India (Pune), 8-9 Oct + Audio-Web, 13 Sep 2013

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document EPPR-04-13e.docx Draft minutes Pune meeting 09 Dec, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-12e.pdf Questions by China on EVAP 09 Oct, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-11e.pdf India - Revised Proposal for structure of GTR and UN R's + position on proposals discussed during teleconference (13th Sep 2013) 07 Oct, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-10e.pdf EC presentation covering agenda items 5 and 6 06 Oct, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-09e.pdf presentation from TRL and Ecorys on the development of the EU’s proposals and the IA 04 Oct, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-08e.pdf Japan update domestic regulation 04 Oct, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
Microsoft Word 97 Document EPPR-04-07e.doc Agenda India meeting 02 Oct, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
Microsoft Word 97 Document EPPR-04-06e.doc EC working paper: evap+crankcase 24 Sep, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-05e.pdf presentation + conclusions audio-web 24 Sep, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
Microsoft Word 97 Document EPPR-04-02e.doc Invitation audio-web 13 Sep 13 Sep, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
Microsoft Word 97 Document EPPR-04-04e.doc audio-web userguide 12 Sep, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
PDF File EPPR-04-03e.pdf Presentation Chaiman for audio-web meeting 12 Sep, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen
Microsoft Word 97 Document EPPR-04-01e.doc Invitation_India (Pune) 02 Jul, 2013 by Thomas Vercammen


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