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Advice to travellers (10.03.2020)

The risk for travellers is considered high. It is recommended that travellers avoid nonessential travel to areas with local transmission of COVID-19:

Start date: 10.03.2020

End date: not available

Further information:

Temporary and limited relaxation of the enforcement of driving and rest times

The Hellenic Republic has notified a temporary relaxation of the enforcement of driving and rest times for all national and international freight transport on Greek territory with public and private use trucks of any nationality. This relaxation is granted pursuant to Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006.

Start date: 19.03.2020

End date: 17.04.2020

Further information:

titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union


Regulations on driving and rest times have been temporarily relaxed in Greece. This relaxation is granted pursuant to Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006.

This temporary relaxation applies from 18 April and will run until 31 May. It will apply to all drivers, irrespective of their nationality, when operating on the territory of the Greece.

- Derogation to Article 6(1) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours to 11 hours;

- Derogation to Article 6(2) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours to 58 hours;

- Derogation to Article 6(3) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum fortnightly driving limit of 90 hours to 96 hours;

- Derogation to Article 7 of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the minimum daily breaks requirements by imposing a break of 45 minutes after 5 and a half hours;

- Derogation to Article 8(1) of Regulation 561/2006: reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours;

- Derogation to Article 8(6) of Regulation 561/2006: postponement of a weekly rest period from six to seven 24-hour period or reduction of the regular weekly rest period from 45 hours to 24 hours;

- Derogation to Article 8(8) of Regulation 561/2006: possibility for the driver to take the regular weekly rest in the vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities for each driver and the vehicle is stationary.

The same derogations apply to international transport operations in Greece, that are conducted under the provisions of AETR (1970).

Source: OFAE



On 31 March, the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport decided to suspend traffic bans on the movement of trucks from 16 April until 21 April (Orthodox Easter). The suspension will also apply from 30 April until 3 May (weekend of Labour Day).



On 2 April, the Greek Government published a new Ministerial Decree on the quarantine routine that people entering Greece from abroad must follow. Art. 2 of the decree sets out specific provisions for truck drivers, which are the following:

Workers of all nationalities engaged in international transport operations (land, air, maritime) must, upon entering Greece and without any delay, either transit through the country or reach their final destination within the country. After having reached the final destination in Greece, drivers must commence a temporary isolation period of 14 days.

Derogations to this rule apply in the following cases:

- When there is a need to start a new international transport operation (e.g. bilateral transport). In this case, mandatory quarantine can be lifted at any time, even the day after it started.

- When there is a need to make a national transport operation (within Greek territory). In this case, the driver must spend at least 7 days in isolation, starting from the day he entered the country. Because of the mandatory week spent in isolation, cabotage operations will not be possible.

The measure applies from 2 April up to 20 April.

In case of violation a fine of EUR 5.000 is imposed.

Source: OFAE



On 31 March, the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport decided to suspend traffic bans on the movement of trucks from 16 April until 21 April and from 30 April until 3 May.

Source: OFAE


Drivers must present an attestation form from their employer, as well as passport/ID, and the CMR, in order to prove transport activity while on Greek territory.

At the Customs office of Evzoni (BCP Greece-North Macedonia) truck movement restrictions are enforced every day from 22:00-06:00. Trucks carrying ethyl alcohol, perishable goods and medical supplies are exempt from the provision.

Source: OFAE



On 22March 2020, the Greek Prime Minister announced that Greece will impose a national lockdown as of 23 March 2020, 06:00.

Passenger Transport:

- The movement of Greek citizens is heavily restricted within Greek territory. Special written permission is required under certain circumstances. For people going to/from their place of work, an attestation form from their employer is required (attached in Greek only).

- Foreign citizens are not allowed to enter Greece.

- Greek citizens returning to Greece from abroad must self-isolate at home for 14 days.

- Most international flights to/from Greek airports have been temporarily cancelled.

Goods Transport:

- Goods transport is exempt from all restrictive measures.

- All borders are open for international transport operations.

- Truck drivers are exempt from self-isolation.

- In some cases a Locator Form may be required by port authorities when entering Greece. Truck drivers will be given the form and asked to complete and sign it. The form requires personal and family contact details (attached in English).

- Currently, it remains unclear whether foreign transport operators/drivers will be required to have an attestation form from their employer (as in point 1 of Passenger Transport above). OFAE has requested further clarification from the Greek authorities on this point.


Temporary relaxation of EU Regulation No. 561/2006or AETR

Valid from 19.03.2020 until 18.04.20 (inclusive):

- Art. 6(1): replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours.

- Art. 6(2): replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours.

- Art. 7: replacement of the minimum daily break requirements by imposing a break of 45 minutes after 5 and a half hours.

- Art. 8(1): reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours.

- Art. 8(6): postponement of a weekly rest period beyond six 24-hour periods.

Source: OFAE