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titleSource: WCO



titleSource: Georgia Revenue Service


Information for foreign citizen drivers of cargo vehicle

In case of a foreign citizen driver, the movement of the cargo vehicle (truck) on the territory of Georgia shall be carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

  • After completing the procedures at the customs checkpoint, you shall proceed immediately, (non-stop) to the point of destination. Stops are allowed only on specially designated areas - STOP POINT, at the points for purchasing the compulsory civil liability insurance policy-( and in the parking lots located near the customs checkpoint);
  • At a STOP POINT, the driver has the right to stop off, refuel, purchase a road usage card, clean up and purchase items/food for personal use;
  • In case of problems (vehicle malfunction, deterioration of health, etc.), the driver should contact the relevant services and stay in the car cabin before they arrive. For these purposes, you should call 112 - the Emergency and Operative Response Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;

The truck must leave the territory of Georgia:

  • In case of transit (except for moving from or to the customs checkpoint Kazbegi and exit by ferry) - within 24 hours after entering the country;
  • In case of moving (except exit by ferry) from or to the customs checkpoint Kazbegi within 48 hours after entering the country.
  • In case of exit by ferry in transit movement – during 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
  • In other cases within 48 hours after entering the country. However, in case that a cargo vehicle after importing and unloading goods in Georgia is loaded with goods intended for export from Georgia or if the entry and / or exit of trucks from Georgia is carried out using ferry transport - 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country.
  • It is strongly recommended to make only non-cash payment (online payment, plastic cards, etc.) and to use personal protective equipment (medical mask, gloves etc.).

The following places are designated for specific areas (STOP POINT):

  • Urbnisi - Kareli Region, village Urbnisi, cadastral code:;
  • Terjola - Terjola Region, village Siktarva, cadastral code:;
  • Gori - Gori Region, village Tiniskhidi, cadastral code:;
  • Zestaponi - Zestaponi Regiona, village Argveta, cadastral code:


The time periods required for carrying out the customs formalities and stopping at the parking facilities (separately, semitrailers or trailers) located in the vicinity of Georgian State Customs Border, Customs Checkpoint shall not be counted.

For violating the above-mentioned rules (except for non-compliance with the recommendations, or when the weather conditions or other external factors complicate and/or make it impossible to fulfill the established conditions), the driver of the vehicle will be fined 3,000 GEL. However, if the violation concerns the timing of the movement, the vehicle must leave the territory of Georgia immediately, otherwise the driver will be placed in a 14-day quarantine and the vehicle will be taken to the impound yard.


Для водителей (грузовых автомобилей) иностранных граждан

В случае водителя иностранного гражданина движение грузового автомобиля на территории Грузии должно осуществляться с соблюдением следующих условий:

  • После завершения процедур на таможенном контрольно-пропускном посте, следует незамедлительно (без остановки) проследовать в пункт назначения. Остановки возможны только в специально отведенных местах (STOP POINT), в местах приобретения полиса обязательного страхования гражданской ответственности ( и на стоянках рядом с таможенным КПП;
  • На STOP POINT водитель имеет право пополнить запас топлива, приобрести дорожную карточку, привести себя в порядок и приобрести товары/пищу для личного пользования;
  • В случае возникновения проблем (неисправность транспортного средства, ухудшение здоровья и т.д.), водитель должен связаться с соответствующими службами и оставаться в кабине автомобиля до их прибытия. Для этих целей, необходимо позвонить в Центр управления чрезвычайными ситуациями МВД Грузии по номеру 112;

Грузовой автомобиль должен покинуть территорию Грузии:

  • В случае транзитного перемещения (за исключением перемещения от или в сторону таможенного КПП «Казбеги» и выезда паромным транспортом ) - в течение 24 часов после въезда в страну;
  • В случае транзитного перемещения (за исключением выезда паромным транспортом) от или в сторону таможенного КПП «Казбеги» в течение 48 часов после въезда в страну.
  • В случае транзитного перемещания грузового автотранспортного средства при выезде паромным транспортом - в течении 7 (семи) календарных дней после въезда в страну.
  • В других случаях - в течение 48 часов после въезда в страну. А в случае если грузовое транспортное средство после ввоза и выгрузки товаров в Грузии, будет загружено товарами, предназначенными для вывоза из Грузии или если въезд и/или выезд грузовых автомобилей из Грузии осуществляется с использованием паромного транспорта - 7 (семи) календарных дней после въезда в страну.
  • Строго рекомендуется производить безналичные рассчеты (оплата через Интернет, пластиковые карты и т.д.), а также использовать средства индивидуальной защиты (медицинскую маску, перчатки т.д.).


