21-23 January 2020, Washington D.C. (USA) @ U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 

To register: please complete the "cybersecurity attendee information info document" and send this to the Task Force secretariat. This will then be sent on to the US DoT. 

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document _ Cybersecurity attendee security info.docx 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
PDF File _ Visiting DOT logistics 2019.pdf 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-02e.docx Official GRVA working document - Draft Cyber Security Regulation (00 Series) 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-03e.docx Official GRVA working document - Draft Cyber Security Regulation (01 Series) 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-04e.docx Official GRVA working document - Draft Software Update Regulation 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-05e.docx Official GRVA working document - Draft RXSWIN template for amending relevant UN Regulations 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-06e.docx Official GRVA working document - Report on Test Phase 18 Dec, 2019 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-01rev5 (Chair) Agenda.docx 20 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-01rev6 (Chair) Agenda.docx 21 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-02rev1 (Chair) Minutes of TFCS 16.docx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-02rev2 (Chair) Minutes of TFCS 16.docx 21 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-03 (IMMA UK) Wording for automated L6L7 in CS Regualtion.docx 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-04 (Chair) update to TFCS-15-28 Interpretation document CS.docx 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-05 (NL) Proposal_Requirements_for_Technical_Services_005.docx 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
PDF File TFCS 17-06 (NL) text of 1958 convention_rev3.pdf 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-07 (Chair) Software update resolution text proposal - clean.docx 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-08 (Chair) Software update resolution text proposal - content reviewed by chair.docx 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-09 (Chair) Interpretation document SU - updated.docx 07 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-09rev1 (Sec) Interpretation document SU - updated.docx Draft Interpretation Document for Software Update Regulation after Day 3 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-09rev2 (Sec) Interpretation document SU - after TFCS-17 - cleaned.docx Draft Interpretation Document for Software Update Regulation - after TFCS-17 - cleaned 28 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
PDF File TFCS 17-10 (DoT) ensuring american leadership av4.pdf 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-11 (DEKRA) proposed amendments to CS regulation.docx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-12 (Aftermarket) Proposed CS_Amendments to WP29-GRVA-2020-03.docx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-13 (Aftermarket) UNECE_Cybersecurity_process_description.docx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-14 (EC DE) proposed amendments to ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-03.docx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-14rev1 (EC DE) proposed amendments to ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-03 rev1.docx 17 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet TFCS 17-15 (ISO SAE) Comparison of UN-Reg-CS with ISO SAE 21434 and coherence check.xlsx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet TFCS 17-16rev1 (OICA) Comparison_00_01Series_rev3_OICA.xlsx 16 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-17 (OICA) Q&A UN Regulation on cyber security V3.docx 15 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-18 (NL) Statement_00-01_RDW001.docx 16 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet TFCS 17-19 (NL) Comparison_00_01Series_Japan_rev1_nl002.xlsx 16 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-20 (Chair) WP29-GRVA-2020-3 cyber regulation with all proposed amendments.docx 20 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-20rev1 (Sec) WP29-GRVA-2020-3 cyber regulation with all proposed amendments.docx Cyber security Draft Regulation after Day 1 22 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-20rev2 (Sec) WP29-GRVA-2020-3 cyber regulation with all proposed amendments.docx Cyber security Draft Regulation after Day 2 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-20rev3 (Sec) Draft Cyber Security Regulation after TFCS-17 (without Annex 5 reviewed) - cleaned version.docx Clean version of the proposed Cyber Security Regulation. Only Annex 5 is not reviewed 27 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-21 (Chair) Technical Requirements for Cyber Security for CSOTA17.docx 16 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-22 (Chair) Technical Requirements for Software Updates for CSOTA17.docx 16 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-23rev1 (Chair) software WP29-GRVA-2020-4 - with suggested amendments.docx 20 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-23rev2 (Sec) software WP29-GRVA-2020-4 - with suggested amendments.docx Draft Software Update Regulation after Day 3 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-23rev3 (Sec) Draft Software Update Regulation after TFCS-17 - cleaned version.docx Clean version of the software update process Regulation after TFCS-17 27 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-24rev1 (Aftermarket - FIGIEFA) Proposed CS_Amendments_regulation to WP29-GRVA-2020 03e.docx 20 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-25rev1 (Aftermarket - FIGIEFA) Proposed CS_Amendments_resolution to TFCS 16-32(Chair).docx 20 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-26 (CITA) Proposal_software_update_amendments.docx 17 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-27 (Aftermarket - FIGIEFA) Proposed SU_Amendments to WP29-GRVA-2020 04e.docx 20 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet TFCS 17-28 (Chair) Tracker of requested amendments.xlsx 21 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-29 (Japan) Comments on TFCS 17-12 (Aftermarket) Proposed CS_Amendments to WP29-GRVA-2020-03.docx 21 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-30 (Japan) Comment on TFCS 17-11 (DEKRA) proposed amendments to CS regulation.docx 21 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-17-31 (Republic of Korea) Cyber Security Guideline for Vehicles.pptx 21 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-32 (Republic of Korea) Functional Requirements for cyber security of vehicles.docx 21 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-33 (Republic of Korea) Comments on ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2020-03e.docx 21 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-17-34 (OICA) Proposal on the Threat and Mitigation tables in Annex 5 V2.pptx 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-17-35 (ISO) TC22SC32WG11-UNECE_LiaisonReport.pptx 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFCS-17-36 (OICA) Principle of 00 01 series.pptx 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-37 (OICA) Proposed amendments to Annex5_V1.docx 23 Jan, 2020 by Jens Schenkenberger
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-17-37rev1 (OICA) Proposed amendments to Annex5_V2 after webex.docx Updated annex 5 as agreed during Webex 29 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-38 (Sec) Amendments to GRVA-2020-4 Software Update Regulation after TFCS-17.docx Proposed paper to be presented to GRVA on amendments to the software update process Regulation 27 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley
Microsoft Word Document TFCS 17-39 (Sec) Draft Cyber Security Regulation - final clean version.docx 30 Jan, 2020 by Darren Handley

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