to deliver, and will look at the factors that contributed to these failures.
2. References