ECE/TRAN/2005/124/19 - Notification regarding the establishment of UN GTR No. 19 in the Global Registry (English/French)

ECE/TRAN/2005/124/19/Amend.1 - Notification regarding the establishment of Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 19 in the Global Registry (English/French)

 1st status report (deadline 20.08.2018)

Republic of Korea (received 13.05.2018)PDFPDF
India (received 30.07.18)PDFPDF
Turkey (received 28.06.18)PDFPDF
Japan (received 02.08.18)PDFPDF
People's Republic of China (received 12.11.18)---PDF (Non-official status report)
1st status report (deadline 19.08.2019) Email/letterDocument
Russian Federation (received 17.06.19)PDF

PDF (English - final notification)

PDF (Russian - final notification)