Table of contents
1. Project purpose
The purpose of the project is to develop a UNECE standard on zero tolerance to
corruption in PPP procurement. More specifically, its aim is to develop a
universal standard to be voluntarily implemented in legislation in member
States in order to reach progressively a zero tolerance objective in PPP
procurement. The project will provide a unique contribution in the area of PPP
procurement, adding value to the work of and developed in close cooperation
with, other major bodies dealing with anti-corruption programmes.
2. Project scope
The project will focus on corruption issues and risks which are more specific to the procurement of PPP.
The scope will be limited to the situations where a private investor/operator is bidding for designing, financing, building or rehabilitating and operating a public infrastructure asset and compensated by the income deriving from its operation, by the public authority, by the users of the service or by a mix of the two.
3. Project deliverables
The project deliverable is a UNECE standard preventing corruption in PPP procurement.
The proposed standard will cover the following topics: governance; integrity; efficiency; choice of procurement method; procurement steps; bidders information; confidentiality; corruption practices; compliance; debarment; auctioning concert; judicial review; transparency in publication and circulation of the information.
Project Methodology
- After various exchanges on a list of practical issues to be addressed, an in-depth research will be carried out for a significant number of projects around the world (including in developing countries and emerging economies).
- A review of the related institutional and regulatory framework governing these projects at a country and international level including, as appropriate, the impact of treaties, NGOs and international organizations will be undertaken.
- A gap analysis will be carried out between existing local and international regulations and their practice and practical issues identified for the project analysed in order to identify situations where universal standards would be the most desirable to prevent or fight corruption.
- For those situations, undertake to formulate comprehensive best practices.
- Thereafter, undertake to summarize those best practices into a draft standard or standards to be considered by the UNECE for becoming international UNECE PPP standards.
- Since the matter is very complex and since standards must remain as clear and as simple as possible, it is envisaged that some guiding principles for interpretation and implementation of standards will also be proposed in order to maximize the chances of voluntary and efficient implementation of future UNECE standards by member States.
4. Geographical focus
The focus is global.
5. Project Team membership and required functional expertise
Membership is open to experts with broad knowledge in the area of PPPs and especially in low and middle income countries.
6. Project leadership
Project Leader: | Marc FRILET | |
Editor: |
7. Resource requirements
Participants in the project shall provide resources for their own
participation. The existence and functioning of the project shall not require
any additional resources from the UNECE secretariat.
8. Timetable
ODP Step | ODP Name | Estimated Completion Date | Comment |
1 | Project initiation | 2014 June |
2 | Stakeholder mobilization | 2014 October |
3 | Developing the initial draft | 2014 November |
4 | Public review | 2015 January |
5 | Endorsement | 2015 March |
6 | Approval | 2015 April |
7 | Maintenance |
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