Следующие места предназначены для специально устроенных зон (STOP POINT):

  • Урбниси - Карельский регион, село Урбниси, кадастровый код:;
  • Тержола - Тержольский район, село Сиктарва, кадастровый код:;
  • Гори - Горийский район, деревня Тинисхиди, кадастровый код:;
  • Зестафони - Зестафонский район, деревня Аргвета, кадастровый код:



  • Во времени перемещения не учитывается временные отрезки прохождения таможенных формальностей и стоянка на таможенном контрольно-пропускном пункте, которые расположены вблизи таможенной границы Грузии.
  • За нарушение вышеуказанных правил (за исключением случаев невыполнения рекомендаций, а также когда климатические условия или другие внешние факторы усложняют и/или делают невозможным выполнение установленных условий), водитель транспортного средства будет оштрафован в размере 3,000 лари. Однако, если нарушение касается сроков движения, то транспортное средство должно незамедлительно покинуть территорию Грузии, в противном случае водитель будет помещен в 14-дневный карантин и транспортное средство будет доставлено на штрафную стоянку.
titleSource: Georgia Revenue Service


In accordance with measures for the prevention of spread COVID-19,
freight transportation by road, rail, air and sea and its import/export/transit procedures on the territory of Georgia shell be carried out with the following conditions

Institutional arrangement

The Interagency Coordination Council continues to hold regular meetings under the leadership of the prime minister in order to take coordinated steps taking into account the current situation in the country and global trends.

The Interagency Coordination working group at the level of Deputy Minister, DG-s, heads of departments, which gives opportunity to coordinate promptly, and in a harmonized way implementation measures of all adopted regulations due to Covid19 pandemic.

Import/export/transit procedures 

Road, railway, air and marine cargo international movement related customs formalities are conducting without any restriction while applying hygiene checks on drivers/ personnel conducting the freight transportation on the borders.

Border Crossing via land border crossing point:

For individuals and passengers only following land border crossing points is opened (this does not apply to cargo movement!):

TURKEY - Sarpi, (open hours 10:00-18:00)

AZERBAIJAN - Tsiteli Khidi (open hours 10:00-18:00)

RUSSIA - Kazbegi (open hours 10:00-18:00)

ARMENIA - Sadakhlo (open hours 10:00-18:00)

Cargo movement is available via all (included but not limited via above-mentioned) land/air/marine border crossing points for 24/7.

 Hygiene checks of drivers conducting at the borders

-              In accordance with the International Health Regulations the driver will be screened at the border and if the symptoms of influenza/fever will be confirmed at the entry customs crossing point the entrance will be denied. Georgian citizen, have permission for entering into Georgia and the driver will be the subject of quarantine.

-              In this case the cargo might be entered the territory of Georgia if:

1)            the driver will be changed by the other driver from the non-risky country. The initial driver should be returned; and

                - the transport mean should be fumigated/sanitized; or

                - If it is possible but not mandatory to change the truck by the other truck from the non-risky country. Of course the trailer should be fumigated/sanitized and initial truck should be returned

2) Transport means might be moved to the nearest customs control zone and cargo trans loaded to another means of transport.


 -     it is highly recommended that the driver/personnel should wear the protective mask during interaction with customs officers.

                Movement of freight vehicles moving from the foreign countries to the territory of Georgia shell be performed with following conditions:

Freight vehicles registered in a foreign country shall move through the territory of Georgia with following conditions:

  • After completing the procedures at the customs checkpoint, means of transport shall move non-stop to a final destination. Stopping allowed only on specially designated areas - STOP POINTs, places for purchasing compulsory civil liability insurance policy (, and parking lots located in the vicinity of customs checkpoint;
  • Specially designated STOP POINT areas will serve for trucks for refueling, paying the road fee, compulsory civil liability insurance policy of the owner of a motor vehicle registered in foreign countries. Availability to purchase personal necessities, food, WC and etc.
  • In case of emergencies/ special needs (car accident, health problems, etc.), the driver should contact the relevant services and should remain in the cabin of truck before the representatives of those services will get to the driver. For these purposes driver shall call the Emergency and Operative Response Center at 112;

The truck should leave the territory of Georgia:

  • In case of transit movement (except for the movements from/to customs check point "Kazbegi" ) transport means shall leave the territory of Georgia within 24 hours since entering the country;
  • In other case (including the import movement and transit case of entering/leaving via customs checkpoint "Kazbegi" within 48 hours.
  • The time periods required for carrying out the customs formalities and stopping at parking lots located in the vicinity of Georgian State Customs Border Crossing Point shall not be counted.

It is strongly recommended to make only non-cash payment (online purchase, plastic card, etc.) and to use the personal protective equipment (medical mask, gloves, and etc).


