11.1.1     After closing the CTU, the packer should ensure that all closures are properly engaged and secured. If the doors are locked, the means of locking should be such that, in case of emergency, they can be opened without delay. Where CTUs have hinged or detachable fittings, a check should be made that they are properly secured, with no loose equipment likely to cause a hazard during transport.

11.1.2     When required, the shipper should ensure that CTUs in international transport be sealed immediately upon completion of the packing with a seal bearing a unique identification number. Countries may require that such seals meet the standard of ISO 17712.

11.1.3     Where security devices, beacons or other tracking or monitoring equipment are used, they should be securely installed to the CTU and, when equipped with a source of energy, they should be of a certified safe type. It should be noted that, where applicable, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) specifies that during sea transport no sources of ignition be present in enclosed cargo spaces where highly flammable dangerous goods are stowed.