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titleSource: Direction des Douanes et AccisesEuropean Union/Re-open EU


What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

COVID-19 travel restrictions have been lifted in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Travellers do not need to provide proof of vaccination, recovery from COVID-19 or a negative test result.

Learn more:

Visiting Luxembourg

National health institute

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy, except if:

  • they are residents of the following third-countries: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
  • their travel is considered essential
  • they hold a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg (refer to the previous section for the details on accepted certificates of vaccination.)

Details are available on

It should be noted that from 1 January 2021, these restrictions also apply to third-country nationals residing in the United Kingdom, including UK nationals who do not fall under the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Mandatory travel documentation

All travellers aged 12 years and two months or over, regardless of their nationality, can access the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg if they hold one of the following documents:

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting to a complete vaccination pattern against Covid-19, established in accordance with article 3bis, paragraphs 1 to 2, of the amended law of 17 July 2020 on measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Namely a vaccination certificate issued by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a Member State of the European Union or the Schengen Area. Certificates issued by certain third countries are also accepted provided that the vaccine administered is accepted by the Grand Duchy (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Singapore, South Korea, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican).

A complete vaccination pattern means any pattern that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity and is complete upon administration of the required doses if multiple doses are given or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day interval. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination pattern is complete 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine administered.

  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection;
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members

Until 14 January 2022 inclusive, additional sanitary measures are applicable to all travel from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Any person (regardless of nationality and age) who stayed in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa or Zimbabwe during the 14 days prior to his or her arrival on Luxembourg territory must undergo as soon as possible a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, and inform the medical analysis laboratory that he or she has stayed in one or several of these countries. This obligation applies to any person who has stayed in these countries during the 14 days preceding his/her arrival, regardless of the duration of the stay in these countries and in Luxembourg, and regardless of the means of transport to the Grand Duchy.

Upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, the persons concerned are placed in strict quarantine for 7 days with the obligation to undergo a second nucleic acid amplification tests of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) from the 6th day of quarantine. In the event of refusal to submit to the test on arrival or at the end of the 7-day quarantine period, the quarantine will be extended for a further 7 days, bringing the total duration to 14 days.

Persons concerned must notify their presence to the Health Inspection Department (by e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing system.


  • Children under 12 years
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector
  • Transit passengers
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members

Entry rules

Only residents in EU and Schengen Associated countries can enter the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for non-essential reasons. These travellers must provide the documents listed below.

Document checklist:

Third country nationals who meet the following conditions are authorised to enter the territory:

  • if they are in possession of a residence permit or a residence permit for family members of a Union citizen, including persons falling under the provisions of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, as well as any other person holding a right of residence or a national long term visa in accordance with the national law of a Member State of the European Union or of the countries associated with the Schengen area.
  • or if they meet one of the following conditions:
    • If they are in possession of a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg. The validity of the vaccination certificate is set at 9 months from the date when the vaccination pattern is considered completed. The validity of the certificate for the booster vaccination is unlimited;
    • or if they are in possession of a recovery certificate that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg. The validity of the recovery certificate starts on the 11th day after the date of the first positive NAAT test result and ends at the latest 180 days after the given result;
    • or if they are residents of third countries included on the list of third countries whose residents should not affected by a temporary restriction at the external borders (and who are authorised to enter Luxembourg, including for non-essential travels);
    • or if their travel is considered essential.

For any travel by air transport to the Grand Duchy, persons over the age of 12 years and 2 months, authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of nationality), must present, before boarding a flight to Luxembourg:

  • Proof of full vaccination, which is valid:
    • from the day of the second dose of vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca)
    • from 14 days after the single dose of Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson
    • from 2 weeks after the first dose of any approved vaccine, for people who recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months.

Accepted vaccines: BioNTech Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) and Janssen. Along with these vaccines, Luxembourg accepts, in the context of the recognition process of vaccination certificates issued by third countries, other vaccines considered to be “bio-similar” to the aforementioned four vaccines, namely: Covishield (Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd (SII)), R-Covi (R-Pharm), Covid-19 vaccine (recombinant) (FIOCRUZ)

  • Proof of recovery from COVID-19. Validity: between the 11th and 180th day after a positive PCR test.

  • A negative result to a pre-departure test.

Accepted tests: molecular (PCR) test, valid 48 hours, and rapid antigen tests, valid 24 hours.

Travellers can provide proof of vaccination, proof of recovery from COVID-19 or the negative test result with one of the following:

  • Certificates meeting the same requirements listed for the EUDCC (in English, French, Dutch or Luxembourgish)

Children younger than 12 years and 2 months are exempt from quarantine and testing requirements.

Learn more:

General information

National health institute

May I transit this country?


All travellers, aged 12 years and 2 months or older, authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of their nationality), must present, before boarding a flight to Luxembourg either a certificate of vaccination, a certificate of recovery or a negative test result. Please refer to the previous section on travel for details.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

National health measures

In Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, providing proof of full vaccination, recovery from COVID-19 or a negative test result is not required to access public spaces.

Learn more:

General information
Sanitary measures

Use of facemasks

The use of facemasks is mandatory in certain cases, including public transport, hospitals, elderly homes and other care facilities. Exemptions:

  • Children under 6 years of age
  • Persons with a disability or a pathology with a medical certificate

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing still applies in certain specific cases, including in public transport, hospitals and residential care facilities for the elderly.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events


Safety measures for public transportation

In all forms of public transport, facemasks are mandatory, with the exception of the driver if a distance of two meters can be respected, or if a partition seperates him from the passengers.

Places of worship




Isolation applies to people who have been confirmed as being infected by COVID-19.

In the case of isolation, the period (usually 10 days) can be shortened if the infected person performs 2 rapid antigen SARS-CoV-2 tests within 24 hours of each other with negative results. This new duration of isolation applies to all persons, regardless of their vaccination status.


Quarantine applies to people who have had contact with an infected person. The Health Directorate recommends for 7 days after the potentially infecting contact:

  • To avoid contact with vulnerable people
  • To limit your contacts (avoid parties and gatherings)
  • To wear a mask during this period, if possible an FFP2 mask
  • To test yourself regularly. We recommend that you carry out a rapid antigen self-test for 5 days after the last high-risk contact.

Learn more:

Isolation and quarantine


Non-essential (other than medicine and food) shops


Tourist accommodations


Catering establishments


Cinemas, museums and indoor attractions


Personal care services


Outdoors areas and beaches


Other measures

The wearing of masks is compulsory in hospitals, elderly homes and other care facilities.

For staff, external providers and visitors of hospitals, elderly homes and other care facilities the CovidCheck 3G system applies.

Above the age of 12 years and 2 months, you must present a certificate of vaccination, recovery, contraindication to vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test in order to be admitted to a hospital:

  • If you go to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care or treatment.
  • If you are accompanying a person to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care or treatment.
  • If you are accompanying someone during their stay in hospital (e.g. a parent who stays with their minor child during the child's hospitalisation).

In order not to deprive patients of care, the option of performing a self-test on site is also available for patients in hospitals and for any accompanying persons.

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg



What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Document checklist:

Travellers must provide all the following documents before boarding a flight to Luxembourg:

  1. Proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 or negative result to a pre-departure molecular test (valid 48 hours) or rapid antigen test (valid 24 hours). Details in the section below.

Certain categories of people are exempt from this requirement:

  • Healthcare professionals, health researchers, and elderly care professionals, in the exercise of their functions;
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen Area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen Area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Diplomats, staff of international organisations and people invited by international organisations whose physical presence is required for the well-functioning of these organisations, military personnel, development cooperation personnel, humanitarian aid workers and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their functions.
  • Children younger than 12 years and 2 months.

Entry rules

No entry requirements : citizens of the European Union and of the countries associated with the Schengen area, as well as citizens of San Marino, Andorra, Monaco and the Vatican/Saint See, are free to enter the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, regardless of the purpose of the stay and not only to return to their homes.

Children younger than 12 years and 2 months are exempt from quarantine and testing requirements.

Learn more:

Visiting Luxembourg

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

All travellers older than 12 years and 2 months can enter if their ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ contains one of the following:

  • Proof of full vaccination certificate, which is valid:
    • from the day of the second dose of vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca)
    • from 14 days after the single dose of Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson
    • from 2 weeks after the first dose of any approved vaccine, for people who recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months.

