Conference Call Meeting, 28-29 May 2024

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document SG-DSSAD-20-07-Agenda 20th SG-DSSAD Conference Call Meeting_rev2_secretary notes.docx 30 May, 2024 by Caitlin McKeighan
PDF File SG-DSSAD-20-06 - 2024-06-05 DSSAD Data Elements Alignement.pdf DSSAD data elements (by EC). 24 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
PDF File SG-DSSAD-20-05 - DSSAD Data Elements based on VMAD Occurrences v2.pdf DSSAD data elements (by EC). 24 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
Microsoft Word Document SG-DSSAD-20-04 - 240523 AAPC proposal to amend the UN R169.docx EDR HDV derived from LDV (by AAPC). 24 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SG-DSSAD-20-03 - 240523 EDR-Application of UN R160 and R169.pptx EDR HDV derived from LDV (by AAPC). 24 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
Microsoft Word Document SG-DSSAD-20-01-Agenda 20th SG-DSSAD Conference Call Meeting_rev2.docx Provisional agenda, revised with new doc. nos (by Co-Chairs). 24 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
Microsoft Word Document SG-DSSAD-20-01-Agenda 20th SG-DSSAD Conference Call Meeting_rev1.docx Provisional agenda, revised with web-link (by Co-Chairs). 21 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
Microsoft Word Document SG-DSSAD-20-02 Comments Decisions Table.docx Comments Decisions Table (by Co-Chairs). 17 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting
Microsoft Word Document SG-DSSAD-20-01-Agenda 20th SG-DSSAD Conference Call Meeting.docx Provisional agenda (by Co-Chairs). 17 May, 2024 by Tim Guiting

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