On March 31, Viet Nam Prime Minister signed a directive rolling out urgent measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the directive, Viet Nam will go into nationwide social distancing within 15 days, starting from April 1. Viet Nam still maintains circulation of goods, especially necessary commodities and medical supplies, safe manufacturing, and export activities. Specific information can be obtained through: http://news.chinhphu.vn/Home/Briefed-introduction-to-nationwide-social-distancing/20204/39497.vgp
Land borders between Viet Name and Laos PDR/Cambodia are closed. Vietnam and China have agreed to reopen border crossings to ease restrictions and normalize trade.  https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnam-business-operations-and-the-coronavirus-updates.html/
Passenger rail link between China and Viet Nam have been suspended. Freight continues.  https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnam-business-operations-and-the-coronavirus-updates.html/

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