November 25, 2020, 7-10am (US Eastern Time)

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document TF-Data Elements-10-01 Agenda.docx 23 Nov, 2020 by Scott Schmidt
Microsoft Word Document TF-Data Elements-10-01 Agenda rev 1.docx 24 Nov, 2020 by Scott Schmidt
Microsoft Word Document TF-Data Elements-10-02 Data Elements Working Document.docx 23 Nov, 2020 by Scott Schmidt
Microsoft Word Document TF-Data Elements-10-02 Data Elements Working Document rev 1.docx 29 Nov, 2020 by Scott Schmidt
Microsoft Word Document TF-Data Elements-10-03 Chairs Proposal for Minimum Number of Events to be Captured.docx 24 Nov, 2020 by Scott Schmidt
Microsoft Word Document TF-Data Elements-10-04 (OICA) proposed clarifying amendments.docx 24 Nov, 2020 by Scott Schmidt

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