Accepted vaccines: BioNTech Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) and Janssen. Along with these vaccines, Luxembourg accepts, in the context of the recognition process of vaccination certificates issued by third countries, other vaccines considered to be “bio-similar” to the aforementioned four vaccines, namely: Covishield (Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd (SII)), R-Covi (R-Pharm), Covid-19 vaccine (recombinant) (FIOCRUZ)

  • Proof of recovery from COVID-19. Validity: between the 11th and 180th day after a positive PCR test.
  • Negative molecular (valid 48 hours) or antigen test (valid 24 hours).

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Documents equivalent to the ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ (EUDCC) in English, French, Dutch or Luxembourgish are also accepted, if they meet the same requirements listed above for the EUDCC.

Learn more:

General information

National health institute


You can find the latest information on air travel regulations for this country on the IATA website.

You can also find information about your passenger rights on our portal for citizens.

Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy, except if:

  • they are residents of the following third-countries: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
  • their travel is considered essential
  • they hold a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg (refer to the previous section for the details on accepted certificates of vaccination.)

Details are available on

It should be noted that from 1 January 2021, these restrictions also apply to third-country nationals residing in the United Kingdom, including UK nationals who do not fall under the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Mandatory travel documentation

All travellers aged 12 years and two months or over, regardless of their nationality, can access the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg if they hold one of the following documents:

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting to a complete vaccination pattern against Covid-19, established in accordance with article 3bis, paragraphs 1 to 2, of the amended law of 17 July 2020 on measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Namely a vaccination certificate issued by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a Member State of the European Union or the Schengen Area. Certificates issued by certain third countries are also accepted provided that the vaccine administered is accepted by the Grand Duchy (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Singapore, South Korea, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican).

A complete vaccination pattern means any pattern that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity and is complete upon administration of the required doses if multiple doses are given or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day interval. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination pattern is complete 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine administered.

  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection;
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members

Until 14 January 2022 inclusive, additional sanitary measures are applicable to all travel from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Any person (regardless of nationality and age) who stayed in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa or Zimbabwe during the 14 days prior to his or her arrival on Luxembourg territory must undergo as soon as possible a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, and inform the medical analysis laboratory that he or she has stayed in one or several of these countries. This obligation applies to any person who has stayed in these countries during the 14 days preceding his/her arrival, regardless of the duration of the stay in these countries and in Luxembourg, and regardless of the means of transport to the Grand Duchy.

Upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, the persons concerned are placed in strict quarantine for 7 days with the obligation to undergo a second nucleic acid amplification tests of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) from the 6th day of quarantine. In the event of refusal to submit to the test on arrival or at the end of the 7-day quarantine period, the quarantine will be extended for a further 7 days, bringing the total duration to 14 days.

Persons concerned must notify their presence to the Health Inspection Department (by e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing system.


  • Children under 12 years
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector
  • Transit passengers
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members

Entry rules

Entry requirements depend on Luxembourg’s own national requirements.

Children younger than 12 years and 2 months are exempt from quarantine and testing requirements.

Document checklist:

Travellers must provide all the following documents before boarding a flight to Luxembourg:

  1. Proof of vaccination on condition that the vaccine administered is accepted by Luxembourg, vaccination certificates issued by a Member State of the European Union or the Schengen area (EU27 + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzlerand), as well as certificates issued by a limited number of third countries, are accepted (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Benin, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Jordan, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Vatican).

A complete vaccination pattern means any pattern that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity and is complete upon administration of the required doses if multiple doses are given or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day interval. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination pattern is complete 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine administered. The validity of the vaccination certificate is 9 months from the date when the vaccination pattern is considered complete. The validity of the certificate for the booster vaccination is unlimited.


Proof of recovery from COVID-19 issued by a practitioner or national authority of an EU Member State or Schengen Area Member State (EU27 + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with resolution of all symptoms of infection.


Negative result (on paper or electronically) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) carried out less than 48 hours before the flight or of a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test carried out less than 24 hours before the flight, by a medical analysis laboratory or any other entity authorised for this purpose. The negative result of the test must be presented, if necessary accompanied by a translation, in one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or in English, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese.

Learn more:

General information

National health institute


You can find the latest information on air travel regulations for this country on the IATA website.

You can also find information about your passenger rights on our portal for citizens.

Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

What are the rules if I go abroad from this country, and when I return from abroad?

Currently there are no restrictions or obligations in place applying to travel by land.

For any travel by air to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, please refer to the specific sections for travel conditions depending on your situation.

Learn more:

Visiting Luxembourg

May I transit this country?


All travellers, aged 12 years and 2 months or older, authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of their nationality), must present, before boarding a flight to Luxembourg either a certificate of vaccination, a certificate of recovery or a negative test result. Please refer to the previous section on travel for details.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

Information on the situation in the country is available on the official website on COVID-19 information.

Luxembourg has the CovidCheck system in place, applicable to private persons, establishments (e.g. restaurants, bars, fitness centres, shops, administrations, companies, etc.) as well as public or private events (e.g. sports events, concerts, etc.). Under the currently applicable “3G” system, persons who have reached the age of 12 years and 2 months must present a certificate of vaccination issued within the last 270 days, a certificate of a booster dose (unlimited validity), a recovery certificate for a period of 180 days or a valid certififed test result (PCR or rapid antigen).

Persons who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons must present a certificate of contraindication to vaccination, as well as a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test (PCR, certified antigen test) or, if necessary, perform a self-test on site.

The 3G system is optional at the workplace. If the 3G system is not retained by the company, the rules on meetings and gatherings apply (wearing a mask an respecting physical distancing) as soon as the number of employees present at the same time in the same place exceeds 10 (e.g. office, conference room, canteen etc.).

Travellers are strongly advised to carry relevant certificates at all times.

Use of facemasks

The use of facemasks is mandatory in certain cases, including public transport and activities in closed spaces, open to the public. Exemptions:

  • Children under 6 years of age
  • Persons with a disability or a pathology with a medical certificate
  • Speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities
  • Theatre and film actors as they exercise their professional artistic activity
  • Musicians and dancers while performing their activity in a professional context

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing still applies in certain specific cases, including in transport shops, large gatherings, and in the hospitals’ waiting rooms.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Gatherings in general

Both indoor and outdoor gatherings are permitted.

The thresholds for private and public gatherings are the following :

  • For gatherings of up to 10 people, there are no restrictions or health measures to be observed.
  • For gatherings of 11 to 50 people (inclusive), masks and a physical distance of 2 metres between people are mandatory, or the CovidCheck (3G) system applies.
  • For gatherings of between 51 and 200 people (inclusive) masks and assigned seats are mandatory, while observing a minimum distance of 2 metres, or the CovidCheck (3G) system applies.
  • Gatherings of 201 and up to 2,000 people (inclusive) are subject to the CovidCheck 3G system, or the requirement to wear a mask and be seated with a minimum distance of 2 metres.

Gatherings above 2,000 people are subject to an applicable health protocol and must be notified to the Health Directorate. Gatherings organised under the CovidCheck system must be notified in advance and visibly displayed at the venue.

The 3G system implies that people who have reached the age of 12 years and 2 months must present a vaccination certificate issued within the last 270 days, a vaccination certificate of a booster dose (unlimited validity), a recovery certificate for a period of 180 days or a valid certified test result

Persons who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons must present a certificate of contraindication to vaccination, as well as a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test (PCR, certified antigen test) or, if necessary, perform a self-test on site.

Sporting activities

Indoor and outdoor sports facilities are open to the public.

Sports and physical fitness activities are allowed, but under certain conditions:

  • sports activities carried out individually or with a maximum of 10 people can be practised without the obligation to wear a mask or to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from each other
  • sports activities carried out in a group of more than 10 people aged 12 year or older are subject to the mandatory CovidCheck plus ("3G") system
  • sports facilities must have a surface area of 10m2 per person practising a sporting activity.

Swimming pools and aquatic centres are open to the public. The capacity of the pools is limited to one person per 10m2.

Public access to showers and locker rooms is also strictly regulated. Thus, only a maximum of 10 people per locker room or collective shower area are allowed. In the locker rooms, people must either wear a mask or maintain a physical distance of 2 metres. In the showers, the physical distance of 2 metres must be respected.

