Table of contents


The purpose of this project is to develop a UNECE standard reflecting international best practices in PPP programs with the objective of creating a policy document guiding governments in the selection process of a PPP model and in general achieving:

a) increased confidence in PPP as a viable procurement option; and

b) high success rates of airport PPP projects worldwide.

Project leader & editor

Project leaderTo be nominated

Project information

Stage statusODP StageODP NameStage start date Stage end dateMeetings / MinutesRelevant documents
(tick)1Project initiation1 February 201528 February 2015 

Project proposal

(tick)2Stakeholder mobilization1 March 201531 March 2015


(warning)3Developing initial draft1 April 201531 May 2015Meetings and minutes 
 4Public review1 June 201530 September 2015  
 5Endorsement1 October 201531 October 2015  
 6Approval1 November 201530 November 2015  

Extra budgetary resources

Trust Fund Amount




Budget Summary




Focal Point


Organization / Company

BelarusDzmitry BerazouskiHead of the PPP Unit, Ministry of Economy
NetherlandsAndri van Mens

Senior Policy Officer Infrastructure, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Russian FederationHafiz Salikovvice-Chairperson, TOS PPP


Relevant documents


  File Locked By Modified
PDF File P0004 Project_Proposal_Standards_on_Airport_PPP.pdf Project proposal 02 Mar, 2015 by Claudio MEZA
PDF File 236899332-PPP-Reference-Guide.pdf 02 Jun, 2015 by Thomas Frankl


Contacts and members

Project leader

To be nominated

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How to participate

 To participate please contact TOS-PPP Secretariat



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