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titleSource: ANAC - Transport Ministry

Decree 274/2020 Art. 2 ° .- Except for the prohibition to enter the national territory provided for in the preceding article, and to comply with the obligatory isolation that corresponds pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of Decree No. 260 /20 a:
a. persons who are affected by the transfer of merchandise by international trade operations for the transport of cargo of merchandise, by air, land, sea, river and lake means;
b. carriers and crew of ships and aircraft;
c. people affected by the operation of flights and medical transfers.

The provisions of this article shall apply whenever the excepted persons are asymptomatic, and comply, both within and outside the country, with the recommendations and instructions provided by the national health authority.


Decreto 274/2020 Art. 2°.- Exceptúase de la prohibición de ingreso al territorio nacional prevista en el artículo precedente, y de cumplir con el aislamiento obligatorio que correspondiere en virtud de lo dispuesto en el Art. 7° del Decreto N° 260/20 a:
a. las personas que estén afectadas al traslado de mercaderías por operaciones de comercio internacional de transporte de cargas de mercaderías, por medios aéreos, terrestres, marítimos, fluviales y lacustres;
b. los transportistas y tripulantes de buques y aeronaves;
c. las personas afectadas a la operación de vuelos y traslados sanitarios.

Lo dispuesto en el presente artículo se aplicará siempre que las personas exceptuadas estuvieren asintomáticas, y den cumplimiento, tanto dentro como fuera del país, a las recomendaciones e instrucciones que disponga la autoridad sanitaria nacional.

Contact information:

titleSource: ANAC - Transport Ministry

Multiple resolutions related to civil aviation, including measures and instructions for airlines related to COVID19.


Múltiples resoluciones relativas a la aviacion civil, incluyendo medidas e instrucciones para líneas aéreas relativas al COVID19.

Contact information:

titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union

The Decree of Necessity and Urgency, established on 19 March by the National Executive, has determined preventive and compulsory social isolation for the general population, but has excluded the motor transport of cargo as it is considered essential for the normal functioning of society.

It therefore ensures the flow of the transport of goods, oil, fuels and LPG, any activities related to agriculture, fishery and food production and distribution. This essential service also includes the home delivery of food, medicines, cleaning and hygiene products and other necessities, as well as the collection, transport and treatment of urban, hazardous and pathogenic solid waste.

FADEEAC recommends reducing staff to a minimum, leaving in place a dedicated team to enable the smooth operation of each company until 31 March. These might include administrative workers or mechanics, among others. According to FADEEAC, it is also important to remember that based on previous experience, complications may arise in some parts of the country with the application of these rules, and that in this instance some jurisdictions may apply exceptional measures and restrict freight transport operations.

That is why the FADEEAC COVID-19 Crisis Committee is available to provide legal support and assistance to resolve any doubts and discuss potential conflicts detected by carriers along the country's routes.To request information and for enquiries or complaints about irregular situations, contact the  FADEEAC Crisis Committee COVID-19 via Whatsapp message only, +549 11 37649391, 7 days per week, from 08:00 to 22:00.