The general restrictions regarding the number of persons allowed per locker room and collective shower area or the area to be guaranteed per person do not apply to sports groups consisting of persons from the same household, nor to school and extracurricular sports activities.

The following persons may participate in training sessions with more than 10 people, and in sports competitions, if they present a certificate of vaccination, recovery or test, i.e. under the "3G" system:

  • athletes and referees between the ages of 12 years and 2 months and under the age of 19 years, belonging to an affiliated club or an approved sports federation
  • athletes and supervisors with an employment contract with an affiliated club or an approved sports federation and exercising their activity on a principal and regular basis or, in general, athletes or supervisors who are affiliated as such to the social security system

Athletes, judges and referees aged 19 and over who belong to an affiliated club or an approved sports federation may take part in training sessions involving more than 10 people and in sports competitions under the "3G" system.

Persons holding a certificate of contraindication to vaccination must in all cases present their certificate and a test certificate or negative result of a self-diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 carried out on the premises.

Safety measures for public transportation

In all forms of public transport, facemasks are mandatory. Also, social distance should be maintained as much as possible. The front door of the bus remains closed, travelers are requested to get on and off through the bus by using the back doors, the first row of seats must remain unoccupied as far as possible, the driver does not sell tickets.

Places of worship


Please refer to the section on gatherings.



Isolation applies to people who have been confirmed as being infected by COVID-19.

In the case of isolation, the period (usually 10 days) can be shortened if the infected person performs 2 rapid antigen SARS-CoV-2 tests within 24 hours of each other with negative results. This new duration of isolation applies to all persons, regardless of their vaccination status.


Quarantine related to contact cases is completely abolished.

Learn more:

Isolation and quarantine


Non-essential (other than medicine and food) shops


Shops, including non-essential shops, are open to the public.

Shopping centres with a sales area equal to or greater than 400m2 must in addition, provide a health protocol, which has be accepted by the National Health Directorate.

In order to enable the shops to welcome their customers in the best possible safety conditions, certain measures have been put in place:

  • Masks must be worn for all activities in closed spaces, open to the public.
  • Try to keep an interpersonal distance of 2 meters.
  • Consider the protective measures.
  • Avoid hand-to-hand exchanges.
  • Not wearing a mask in shops is punishable and customers may be refused.

Tourist accommodations

Open with limitations


Hotels and other accommodation facilities are open. The 3G-rule does not apply to these facilities.

However, catering services provided in hotels are subject to the same rules as those applied for restaurants, bars and cafés. The 3G-rule (vaccinated, recovered or tested) is in effect. An identity check can be carried out. This system applies to both indoor and outdoor areas.The only exception is for people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. To gain access to a restaurant, bar or café, they must present a certificate of contraindication to vaccination and show a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test (PCR, certified antigen test) or perform a self-test on the premises.

Catering establishments


Restaurants, bars, and cafés are open to the public both indoors and outdoors.

Restaurants, bars and cafes are subject to the CovidCheck Plus (“3G”) system. Clients who have reached the age of 12 years and 2 months must present a certificate of vaccination, a vaccination certificate of a booster dose, a recovery certificate or a valid certified test result. This applies to both indoor and outdoor use.

The only exception is for people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. To gain access to a restaurant, bar or café, they must present a certificate of contraindication to vaccination, as well as a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test (PCR, certified antigen test or self-test performed on the premises).

Cinemas, museums and indoor attractions


The cultural institutions are open to the public. The rules applicable to these establishments are the subject of specific recommendations and guidelines from the Ministry of Culture.

The practice of cultural activities is allowed without the obligation of physical distance and wearing a mask, provided that it is carried out individually or in a group of 10 people at most.

If there are more than 10 people engaged in a cultural activity at the same time, the CovidCheck system ("3G") applies. Clients who have reached the age of 12 years and 2 months must present a certificate of vaccination, a vaccination certificate of a booster dose, a recovery certificate or a valid certified test result.

These restrictions do not apply to groups consisting exclusively of persons who are members of the same household, nor to school musical activities, including extracurricular activities.

Personal care services


Wellness-related activities (spa, wellness centres, etc.) as well as physical exercise facilities (such as gyms and fitness centres) are open. The rules are those related to sports and fitness activities.

Outdoors areas and beaches


Beaches and outdoor tourist areas are accessible, provided that social distancing and hygiene measures are in place. Outdoor areas in general remain accessible.

Health protocols for tourism services and tourists

In hospitals

Mandatory testing at the entrance to hospitals

As from the age of 12 years and 2 months, you must present a vaccination certificate, recovery certificate, contraindication to vaccination certificate or negative COVID-19 test certificate in order to be admitted to a hospital:

  • if you go to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care or treatment
  • if you are accompanying a person to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care or treatment
  • if you are accompanying someone during their stay in hospital (e.g. a parent who stays with their minor child during the child's hospitalisation)

To visit a hospitalised person, anyone over the age of 12 years and 2 months must also undergo a self-diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 to be performed on the premises.

Persons going to a hospital for an emergency, as well as COVID-positive persons who need to be treated or hospitalised, cannot be refused access to the hospital.

Other precautionary measures

In addition to screening at the entrance, wearing a mask and disinfecting hands are mandatory at hospital entrances. A system of appointments has been put in place in order to avoid simultaneous visits in rooms with two beds.

Visits for patients who have been admitted due to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection remain suspended, except under exceptional circumstances, e.g. end of life situations or significant psychological distress with supporting medical advice.

Visitors belonging to the category of vulnerable persons will not be able to go to the hospital for a visit, unless a duly motivated authorisation is given by their physician.

Finally, the hospital may suspend visits if epidemiological circumstances so dictate.

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg



EU Digital COVID Certificates

Information on 'EU Digital COVID Certificates'

Important: In Luxembourg, the ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ (EUDCC) is required to access public spaces, such as bars and restaurants, museums, swimming pools, large events, etc. Please, consult the measures section for further details. Travellers are strongly advised to carry relevant certificates at all times.

The 'EU Digital COVID Certificate' (EUDCC) is digital proof, valid in all EU countries, that a person has either been vaccinated against COVID-19, has recovered from COVID-19, or has received a negative test result. National authorities are responsible for issuing the certificate. All EU citizens and their family members, as well as non-EU nationals who are legally staying or residing in an EU country and have the right to travel within the EU, can get the EUDCC. A list of non-EU countries and territories whose certificates are accepted under the same conditions as the EUDCC is also available.

Note: although the 'EU Digital COVID Certificate' is valid across the EU, countries remain responsible for their own entry rules and health measures during the pandemic. This means that entry requirements depend on your destination.

As of 1 February 2022, vaccination certificates will be valid for travel purposes within the EU for a period of 9 months (270 days).

Learn more:

Coordinated approach on travel measures - Factsheet

EUDCC - Questions & Answers

EUDCC - Factsheet

What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Document checklist:

Travellers must provide all the following documents:

  1. Proof of vaccination on condition that the vaccine administered is accepted by Luxembourg, vaccination certificates issued by a Member State of the European Union or the Schengen area, as well as certificates issued by a limited number of third countries, are accepted (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican).

A complete vaccination pattern means any pattern that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity and is complete upon administration of the required doses if multiple doses are given or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day interval. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination pattern is complete 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine administered.


Proof of recovery from COVID-19 issued by a practitioner or national authority of an EU Member State or Schengen Area Member State for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with resolution of all symptoms of infection


Negative result (on paper or electronically) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) carried out less than 48 hours before the flight or of a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test carried out less than 24 hours before the flight, by a medical analysis laboratory or any other entity authorised for this purpose. The negative result of the test must be presented, if necessary, accompanied by a translation, in one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or in English, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese.

Entry rules

No entry requirements for citizens of the European Union and of the countries associated with the Schengen area, as well as citizens of San Marino, Andorra, Monaco and the Vatican/Saint See. Citizens from above listed countries are free to enter Luxembourg regardless of the purpose of the stay and not only to return to their homes.

Children younger than 12 years and 2 months are exempt from quarantine and testing requirements.

Learn more:

Visiting Luxembourg

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

All travellers older than 12 years and 2 months can enter if their ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ contains one of the following:

  • Proof of full vaccination certificate, which is valid:
    • from the day of the second dose of vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca)
    • from 14 days after the single dose of Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson
    • from 2 weeks after the first dose of any approved vaccine, for people who recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months.