STOP POINT located at:

  • Urbnisi– Kareli districts, cadastral code:;
  • Terjola– Trejola district, village Siktarva, cadastral code :;
  • Gori – Gori district, village Tiniskhidi, cadastral code:;
  • Zestaponi – Zestapoini district, village Argveta, cadastral code:

Violation of rules (vehicle without permission to leave, stopping in forbidden areas, violation of terms of movement, etc.), except when weather conditions or other external factors makes it difficult and / or impossible to follow rules, the vehicle driver will be fined with 3000 GEL for the violation of the State emergency regime in accordance with Presidential Decree №1 March 21, 2020, Article 8, and will be placed in 14-day quarantine, transport mean will be taken to the impound lot.

The above-mentioned information leaflets in five languages (Georgian, Armenian, Azeri, English, Russian and Turkish) will be given to drivers of trucks upon entry into the country;


On January 28 the Government of Georgia adopted Decree No 164 of 28 January 2020 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of Measures to Prevent the Possible Spread of the Novel Coronavirus in Georgia and the Emergency Response Plan for Cases of Novel Coronavirus Disease. There have been adopted 13 amendments into this decree as the response of  Covid19 outbreak in the region.

  • - prevention of Coronavirus Spread in Georgia.

The Government of Georgia has set up a website to inform the public about the coronavirus. The website contains information on all measures taken by the Government of Georgia, as well the information disseminated by the World Health Organization. In addition, at  statistical information on number of cases in Georgia and all over the world as well the recommendations on prevention of the spread of the virus is available.

  • State of Emergency

Georgia declared the state of emergency starting March 21 till April 21 in connection with the pandemic situation over the novel coronavirus in the country.

The government has issued the Ordinance No 181, 23 March 2020 “On the Approval of Measures to be Implemented in connection with the Prevention of the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Georgia”. International air, land and sea transport services for transportation of passengers shall be suspended for the duration of the state of emergency.

Period of validity of those regulations.

The period of validity is until the April 21.

titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union

7.9 2020

Under new COVID-19 containment measures in Georgia:

All foreign trucks must leave Georgian territory within:

  • 24 hours, if going to Azerbaijan.
  • 48 hours, if going to Russia.
  • 7 days, if travelling by ferry.
  • 96 hours for vehicles bringing import loads or coming empty and leaving with export loads.
  • 7 days for vehicles bringing an import load and leaving with an export load.

All truck drivers staying the country for more than 72 hours are required to take another COVID-19 PCR test.

Trucks can only stop at the specific parking areas designated by the Georgian authorities, and must leave the parking areas when told to do so by the authorities. 

All relevant information will be shared by Georgian authorities with truck drivers when they enter the country.

Drivers violating these rules will incur a fine of up to 2,000 GEL.

The Georgian authorities will perform health checks and drivers with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter Georgia for 12 days.

Source: Turkish Consulate General in Batumi


As of 16 June, a special regime applies to drivers (both Georgian and third country nationals) carrying out international transport operations. The following regime does not apply to drivers transiting through Georgia. 

Before entering the country, drivers will have their temperature tested; in case of fever, entry into Georgia will be denied. Foreign drivers are not allowed to stay in Georgia for more than 7 days in the case of a reverse shipping operation or in the case they need to board a ferry; in any other case, they must leave the country 96 hours after entering Georgia, at the latest. In case a foreign driver is still in Georgia 72 hours after having entered the country, he must test again at a local health authority.

Breaches of the regime will result in a fine in accordance with Georgian legislation. A hotline number is active for further information: (+995) 032 2 36 55 01.

Source: GIRCA



Foreign truck drivers transporting cargo on the territory of Georgia are subject to the following conditions:

o After completing the procedures at the customs checkpoint, the driver shall proceed immediately (non-stop) to the point of destination. Stops are allowed only at specially designated areas called STOP POINTS. At certain STOP POINTS drivers can purchase the compulsory civil liability insurance ( Other STOP POINTS can be found in the parking areas located near customs checkpoints (see below for details);

o At a STOP POINT, the driver has the right to park his vehicle, refuel, purchase a road usage card, use the sanitary facilities, and purchase items/food for personal use;

o In case of problems (vehicle malfunction, illness, etc.), the driver should contact the relevant services and stay in the truck cabin until help arrives. In these situations, drivers should call 112 - the Emergency and Operative Response Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;

o The truck must leave the territory of Georgia:

In case of transit (except for moving from or to the customs checkpoint Kazbegi and exit by ferry) - within 24 hours of entering the country;

- In case of driving (except exit by ferry) from or to the customs checkpoint Kazbegi - within 48 hours of entering the country.

- In case of exit by ferry when transiting the country – within 7 (seven) calendar days of entering the country;

- In other cases, within 48 hours of entering the country. However, in cases where a cargo vehicle, after importing and unloading goods in Georgia is loaded with goods intended for export from Georgia, or if the entry and/or exit of trucks from Georgia is carried out using ferry transport – within 7 (seven) calendar days of entering the country.

o It is strongly recommended to only make non-cash payments (online payments, credit/debit cards, etc.) and to use personal protective equipment (medical masks, gloves, etc.).

