WebEx, 19 November 2021 

Meeting number (access code): 2613 944 7718
Meeting password: 8uEmMmWNG83

Direct link: https://unece.webex.com/unece/j.php?MTID=m7ce4c3f91aeda26d82c9e9b41f194461 

Informal Documents

*) Document available online: https://www.undocs.org/ECE/TRANS/2021/15

Other documents mentioned during the meeting:

GRVA-11-23 (French Decree on automated vehicles’ conditions of use and automated road transport systems’ commissioning - overview) https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2021-09/GRVA-11-23e.pdf
GRVA-11-38 (France - Grand Défi Program on “Trustworthy & Industrial AI”) https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2021-09/GRVA-11-38e.pdf