Accepted vaccines: BioNTech Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) and Janssen.

  • Proof of recovery from COVID-19. Validity: 180 days.
  • Negative molecular (valid 48 hours) or antigen test (valid 24 hours).

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Documents equivalent to the ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ (EUDCC) in English, French, Dutch or Luxembourgish are also accepted, if they meet the same requirements listed above for the EUDCC.

Learn more:

General information

National health institute

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy, except if:

  • they are residents of the following third-countries: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
  • their travel is considered essential
  • they hold a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg (refer to the previous section for the details on accepted certificates of vaccination.)

Details are available on

It should be noted that from 1 January 2021, these restrictions also apply to third-country nationals residing in the United Kingdom, including UK nationals who do not fall under the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Mandatory travel documentation

All travellers aged 12 years and two months or over, regardless of their nationality, can access the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg if they hold one of the following documents:

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting to a complete vaccination pattern against Covid-19, established in accordance with article 3bis, paragraphs 1 to 2, of the amended law of 17 July 2020 on measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Namely a vaccination certificate issued by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a Member State of the European Union or the Schengen Area. Certificates issued by certain third countries are also accepted provided that the vaccine administered is accepted by the Grand Duchy (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Singapore, South Korea, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican).

A complete vaccination pattern means any pattern that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity and is complete upon administration of the required doses if multiple doses are given or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day interval. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination pattern is complete 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine administered.

  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection;
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members

Until 14 January 2022 inclusive, additional sanitary measures are applicable to all travel from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Any person (regardless of nationality and age) who stayed in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa or Zimbabwe during the 14 days prior to his or her arrival on Luxembourg territory must undergo as soon as possible a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, and inform the medical analysis laboratory that he or she has stayed in one or several of these countries. This obligation applies to any person who has stayed in these countries during the 14 days preceding his/her arrival, regardless of the duration of the stay in these countries and in Luxembourg, and regardless of the means of transport to the Grand Duchy.

Upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, the persons concerned are placed in strict quarantine for 7 days with the obligation to undergo a second nucleic acid amplification tests of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) from the 6th day of quarantine. In the event of refusal to submit to the test on arrival or at the end of the 7-day quarantine period, the quarantine will be extended for a further 7 days, bringing the total duration to 14 days.

Persons concerned must notify their presence to the Health Inspection Department (by e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing system.


  • Children under 12 years
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector
  • Transit passengers
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members

Entry rules

Entry requirements depend on the colour attributed to the country of departure, according to Luxembourg’s own national classification of risk areas.

Children younger than 12 years and 2 months are exempt from quarantine and testing requirements.

Document checklist:

Travellers must provide all the following documents:

  1. Proof of vaccination on condition that the vaccine administered is accepted by Luxembourg, vaccination certificates issued by a Member State of the European Union or the Schengen area, as well as certificates issued by a limited number of third countries, are accepted (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican).

A complete vaccination pattern means any pattern that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity and is complete upon administration of the required doses if multiple doses are given or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day interval. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination pattern is complete 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine administered.


Proof of recovery from COVID-19 issued by a practitioner or national authority of an EU Member State or Schengen Area Member State for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with resolution of all symptoms of infection.


Negative result (on paper or electronically) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) carried out less than 48 hours before the flight or of a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test carried out less than 24 hours before the flight, by a medical analysis laboratory or any other entity authorised for this purpose. The negative result of the test must be presented, if necessary, accompanied by a translation, in one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or in English, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese.

Learn more:

General information

National health institute

What are the rules if I go abroad from this country, and when I return from abroad?

Currently there are no restrictions or obligations in place applying to travel by land.

For any travel by air to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, please refer to the specific sections for travel conditions depending on your situation.

Learn more:

Visiting Luxembourg

May I transit this country?


All travellers, aged 12 years and 2 months or older, authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of their nationality), must present, before boarding a flight to Luxembourg either a certificate of vaccination, a certificate of recovery or a negative test result. Please refer to the previous section on travel for details.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

Information on the situation in the country is available on the official website on COVID-19 information.

Luxembourg has the CovidCheck system in place, applicable to private persons, establishments (e.g. restaurants, bars, fitness centres, shops, administrations, companies, etc.) as well as public or private events (e.g. sports events, concerts, etc.). Under the currently applicable “2G+” system, persons who have reached the age of 12 years and 2 months must present a certificate of vaccination or recovery and either perform a self-diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 on site or present a valid NAAT or certified valid SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test.

Persons who have a vaccination certificate issued within the last 180 days, a certificate of the booster vaccination, or a recovery certificate for a period of 180 days are exempt from the testing obligation. Persons who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons must present a certificate of contraindication to vaccination, as well as a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test (PCR, certified antigen test) or, if necessary, perform a self-test on site.

Since 15 January 2022, the "3G" system is compulsory in the workplace (private and public sector).

Travellers are strongly advised to carry relevant certificates at all times.

Use of facemasks

The use of facemasks is mandatory in all indoor and outdoor public spaces, including public transport. Exemptions:

  • Children under 6 years of age
  • Persons with a disability or a pathology with a medical certificate
  • Speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities
  • Theatre and film actors as they exercise their professional artistic activity
  • Musicians and dancers while performing their activity in a professional context

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing of at least 2 meters is mandatory for any gathering of 11 people or more. This obligation does not apply to people who are part of the same household or who live together.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Gatherings in general

Private and public gatherings and events are subject to the general rules on gatherings.

  • For gatherings of up to 10 people, there are no restrictions or health measures to be observed.
  • For gatherings of 11 to 20 people (inclusive), masks and a physical distance of 2 metres between people are mandatory, or the CovidCheck (2G+) system applies.
    • Exception: the same rules apply for private gatherings or at home of between 11 and 20 people (inclusive). However, if masking and physical distancing are not desired, the CovidCheck 3G system will apply instead of the 2G+ system. Private gatherings or at home under the CovidCheck system must be notified in advance. However, in this case, the system does not need to be visibly displayed.
    • Persons belonging to the household where the gathering takes place are not counted. Persons who are at home in the course of their professional activities or those who are at home when exercising their visitation and accommodation rights or in the context of alternating residences are also not counted.
  • Gatherings of between 21 and 200 people (inclusive) are subject to the CovidCheck 2G+ system, or the requirement to wear a mask and be seated at a minimum distance of 2 metres. CovidCheck 2G+ means that each person over 12 years and 2 months of age must present a vaccination or recovery certificate. They must also undergo a test. Exempted from this additional testing requirement are persons who have:
    • a vaccination certificate issued within the last 180 days
    • a certificate of the booster vaccination
    • or a recovery certificate for a period of 180 days
  • Gatherings of more than 200 people are prohibited, unless they are subject to a health protocol accepted in advance by the Health Directorate, which determines the health measures to be observed.

Sporting activities

Indoor and outdoor sports facilities are open to the public.

Sports and physical fitness activities are allowed, but under certain conditions:

  • sports activities carried out individually or with a maximum of 10 people can be practised without the obligation to wear a mask or to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from each other
  • sports activities carried out in a group of more than 10 people is subject to the mandatory CovidCheck plus ("2G+") system
  • sports facilities must have a surface area of 10m2 per person practising a sporting activity.

Swimming pools and aquatic centres are open to the public. The capacity of the pools is limited to one person per 10m2.

Public access to showers and locker rooms is also strictly regulated. Thus, only a maximum of 10 people per locker room or collective shower area are allowed. In the locker rooms, people must either wear a mask or maintain a physical distance of 2 metres. In the showers, the physical distance of 2 metres must be respected.

The general restrictions regarding the number of persons allowed per locker room and collective shower area or the area to be guaranteed per person do not apply to sports groups consisting of persons from the same household, nor to school and extracurricular sports activities.

The following persons may participate in training sessions with more than 10 people, and in sports competitions, if they present a certificate of vaccination, recovery or test, i.e. under the "3G" system:

  • athletes and referees between the ages of 12 years and 2 months and under the age of 19 years, belonging to an affiliated club or an approved sports federation
  • athletes and supervisors with an employment contract with an affiliated club or an approved sports federation and exercising their activity on a principal and regular basis or, in general, athletes or supervisors who are affiliated as such to the social security system

Athletes, judges and referees aged 19 and over who belong to an affiliated club or an approved sports federation may take part in training sessions involving more than 10 people and in sports competitions under the "2G+" system.

