10th session of the Working Party on Land Administration

8 - 9 March 2017

Geneva, Switzerland

10 am - Palais de Nations, Room VII

The Tenth Session of the Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) will provide an international platform for a high-level exchange on issues related to land administration and management. At the Session on 8-9 March, representatives of the UNECE member States will review the work of the WPLA in 2015 since the Ninth Session and 2016 and will discuss how the UNECE can continue to work to improve land management and land administration practices throughout its region. Also, the event will incorporate the needs and priorities of land administration in the UNECE region in support of Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda. 

The Session will have simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Russian.

Registration (https://www2.unece.org/uncdb/app/ext/meeting-registration?id=EszCCY