- Created by Tim Guiting, last modified on 08 Mar, 2019
DETA 35th session, Paris, 20 June 2019
Informal Documents
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document DETA-35-01e.doc Provisional agenda. | 28 May, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document DETA-35-01e rev01.doc Revised provisional agenda. | 19 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document DETA-35-02e.doc Draft minutes from 34th session. | 08 Mar, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document DETA-35-02e rev01.doc Revised draft minutes from 34th session. | 11 Mar, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-03e.docx Draft minutes from Drafting Group session on DoC and UI. | 17 Apr, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
PDF File DETA-35-04e - status by T-Systems.pdf Drafting Group session on DoC and UI: DETA status - by software house. | 17 Apr, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
PDF File DETA-35-05e - DoC by JAMA.pdf Drafting Group session on DoC and UI: DoC - by JAMA. | 17 Apr, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
PDF File DETA-35-06e - DoC by T-Systems.pdf Drafting Group session on DoC and UI: DoC - by software house. | 17 Apr, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
PDF File DETA-35-07e - UI by T-Systems.pdf Drafting Group session on DoC and UI: UI - by software house. | 17 Apr, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
PDF File DETA-35-08e - Draft Proposal OICA and Price Estimation TypMaster DD Enhancements-2019.pdf Prepared by software house. | 28 May, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-09e - Guidelines Unique Identifier.docx Guidelines for the application of the Unique Identifier. | 28 May, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-09e rev1 - Guidelines Unique Identifier.docx Guidelines for the application of the Unique Identifier, revised during DETA-35. | 21 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-10e - UI QA.docx Q&A on the Unique Identifier - starting document prepared by OICA/JAMA. | 28 May, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-11e - UI QA_After SLR-30.docx Q&A on the Unique Identifier - comments on the starting document by SLR group. | 28 May, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-12e - draft amendments to R0 .docx Draft proposal for amendments to R0. | 03 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation DETA-35-13e.pptx Draft report from IWG on DETA to WP-178 session. | 19 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation DETA-35-13e rev1.pptx Report from IWG on DETA to WP-178 session, revised during DETA-35. | 21 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-14e Draft Proposal DoC - Chapter UPLOAD_v1.docx by CITA: Draft-Specification of DoC, Chapter “Upload VIN”. | 20 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
Microsoft Word Document DETA-35-15e - DRAFT Proposal DOC-TechSpecs.docx by CITA, DoC specs Draft Proposal. | 21 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
PDF File GRE-81-20e.pdf Comments by GRE on UI marking. | 21 Jun, 2019 by Tim Guiting | |
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