Persons holding a certificate of contraindication to vaccination must in all cases present their certificate and a test certificate or negative result of a self-diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 carried out on the premises.

Safety measures for public transportation

In all forms of public transport, facemasks are mandatory. Also, social distance should be maintained as much as possible. The front door of the bus remains closed, travelers are asked to get on and off through the rear doors, the first row of passenger seats should be left unoccupied whenever possible, the driver does not sell tickets and travelers are requested to keep a distance between each other.

Places of worship


Religious activities and services can be carried out inside and outside places of worship, provided they adhere to strict health protocols.

It is compulsory to:

  • Wear a facemask, except for religious representatives during services.
  • Keep a distance of 2-metres from each other.



Isolation applies to people who have been confirmed as being infected by COVID-19. They must self-isolate at home and the people living in the same house and their close contacts should quarantine themselves for 7 days. The aim is to prevent infected people - who are contagious - passing the infection on to anyone else.

Isolation is prescribed by the Health Directorate (Direction de la santé) for 10 days after the onset of symptoms. For asymptomatic persons, isolation begins on the day of the sampling. During this period of confinement at home, all contact should be avoided with other people and a surgical mask must be worn whenever anyone else is present. Failure to comply with an isolation measure incurs a fine.

Isolation may be terminated before the 10 days have elapsed for the following cases:

  • persons who received their full vaccination less than 6 months ago, or
  • persons who recovered from COVID-19 infection within 180 days of the positive PCR test, or
  • persons who received a booster vaccination

andif they perform SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen tests on days 5 and 6 of isolation at the earliest. If the results are negative, isolation ends on day 6.


Quarantine applies to people who have had high-risk contact with a person with a confirmed infection, i.e. face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes, unprotected physical contact, etc. These people must stay at home for 7 days counting from the day of the last contact with the infected person. If necessary, the Health Inspectorate (Inspection sanitaire) will provide them with a certificate of incapacity for work. During this period, all unprotected contact with other people must be avoided.

From the 6th day onwards, they will be asked to be tested for COVID-19 at a laboratory of their choice, using the prescription that has been sent to them. If the result is negative, the quarantine requirement is automatically lifted.

During the 7 days following the quarantine, they must self-monitor and wear a mask when in contact with other people. If any symptoms appear, they must immediately be tested again and placed in isolation; failure to do so incurs a fine.

Attention: Vaccinated or recovered persons are exempt from quarantine in case of contact with a person who tested COVID+.

Learn more:

Isolation and quarantine


Non-essential (other than medicine and food) shops


Shops, including non-essential shops, are open to the public.

To enable the shops to welcome their customers in the best possible safety conditions, certain measures have been put in place:

  • Masks must be worn for all activities in closed spaces, open to the public
  • Try to keep an interpersonal distance of 2 meters
  • Consider the protective measures
  • Avoid hand-to-hand exchanges
  • Not wearing a mask in shops is punishable and customers may be refused

Tourist accommodations



Hotels and other accommodation facilities are open. Catering services provided in hotels are subject to the same rules as those applied for restaurants, bars and cafés.

The 2G-rule (vaccinated or recovered) is in effect. An identity check can be carried out. Young people aged 12 years and 2 months to 15 years will be subject to the 3G regime (vaccinated, recovered, tested).

Catering establishments


Restaurants, bars, and cafés are open to the public both indoors and outdoors until 11PM.

Restaurants, bars and cafes are subject to the CovidCheck Plus (“2G+”) system. Clients who have reached the age of 12 years and 2 months must present a certificate of vaccination or recovery and either perform a self-diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 on site or present a valid NAAT or certified SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test.The test is not mandatory for people who completed their vaccination pattern less than 180 days ago, for people who have received their “booster” dose and for people with a recovery certificate. This applies to both indoor and outdoor use.

The only exception is for people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. To gain access to a restaurant, bar or café, they must present a certificate of contraindication to vaccination, as well as a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test (PCR, certified antigen test or self-test performed on the premises).

The staff or manager of such an establishment is subject to the "3G" system. Unlike customers, they can use a test certificate to gain access to the establishment and they do not have to perform a test on site.

Cinemas, museums and indoor attractions


The cultural institutions are open to the public. The rules applicable to these establishments are the subject of specific recommendations and guidelines from the Ministry of Culture.

The practice of cultural activities is allowed without the obligation of physical distance and wearing a mask, provided that it is carried out individually or in a group of 10 people at most.

If there are more than 10 people engaged in a cultural activity at the same time, the CovidCheck system ("2G+") applies.

These restrictions do not apply to groups consisting exclusively of persons who are members of the same household, nor to school musical activities, including extracurricular activities.

Personal care services


Wellness-related activities (spa, wellness centres, etc.) as well as physical exercise facilities (such as gyms and fitness centres) are open. The rules are those related to sports and fitness activities.

Outdoors areas and beaches


Beaches and outdoor tourist areas are accessible, provided that social distancing and hygiene measures are in place. Outdoor areas in general remain accessible.

Health protocols for tourism services and tourists

Mandatory testing at the entrance to hospitals

As from the age of 12 years and 2 months, you must present a vaccination certificate, recovery certificate, contraindication to vaccination certificate or negative COVID-19 test certificate in order to be admitted to a hospital:

  • if you go to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care or treatment
  • if you are accompanying a person to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care or treatment
  • if you are accompanying someone during their stay in hospital (e.g. a parent who stays with their minor child during the child's hospitalisation)

To visit a hospitalised person, anyone over the age of 12 years and 2 months must also undergo a self-diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 to be performed on the premises. 

Persons going to a hospital for an emergency, as well as COVID-positive persons who need to be treated or hospitalised, cannot be refused access to the hospital.

Other precautionary measures

In addition to screening at the entrance, wearing a mask and disinfecting hands are mandatory at hospital entrances. A system of appointments has been put in place in order to avoid simultaneous visits in rooms with two beds.

Visits for patients who have been admitted due to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection remain suspended, except under exceptional circumstances, e.g. end of life situations or significant psychological distress with supporting medical advice.

Visitors belonging to the category of vulnerable persons will not be able to go to the hospital for a visit, unless a duly motivated authorisation is given by their physician.

Finally, the hospital may suspend visits if epidemiological circumstances so require.

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg



What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

No entry requirements for citizens of the European Union and of the countries associated with the Schengen area, as well as citizens of San Marino, Andorra, Monaco and the Vatican/Saint See, are free to enter the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, regardless of the purpose of the stay and not only to return to their homes.

Mandatory travel documentation

All travellers entering the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by air must present a vaccination certificate, a recovery certificate, or a negative SARS-CoV-2 test.

For any person, aged 12 years and 2 months or older, authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of nationality), it is compulsory to present, before boarding a flight to Luxembourg

  • either a vaccination certificate attesting to a complete vaccination pattern carried out with a vaccine that has been authorised for use by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area, or a vaccination certificate, issued by a third country, attesting to a complete vaccination pattern and considered as equivalent in Luxembourg in accordance with Article 3bis of the amended law of 17 July 2020 on measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic (this currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Faroe Islands, Israel, Morocco, Monaco, Panama, Republic of Armenia, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican)
  • or a recovery certificate issued by a practitioner or national authority of an EU Member State or Schengen Area Member State for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with resolution of all symptoms of infection
  • or the negative result (on paper or electronically) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) carried out less than 72 hours before the flight or of a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test carried out less than 48 hours before the flight, by a medical analysis laboratory or any other entity authorised for this purpose. The negative result of the test must be presented, if necessary, accompanied by a translation, in one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or in English, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese

Find out more:

Visiting Luxembourg (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Luxembourg accepts "EU Digital COVID certificates" (EUDCC) since 14 June 2021.

Holders of EUDCC are not subject to further restrictions (testing or quarantine), at the condition that their certificate contains either:

Vaccination certificate, which is valid:

  • from the day of the second dose of vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca)
  • from 14 days after the single dose of Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson
  • from 2 weeks after the first dose of any approved vaccine, for people who recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months. Accepted vaccines:BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) /Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)

Recovery certificate

  • The recovery certificate is valid between the 11th and 180th day after a positive PCR test.

