Hybrid, Bonn/Webconference, 2023-03-08 & 09

Informal Documents

  File Modified
PDF File AVSR-09-06e - (SAE) J3134_201905_SECURED.pdf SAE has provided view-only access to UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations for internal review/reference puposes only.! 17 Mar, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster
Microsoft Word Document AVSR-09-05e - (Secretary) Draft report 9th meeting, Hybrid, 2023-03-8_9.docx 17 Mar, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster
Microsoft Word Document AVSR-09-05_Rev.1e - (Secretary) Draft revised report 9th meeting, Hybrid, 2023-03-8_9.docx 30 Mar, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster
Microsoft Word Document AVSR-09-04e - (Chair) UN-R48 - First ideas for ADS Marker Lamp.docx 07 Mar, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster
Microsoft Word Document AVSR-09-03e - (Chair) UN-R148 - First ideas for ADS-specifications.docx 07 Mar, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster
Microsoft Word Document AVSR-09-02e - (Chair) Questions to and answers from CPs.docx 07 Mar, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster
Microsoft Word Document AVSR-09-01e - (Chair) Draft agenda 9th meeting, Hybrid, 2023-03-8_9.docx 07 Feb, 2023 by Lukas Schwenkschuster

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