ECE/TRAN/2005/124/10 - Notification regarding the establishment of UN GTR No. 10 in the Global Registry (English/French)

1st status report (deadline 23.08.2010)
Canada (received 11.01.2010)PDFPDF
India (received 20.08.2010)PDFPDF
Japan (received 24.08.2010)PDFPDF
2nd status report (deadline 23.08.2011)

Japan (received 19.08.2011)PDFPDF
3rd status report (deadline 23.08.2012)

India (received 06.12.2011)PDFPDF
Japan (received 21.08.2012)PDFPDF
4th status report (deadline 23.08.2013)

Russian Federation (received 05.10.2012)PDF (Russian)PDF (Russian)

PDF (English)
European Community (received 21.02.2013)PDFPDF (final notification)
Japan (received 17.07.2013)PDFPDF
5th status report (deadline 23.08.2014)

Republic of Korea (received 30.04.2014)PDFPDF
Canada (received 03.06.2014)PDFPDF
Japan (received 19.08.2014)PDFPDF
Turkey (received 17.07.2014)PDFPDF (final notification)
6th status report (deadline 23.08.2015)

Australia (20.11.2014)PDFPDF (final notification)
Canada (received 23.06.2015)PDFPDF
USA (received 19.06.2015)PDFPDF
Japan (received 27.08.2015)PDFPDF (final notification)
7th status report (deadline 23.08.2016)

Russian Federation (received 03.11.2015)PDFPDF
8th status report (deadline 23.08.2017)

Russian Federation (received 30.11.2016)PDFPDF (Russian)
Republic of Korea (received 01.02.2017)PDFPDF
8th status report (deadline 23.08.2018)

Russian Federation (received 09/10/2017)PDF

PDF (English)

PDF (Russian)
Republic of Korea (received 13.05.2018)PDFPDF
Canada (received 07.03.2018)PDFPDF
India (received 30.07.18)PDFPDF
Turkey (received 28.06.18)PDFPDF (final notification)
9th status report (deadline 23.08.2019)

People's Republic of China (received 12.11.18)---PDF (Non-official status report)
Russian Federation (received 17.06.19)PDF

PDF (English - final notification)

PDF (Russian - final notification)

Canada (received 26.07.19)PDFPDF
10th status report (deadline 23.08.20)

11th status report (deadline 23.08.21)

Canada (received 07.05.2021)PDFPDF
12th status report (deadline 23.08.22)

Russian Federation (received 04.06.21)PDFPDF (Status report)