Negative COVID-19 test certificate

  • PCR test valid for 72 hours
  • Rapid antigen test valid for 48 hours

Children under 12 years old are exempted from the testing requirements

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Since 13 June, any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either:

  • certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine;
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted. 

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate. During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted.

These obligations do not apply to travel by land.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions; and their family members.

Find out more:
Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy until 31 December 2021 (inclusive), except in one of the following cases:

  • If they are residents of the following third-countries, Special administrative regions and entities and territorial authorities not recognised as States by at least one Member State of the European Union:
    • States
      • Argentina
      • Australia
      • Bahrain
      • Canada
      • Chile 
      • China (subject to confirmation of reciprocity at EU level)
      • Colombia
      • Indonesia
      • Kuwait
      • New Zealand
      • Peru
      • Qatar
      • Rwanda
      • Saudi Arabia
      • South Korea
      • United Arab Emirates
      • Uruguay
    • Special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China
      • Hong Kong SAR
      • Macao SAR
    • Entities and territorial authorities not recognised as States by at least one Member State of the European Union
      • Taiwan
  • Or if their travel is considered essential (see FAQs)
  • Or if they hold a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg (see FAQs)

It should be noted that from 1 January 2021, these restrictions also apply to third-country nationals residing in the United Kingdom, including UK nationals who do not fall under the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement (see FAQs).

For any person, aged 12 years and 2 months or older, authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of nationality), it is compulsory to present, before boarding a flight to Luxembourg

  • either a vaccination certificate attesting to a complete vaccination pattern (see FAQ) carried out with a vaccine that has been authorised for use by the European Medicines Agency, issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area, or a vaccination certificate, issued by a third country, attesting to a complete vaccination pattern and considered as equivalent in Luxembourg in accordance with Article 3bis of the amended law of 17 July 2020 on measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: 
    • Albania
    • Andorra
    • El Salvador
    • Faroe Islands
    • Georgia
    • Israel
    • Moldova
    • Morocco
    • Monaco
    • New Zealand
    • Panama
    • Republic of Armenia
    • Republic of North Macedonia
    • Republic of Serbia
    • San Marino
    • Singapore
    • Switzerland
    • Togo
    • Turkey
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom
    • United States of America
    • Vatican
  • or a recovery certificate issued by a practitioner or national authority of an EU Member State or Schengen Area Member State for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with resolution of all symptoms of infection
  • or the negative result (on paper or electronically) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) carried out less than 72 hours before the flight or of a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test carried out less than 48 hours before the flight, by a medical analysis laboratory or any other entity authorised for this purpose. The negative result of the test must be presented, if necessary accompanied by a translation, in one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or in English, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese

This applies to all departures to Luxembourg, including those from Member States of the European Union or the Schengen area.

In addition, until 14 January 2022 inclusive, additional sanitary measures are applicable to all travel from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Find out more:

Visiting Luxembourg (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy for non-essential travel purposes until 31 December 2021 (inclusive), unless they hold a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg (issued by a Member State of the Schengen area or considered equivalent by an implementing act of the European Commission) . This currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Faroe Islands, Israel, Morocco, Monaco, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Vatican.

Details concerning these restrictions and the various exceptions are available on

Any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either:

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine;
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection;
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate.

During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions; and their family members.

Please note that the testing obligations applicable to all persons wishing to enter Luxembourg from a third country are in addition to the temporary restrictions already in place for non-essential travel to the EU.


  • Children under 12 years.
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Transit passengers
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members;

Those concerned are required to report their presence to the Health Inspection Department (per e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing.

What are the rules if I go abroad from this country, and when I return from abroad?

Currently there are no restrictions or obligations in place applying to travel by land.

For any travel by air to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, please refer to the specific sections for travel conditions depending on your situation.

Find out more:

Visiting Luxembourg

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether they are returning to their country of nationality or residence or not.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.



What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Luxembourg is accepting "EU Digital COVID certificates" (EUDCC) since 14 June 2021.

Holders of EUDCC will be allowed to enter Luxembourg, without being subject to further restrictions (testing or quarantine), at the condition that their certificate contains either:

Vaccination certificate , which is valid: 

  • from the day of the second dose of vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca)
  • from 14 days after the single dose of Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
  • from 2 weeks after the first dose of any approved vaccine, for people who recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months. Accepted vaccines: BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) / Johnson&Johnson (Janssen)

Recovery certificate

  • The recovery certificate is valid between the 11th and 180th day after a positive PCR test.

Negative COVID-19 test certificate

  • PCR test valid for 72 hours
  • Rapid antigen test valid for 48 hours

Children under 12 years old are exempted from the testing requirements

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Since 13 June, any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either: 

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine; 
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection; 
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted. 

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate. During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted. 

These obligations do not apply to travel by land. 

The following persons are exempted from these obligations: 

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector; 
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period; 
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions; and their family members. 

Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy for non-essential travel purposes until 31 December 2021 (inclusive), unless they hold a certificate proving a complete vaccination pattern that is considered equivalent in Luxembourg (issued by a Member State of the Schengen area or considered equivalent by an implementing act of the European Commission) . This currently applies to certificates issued by the following countries or territories: Albania, Andorra, Faroe Islands, Israel, Morocco, Monaco, Panama, Republic of North Macedonia, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Vatican.

Details concerning these restrictions and the various exceptions are available on 

Any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either: 

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine; 
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection; 
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate.

During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted. 

The following persons are exempted from these obligations: 

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector; 
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period; 
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions; and their family members. 

Please note that the testing obligations applicable to all persons wishing to enter Luxembourg from a third country are in addition to the temporary restrictions already in place for non-essential travel to the EU. 


  • Children under 12 years.
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Transit passengers
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members;

Those concerned are required to report their presence to the Health Inspection Department (per e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing.

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

A voluntary CovidCheck system has been put in place allowing private individuals, businesses (restaurants, bars, shops, fitness centres) and public and private venues to host events restricted to people who are vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or who present a negative test (certified or the result of auto tests performed locally prior to entry (not valid for venues hosting people between 1 and 6 am)).

Under the CovidCheck system, measures relative to the use of facemasks (for both staff and clients), consumption at the table and minimum distance between tables do no longer apply.

Children below 6 years old attending events held under CovidCheck are not required to present any COVID-19 test result of perform an auto test.

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport and for any gathering of more than10 people.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance and the wearing of a mask are compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings involving between 51 and 300 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, nor in the context of sports activities and demonstrations. Sports and musical activities are subject to specific rules.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Private gatherings at home or during private events, in a closed or open-air venue, are subjected to the same rules as gatherings.

Public gatherings exceeding 300 people are prohibited. Any gathering from 11 up to 50 people (inclusive of children regardless of their age) is subject to the condition that the people wear masks and observe a minimum distance of 2 metres. Gatherings from 11 to 300 people can be held under the "CovidCheck" system. In this case, the requirement to wear a mask, the requirement for a minimum physical distance of 2 metres, and the requirement for seating arrangements do not apply. Certain events may gather more than 300 people (without exceeding the maximum limit of 2000 people), provided that they are subject to a health protocol accepted in advance by the Health Directorate, which defines the health measures that must be observed.

In the event of infringements of these measures, a fine of up to 1000€ may apply.

Without prejudice to the decisions made by the legal owners, sports and physical fitness activities are allowed, but under certain conditions:

  • sports activities carried out individually or with a maximum of 10 people can be practised without the obligation to wear a mask or to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from each other
  • sports activities carried out in groups of more than 10 people may be practised provided that there is a physical distance of at least 2 metres between the different sports participants, or that a mask is worn.
  • sports facilities must have a surface area of 10m2 per person practising a sporting activity

Swimming pools and aquatic centres are open to the public. The capacity of the pools is limited to one person per 10m2. This means that swimming can be practiced outside the lanes, and the use of leisure pools or other pools in aquatic centres as well as indoor and outdoor swimming pools is now possible. These restrictions do not apply to elite athletes, their training partners and coaches, professional athletes, athletes in the federal national cadre in all categories, students at the “Sportlycée” and federal training centres, or athletes in teams in the highest divisions of the respective sports disciplines at senior level, as well as their coaches, for training and competitions.

In order to participate in sports competitions, each athlete and coach must present a rapid antigen test performed on site, with a negative result. People who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative are exempted from such a test. Sports events may be attended by the public. However, the number of spectators may not exceed 300, unless the sports event is subject to a health protocol approved by the Health Directorate.

In every case, the protective measures (ENFRDELU) must be in place.

Find out more:

Public and private gatherings (ENFRDELU)

Sport, religion, culture (ENFRDELU)

Safety measures for public transportation

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in all circumstances on public transport, except for the driver when an interpersonal distance of 2 metres is respected or a separation panel separates him/her from the passengers.


  • the front door of the bus remains closed;
  • the first row of seats should remain unoccupied as far as possible;
  • travellers are requested to get on and off the bus by using the back doors;
  • a safety distance between travellers has to be maintained;
  • the driver is not allowed to sell tickets. 

Find out more:

Safety measures on public transportation (in French)

Public transport adaptation (in French)

Places of worship

A 2-metres distance between individuals is required and wearing a mask is mandatory. The obligation to wear a mask does not apply to religious actors when carrying out their activities.


Isolation applies to confirmed COVID-19 cases. These people must self-isolate at home for at least 10 days after the appearance of the first symptoms. People living in the same house and their close contacts should undergo a 7-days quarantine. 

During the period of confinement at home, all contacts with other people should be avoided and a protective facemask must be worn whenever anyone else is present. Failure to comply with an isolation measure incurs a fine.

Quarantine applies to people who have had a high-risk contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, i.e. a face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes, unprotected physical contact, etc.

These people must undergo a 7-days quarantine. During this period, all unprotected contacts with others must be avoided.

From the 6th day onwards, quarantined people are required to be tested for COVID-19 at a laboratory of their choice. If the result is negative, the quarantine requirement is automatically lifted.

During the 7 days following the quarantine, a 14-days self-monitoring should apply and a mask must be worn when in contact with other people. If any symptoms appear, another COVID-19 test has to be performed and in the case of positivity, isolation applies. People who are under self-monitoring are asked to check their temperature twice a day and verify the possible presence of any respiratory problem or cough.  

People who test positive for COVID-19 and people who have had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case can now complete an online reporting form on the dedicated Health Inspection site (ENFRDE — LU)

Find out more:

Isolation and quarantine (ENFRDE — LU)

Optimization of covid tracing forms (ENFRDE — LU)

Testing (ENFRDE — LU)

I am a contact person/I am a positive test person (ENFRDE — LU)

Non-essential (other than medicine and food) shops

Open with limitations

The following measures apply:

  • wearing a facemask is compulsory in closed spaces apart for children under the age of 6 and people with disabilities;
  • any commercial establishment with a sales area equal to or bigger than 400 square metres, which is accessible to the public, is subject to a limitation of one customer per 10 square metres of the sales area;
  • if the sales area is less than 20 square metres, the operator is authorised to accommodate a maximum of 2 guests;
  • an interpersonal distance of at least 2 metres is required.

Fines may apply for people who do not observe the above-mentioned measures and entry can also be denied.

Find out more:

Measures for shops (ENFRDELU)

Tourist accommodations

Open with limitations

Hotels and other accommodation facilities are open. Since 13 June 2021, catering services provided in hotels are subject to the same rules as those applied for restaurants, bars and cafés (see below). 

Catering establishments

Open with limitations

Since 13 June 2021, restaurants, bars and cafés can welcome the public from 06:00 to 01:00.

There are two options:

  • With CovidCheck system

The establishment operates without having to comply with special sanitary measures such as wearing a mask for staff in direct contact with customers or for customers themselves, and customers are no longer obliged to eat at the table and to respect the distance between tables. The perimeter of the surface of a terrace must be strictly defined.

  • Without CovidCheck system

This option is subject to strict limitations:

  • Only seated places are allowed and consumption is only possible at the table;
  • Indoors, each table can accommodate a maximum of 4 people, unless the people are members of the same household;
  • Outdoors, each table can accommodate a maximum of 10 people, unless the people are members of the same household.
  • Tables should be separated by at least 1.5 metres or by a barrier or any physical separation to limit the risk of infection;
  • The wearing of a mask is compulsory for the customer when not seated at the table and for the staff in direct contact with the customers.

Take-away, drive-through and home delivery are still possible.

School and university canteens are subject to separate rules. Company canteens and non-profit social restaurants for the disadvantaged may offer take-away services.

Cinemas, museums and indoor attractions

Open with limitations

The cultural institutions are open to the public. The rules applicable to these establishments are defined by specific recommendations and guidelines from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Health. As for other leisure activities, the law no longer specifies any special provisions relating to recreational activities. Hence, the general rules relating to gatherings apply.

Personal care services

Open with limitations

Wellness-related activities (spa, wellness centres, etc.) as well as physical exercise facilities (such as gyms and fitness centres) are open. 

Outdoors areas and beaches


Beaches and outdoor tourist areas are accessible, provided that social distancing and hygiene measures are in place. Outdoor areas in general remain accessible.

Health protocols for tourism services and tourists

Health protocols for tourism services and tourists (ENFRDE — LU)

Information on Tourism at National level

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg

May I fly to this country?

Please refer to the previous sections for travel conditions depending on your situation.

You can find the latest information on air travel regulations for this country on the IATA website.

You can also find information about air passenger rights on our portal for citizens.

Yes. Please refer to the previous sections for travel conditions depending on your situation.

You can find the latest information on air travel regulations for this country on the IATA website.

You can also find information about air passenger rights on our portal for citizens.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

A voluntary CovidCheck system has been put in place allowing private individuals, businesses (restaurants, bars, shops, fitness centres) and public and private venues to host events restricted to people who are vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or who present a negative test (certified or the result of auto tests performed locally prior to entry (not valid for venues hosting people between 1 and 6 am)).

Under the CovidCheck system, measures relative to the use of facemasks (for both staff and clients), consumption at the table and minimum distance between tables do no longer apply.

Children below 12 years and 2 months attending events held under CovidCheck are not required to present any COVID-19 test result.

Find out more:


Children below 6 years old attending events held under CovidCheck are not required to present any COVID-19 test result of perform an auto test.

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport and for any gathering of more than10 people.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity.

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing of at least 2 meters is mandatory for any gathering of 11 people or more. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together
  • to groups of a maximum of 4 people.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Private gatherings

Gatherings at home or at private events are subject to the general rules for gatherings. For private parties of up to 10 guests, there are no restrictions or health measures to be observed. For 11 or more people, masks must be worn and a distance of 2 metres between people must be observed. And for 51 or more people, the obligation of assigned seats applies.

Children are included regardless of their age. People who are in the home when exercising their visitation and accommodation rights or in the context of alternating residences are not counted.

Private gatherings at home can be organised under the CovidCheck system with prior notification. In this case, the system must be notified for gatherings, but does not need to be visibly displayed. For more information on the CovidCheck system and its notification procedure, please visit our page dedicated to the CovidCheck system.

It is important to limit interpersonal contact and thus limit the number of people that can be invited, as any person invited constitutes an additional risk in terms of transmission of the virus.

Public gathering

Any gathering exceeding 2,000 people is prohibited.

Any gathering between 11 and up to and including 50 people is subject to the condition that people wear masks and observe a minimum distance of 2 metres. For gatherings of between 51 and 2,000 people, seating must also be provided.

Gatherings of 11 and up to 2.000 people can be held, with prior notification, under the CovidCheck system. In this case, the requirement to wear a mask, the requirement for a minimum physical distance of 2 metres and the requirement for seating arrangements do not apply.

Gatherings of more than 2,000 people are prohibited, unless they are subject to a health protocol accepted in advance by the Health Directorate, which determines the health measures to be observed.

For more information on the CovidCheck system and its notification procedure, visit our page dedicated to the CovidCheck system.

Find out more:

Public and private gatherings (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Safety measures for public transportation

Several measures are put in place in public transport to minimize the spread of COVID-19 among the population. These measures must be observed by all operators and users of public transport for the health of all, passengers, and drivers:

  • Wearing a mask is compulsory in all circumstances in public transport, except for the driver when an interpersonal distance of two meters is respected or a separation sign separates him from the passengers.
  • The front door of the bus remains closed. Travelers are asked to get on and off through the rear doors
  • The 1st row of passenger seats should be left unoccupied whenever possible.
  • The driver does not sell tickets (RegioZone).
  • Travelers are asked to keep their distance.

