
Third-country nationals

Non-essential travel to and from “third countries” remains largely prohibited and it is allowed only for essential reasons or for those with a permanent residency in Island or within the EU/Schengen Area. Foreign nationals, who are neither EU/EEA nor EFTA nationals, therefore continue not to be allowed to enter Iceland unless they can demonstrate that their travel is essential.

However, Iceland has lifted travel restrictions for residents of twelve states outside the EU/Schengen Area in line with the decision of EU Member States.

For further details please visit Coronavirus informations



Travelling to Iceland
Travelling from Denmark, Norway, Finland and Germany is allowed without restrictions until 18/8.

From 19/8all countries and territories of the world are classified as risk areas.

Travelling from Iceland or returning to Iceland
Inhabitants of Iceland are advised not to travel to risk areas.

From areas classified as risky, Icelandic citizens and residents of Iceland who choose to be tested will have to take special precautions during the first five days after arrival in Iceland, until they can be tested for the second time. These precautions are specified at: Special precautions on arrival in Iceland.
Those with a negative test are no longer required to take special precautions, while those with a positive test must self-isolate.

Rules and Exceptions
All passengers arriving in Iceland from high-risk areas can choose to be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival or to undergo a quarantine for two weeks. Children born in 2005 or later, as well as passengers not arriving from areas defined as "high risk" of infection, are exempted from both testing and quarantine.

Mandatory Travel Documentation
Passengers are required to fill out a pre-registration form before departure to Iceland, which requires to provide personal details and contact information, flight information, travel dates, address(es) during their stay in Iceland and information on countries they have visited before arrival. Passengers are also encouraged to download and use the COVID-19 app Rakning C-19, which contains important information on COVID-19 and how to contact the health care service in Iceland.

Links to national sources

Documents you need to travel in Europe

Source: https://reopen.europa.eu/en/map/ISL


Iceland has introduced various health and safety measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Most of the measures are aimed at residents of Iceland and have to do with social distancing
and public gatherings. The Icelandic government has published useful information regarding
health and safety measures, public announcements and statistic on COVID-19 in Iceland in
several languages on the website www.covid.is

Iceland Revenue and Customs has adjusted its work environment and modus operandi to
comply with the measures introduced by the government. This includes restructuring the
work stations to comply with mandatory social distancing and partial ban on public
gatherings. Up until 4 May 2020 a maximum of 20 people can gather in any given place,
including workplaces (with some exceptions). No movement between work stations and
designated 20 person compartments is allowed. All business travel has been
cancelled/postponed until further notice.

Operating procedures regarding responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of customs
clearance and enforcement have been issued as well as plans regarding continuity of

The Icelandic government has not introduced any additional import restriction on imported
goods due to the pandemic. However, Iceland has introduced additional export restrictions
on medical supplies and equipment in collaboration with the European Union and several
European countries. For further information please see EU regulation 2020/402 of 14 March
2020, Iceland’s implementation regulation on the multi-national cooperation on export
restrictions on medical equipment No. 301/2020 and an amendment to the Icelandic law on
medicine, No. 13/2020.

The Icelandic government has introduced several economic measures to support the private
sector. Many of the measures are available in English at the Prime Ministers homepage. The
most useful measures for importers and exporters are the amendments to the current
settlement system for import charges. The new economic measures allow importers to split
the current bimonthly payment into two payments. For example, all import charges for
January and February, can have two due dates, 15 March and 5 April.

Air Traffic has dropped radically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The passenger air traffic
through the international airport has decreased enormously and has led to less air cargo both
in import and export. Iceland can however rely on scheduled air-cargo flights and special air
cargo flights. We have not recognized changes in the maritime transport. No major changes
have taken place regarding the clearance speed since the outbreak of the pandemic.
