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PDF File Arup_Do_PPP_Hospitals_Support_Long_Term_Health_Service_Needs_Katie_Wood.pdf 4.61 MB Peter Ward 15 Jan, 2015 16:09
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Arup research paper: Do PPP Hospitals support long term service needs?
PDF File build-and-beyond Healthcare PPPs.pdf 2.69 MB Peter Ward 02 Sep, 2014 18:57
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PWC report on UK healthcare PPP
PDF File Design_brief_framework.pdf 879 kB Peter Ward 12 Sep, 2014 16:55
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UK Dept of Health guidance on PPP Schemes (1999): Design Brief Framework
PDF File dh_4021127.pdf 101 kB Peter Ward 12 Sep, 2014 16:53
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UK Dept of Health guidance on PPP Schemes (1999): Overview
PDF File dh_4108142.pdf 306 kB Peter Ward 12 Sep, 2014 16:53
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UK Dept of Health guidance on PPP Schemes (1999): Selection & preparation of schemes
PDF File dh_4108143.pdf 310 kB Peter Ward 12 Sep, 2014 16:54
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UK Dept of Health guidance on PPP Schemes (1999): PFI procurement process
PDF File dh_4108144.pdf 565 kB Peter Ward 12 Sep, 2014 16:54
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UK Dept of Health guidance on PPP Schemes (1999): technical issues
PDF File EU PPP assessment study.pdf 385 kB Peter Ward 02 Sep, 2014 12:26
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EU assessment of PPP project lessons
PDF File Handshake_Issue_3.pdf 5.32 MB Peter Ward 02 Sep, 2014 18:56
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IFC quarterly journal - Healthcare PPPs
PDF File HA PPP Intro Guide.pdf 5.63 MB Peter Ward 24 Feb, 2015 18:33
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Hong Kong PPP guidance for clinical projects
PDF File isabelle wachsmuth WHO PPP presentation oct13.pdf 1.24 MB Peter Ward 02 Sep, 2014 12:44
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WHO presentation to PPP TOS october 13
PDF File MM PPP Projects - Investors Considerations.pdf 51 kB Peter Ward 17 Sep, 2014 10:58
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JS notes on investor considerations
PDF File NAO report march 2015.pdf 739 kB Peter Ward 26 Mar, 2015 11:32
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UK National Audit Office report on PFI value for money, Mar 15
PDF File P0001 Project_Proposal_PPPs_in_Health_Policy_brief_v4.pdf 133 kB Claudio MEZA 14 Jul, 2014 16:40 Project proposal briefing
PDF File P0001 Project_Proposal_PPPs_in_Health_Policy.pdf 53 kB Claudio MEZA 14 Jul, 2014 16:39 Project proposal
PDF File PPP Healthcare Policy Project-Public Review Comments Log.pdf 172 kB Claudio MEZA 05 Aug, 2015 19:08
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PPP Healthcare Policy Project-Public Review Comments Log
Microsoft Word Document PPP Healthcare Policy Project-Public Review Comments Template.docx 29 kB Claudio MEZA 10 Jul, 2015 23:18
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UNECE PPPs in Health Policy Draft Standard – Public Review template for comments and observations
PDF File PPP Policy aa book extract.pdf 991 kB Peter Ward 15 Oct, 2014 15:32
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Extract from Alessandro Abati's book - PPP policy
PDF File Treasury - PFI Strenghtening long term partnerships.pdf 606 kB Peter Ward 09 Sep, 2014 17:09
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UK Treasury: PFI: Strengthening long-term partnerships
Microsoft Word Document UNECE healthcare PPP standard - Public Review - v1.0.docx 73 kB Claudio MEZA 13 Jul, 2015 10:46
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UNECE healthcare PPP standard - Public Review - v1.0 - MS Word
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