The following places are designated STOP POINTS for specific areas:

- Urbnisi - Kareli Region,  village Urbnisi, cadastral code:;

- Terjola - Terjola Region, village Siktarva, cadastral code:;

- Gori - Gori Region, village Tiniskhidi, cadastral code:;

- Zestaponi - Zestaponi Regiona,  village Argveta, cadastral code:


o The time periods required for carrying out the customs formalities and stopping at the parking areas (separately, semitrailers or trailers) located in the vicinity of the Georgian State Customs Border, Customs Checkpoint shall not be counted.

o For violating the above-mentioned rules (except for non-compliance with the recommendations, or when weather conditions or other external factors complicate and/or make it impossible to fulfill the established conditions), the driver of the vehicle will be fined 3,000 GEL. However, if the violation concerns the time limit of the transport operation, the vehicle must leave the territory of Georgia immediately, otherwise the driver will be placed on a 14-day quarantine and the vehicle will be impounded.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia



Freight vehicles registered in a foreign country shall move through the territory of Georgia at the following conditions:

- After completing the procedures at the customs checkpoint, means of transport shall move non-stop to a final destination. Stopping allowed only on specially designated areas - STOP POINTs, places for purchasing compulsory civil liability insurance policy (, and parking lots located in the vicinity of customs checkpoint;

- Specially designated STOP POINT areas will serve for trucks for refueling, paying the road fee, compulsory civil liability insurance policy of the owner of a motor vehicle registered in foreign countries. Availability to purchase personal necessities, food, WC and etc.

- In case of emergencies or special needs (car accident, health problems, etc.), the driver should contact the relevant services and should remain in the cabin before the representatives of those services will get to the driver. For these purposes the driver shall call the Emergency and Operative Response Center at 112;

- The truck should leave the territory of Georgia:

a) In case of transit movement (except for the movements from/to customs check point "Kazbegi" ) transport means  shall leave the territory of Georgia within 24 hours since entering the country;

b) In other case (including the import movement and transit case of entering/leaving via customs checkpoint "Kazbegi" within 48 hours. The time periods required for carrying out the customs formalities and stopping at parking lots located in the vicinity of Georgian State Customs Border Crossing Point shall not be counted.

- It is strongly recommended to make only non-cash payment (online purchase, plastic card, etc.) and to use the personal protective equipment (medical mask, gloves, and etc).


Violation of rules (vehicle without permission to leave, stopping in forbidden areas, violation of terms of movement, etc.), except when weather conditions or other external factors makes it difficult and / or impossible to follow rules, the vehicle driver will be fined with 3000 GEL for the violation of the State emergency regime in accordance with Presidential Decree №1 March 21, 2020, Article 8, and will be placed in 14-day quarantine, means of transport will be taken to the impound lot.

STOP POINT areas are located at:

- Urbnisi– Kareli districts, cadastral code:;

- Terjola– Trejola district, village Siktarva, cadastral code:;

- Gori – Gori district, village Tiniskhidi, cadastral code:;

- Zestaponi– Zestapoini district, village Argveta, cadastral code:

Source: GIRCA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia


As part of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) preventive measures, the Government of Georgia has made a decision to impose restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals. The restrictions are effective from 18 March 2020, 00:00, and will remain in force for two weeks.

The restrictions will apply to all foreign nationals, with the exception of:

  • Representatives of diplomatic missions and international organisations accredited to Georgia, and their family members;
  • Family members of Georgian citizens, despite their nationality (spouse, child or parent; relevant documents must be presented);
  • Persons arriving in Georgia as part of a necessary humanitarian mission (ie. doctors, volunteers);
  • Individuals who have been granted the status of stateless person by the respective authorities of Georgia;
  • Individuals holding status-neutral travel documents;
  • Individuals with a refugee status in Georgia;
  • Official delegations - this will be decided on a case-by-case basis;
  • Train and truck drivers involved in the transport of goods and services;
  • Aircrew.

The Head of the Government of Georgia has noted that there are 4 areas of critical significance which must be managed effectively in order to combat the challenges faced.

One of these areas is logistics and stock management. In this regard, and in order to ensure the smooth running of freight road transport, trucks entering the country from areas designated by the WHO as a high-risk zone will have to comply with the following rules:

  • the complete disinfection of the truck under the supervision of authorised customs personnel;
  • the escort of trucks to their destination (in the case of transit);
  • the replacement of the driver at the border crossing point:
  • the original driver (the person driving the vehicle to the customs border of Georgia) will either be subject to return (if he is a foreign citizen), or quarantined/admitted to the relevant medical institution depending on his clinical condition;
  • the truck driver taking over the operation should not be considered a risk to the spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • the replacement of the truck and trailers, if deemed necessary.

Sources: GIRCA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia