- Created by Ryuzo Oshita, last modified on 27 Mar, 2015
Berlin, June 19, 2015
Informal Documents
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document IWVTA-18-01.doc Minutes of the 18th session of IWVTA Informal Group transmitted by Technical Secretary | 01 Apr, 2015 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document IWVTA-18-02.doc Provisional agenda of the 18th IWVTA Informal Group meeting transmitted by Technical Secretary | 03 Jun, 2015 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document IWVTA-18-03.docx Things-to-do list for IWVTA Step 1 transmitted by Technical Secretary | 04 Jun, 2015 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document IWVTA-18-03-rev.1.docx Things-to-do list for IWVTA Step1 transmitted by Technical Secretary | 16 Jul, 2015 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
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