Find out more:

Safety measures on public transportation (in French)

Public transport adaptation (in French)

Places of worship

A 2-metres distance between individuals is required and wearing a mask is mandatory. The obligation to wear a mask does not apply to religious actors when carrying out their activities.


Isolation applies to people who have been confirmed as being infected by COVID-19. They must self-isolate at home and the people living in the same house and their close contacts should quarantine themselves for 7 days. The aim is to prevent infected people - who are contagious - passing the infection on to anyone else.

Isolation is prescribed by the Health Directorate (Direction de la sante)for at least 10 days after the onset of symptoms. For asymptomatic persons, isolation begins on the day of the sampling. During this period of confinement at home, all contact should be avoided with other people and a surgical mask must be worn whenever anyone else is present. Failure to comply with an isolation measure incurs a fine.

Quarantine applies to people who have had high-risk contact with a person with a confirmed infection, i.e. face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes, unprotected physical contact, etc. These people must stay at home for 7 days counting from the day of the last contact with the infected person. If necessary, the Health Inspectorate (Inspection sanitaire) will provide them with a certificate of incapacity for work. During this period, all unprotected contact with other people must be avoided.

From the 6th day onwards, they will be asked to be tested for COVID-19 at a laboratory of their choice, using the prescription that has been sent to them. If the result is negative, the quarantine requirement is automatically lifted.

During the 7 days following the quarantine, they must self-monitor and wear a mask when in contact with other people. If any symptoms appear, they must immediately be tested again and placed in isolation; failure to do so incurs a fine.

Attention:Vaccinated or recovered personsare exempt from quarantine in case of contact with a person who tested COVID+.

People who test positive for COVID-19 and people who have had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case can now complete an online reporting form on the dedicated Health Inspection site (EN FR DELU)

Find out more:

Isolation and quarantine (EN FR DE LU)

Optimization of covid tracing forms (EN FR DE LU)

Testing (ENFRDELU)

I am a contact person/I am a positive test person (EN FR DELU)

Non-essential (other than medicine and food) shops


Shops, including non-essential shops, are open to the public.

Shopping centres with a sales area equal to or greater than 400m2 must in addition, provide a health protocol, which has been accepted by the National Health Directorate.

To enable the shops to welcome their customers in the best possible safety conditions, certain measures have been put in place:

  • Masks must be worn for all activities in closed spaces, open to the public
  • Try to keep an interpersonal distance of 2 meters
  • Consider the protective measures
  • Avoid hand-to-hand exchanges
  • Not wearing a mask in shops is punishable and customers may be refused

Find out more:

Measures for shops (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Tourist accommodations



Hotels and other accommodation facilities are open. Since 13 June 2021, catering services provided in hotels are subject to the same rules as those applied for restaurants, bars and cafés (see below).

Catering establishments


Restaurants, bars, and cafés are open to the public both indoors and outdoors.

Inside catering establishements and bars, the CovidCheck system is compulsory. Customers and all staff in these establishments must comply with the obligations under the system and present either a vaccination certificate, a certificate of recovery or a COVID test certificate showing a negative result.

Outside areas of restaurants, cafés or bars are not automatically subject to the CovidCheck system. However, the operator of one of these establishments may opt for the system to be applied on the outside area. In this case, the operator must clearly delimit the outside area.

If the outside area of a restaurant, café or bar is not subject to the CovidCheck system, each table may only accommodate a maximum of 10 people, unless the people are part of the same household or cohabiting.

An outside area an open-air outdoor space with at least 3 sides opens in order to allow for free air circulation and natural ventilation of the space.

Find out more:

Restaurants, bars and cafés (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Cinemas, museums and indoor attractions


The cultural institutions are open to the public. The rules applicable to these establishments are defined by specific recommendations and guidelines from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Health. As for other leisure activities, the law no longer specifies any special provisions relating to recreational activities. Hence, the general rules relating to gatherings apply.

Find out more:

Education, sports, culture, leisure activities (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Personal care services


Wellness-related activities (spa, wellness centres, etc.) as well as physical exercise facilities (such as gyms and fitness centres) are open.

Outdoors areas and beaches


Beaches and outdoor tourist areas are accessible, provided that social distancing and hygiene measures are in place. Outdoor areas in general remain accessible.

Health protocols for tourism services and tourists

In hospitals

Mandatory testing at the entrance to hospitals:

As from the age of 12 years and 2 months, you must present a vaccination certificate, recovery certificate or negative COVID-19 test certificate to be admitted to a hospital:

  • if you are visiting a patient in hospital
  • if you go to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care, or treatment
  • if you are accompanying a person to the hospital for a consultation, examination, medical care, or treatment
  • if you are accompanying someone during their stay in hospital (e.g. a parent who stays with their minor child during the child's hospitalisation)
  • Vaccination certificate
    • Accepted vaccines: BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) / Johnson&Johnson (Janssen)
    • In case of 2 doses
      • from the day of the 2nd dose
      • or from the 14th day after the 1st dose in case of recovery within 6 months of an infection
    • In case of one dose, from the 14th day after the vaccination
  • Negative COVID-19 test certificate
    • PCR test (or NAAT) valid for 72 hours
    • Rapid antigen test valid for 48 hours
  • Recovery certificate
    • The recovery certificate is valid between the 11th and 180th day after the date of the result of the positive PCR test.

Persons going to a hospital for an emergency, as well as COVID-positive persons who need to be treated or hospitalised, cannot be refused access to the hospital.

Find out more:

Hospitals and physicians (EN  FR  DE  LU)

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg



What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Luxembourg is accepting "EU Digital COVID certificates" (EUDCC) since 14 June 2021.

Holders of EUDCC will be allowed to enter Luxembourg, without being subject to further restrictions (testing or quarantine), at the condition that their certificate contains either:

Vaccination certificate , which is valid: 

  • from the day of the second dose of vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca)
  • from 14 days after the single dose of Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
  • from 2 weeks after the first dose of any approved vaccine, for people who recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months. Accepted vaccines: BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) / Johnson&Johnson (Janssen)

Recovery certificate

  • The recovery certificate is valid between the 11th and 180th day after a positive PCR test.

Negative COVID-19 test certificate

  • PCR test valid for 72 hours
  • Rapid antigen test valid for 48 hours

Children under 12 years old are exempted from the testing requirements

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Since 13 June, any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either: 

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine; 
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection; 
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted. 

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate. During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted. 

These obligations do not apply to travel by land. 

The following persons are exempted from these obligations: 

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector; 
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period; 
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions; and their family members. 

Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy until 30 September 2021 (inclusive). Details concerning these restrictions and the various exceptions are available on 

Any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either: 

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine; 
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection; 
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted. 

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate.

During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted. 

The following persons are exempted from these obligations: 

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector; 
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period; 
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions; and their family members. 

Please note that the testing obligations applicable to all persons wishing to enter Luxembourg from a third country are in addition to the temporary restrictions already in place for non-essential travel to the EU. 

Additional measures are applicable until 14 September 2021 for India, regardless of the means of transport. Any person, aged 12 and over, who stayed in India during the 14 days prior to arrival in Luxembourg must undergo a COVID-19 test (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) as soon as possible and inform the medical analysis laboratory about their stay in India. This obligation applies to any person who has stayed in India during the 14 days before arrival, regardless of the duration of the stay in India and in Luxembourg, and regardless of the means of transport to the Grand Duchy. Upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, the persons concerned are placed in strict quarantine for 7 days with the obligation to undergo a second COVID-19 test from the 6th day of quarantine. In the event of refusal to submit to the test on arrival or at the end of the 7-day quarantine period, the quarantine will be extended for a further 7 days, bringing the total duration to 14 days. 


  • Children under 12 years.
  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Transit passengers
  • Health professionals, health researchers and care providers for elderly people;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, and their family members;

Those concerned are required to report their presence to the Health Inspection Department (per e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing. 

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

May I fly to this country?

Yes. Please refer to the previous sections for travel conditions depending on your situation.

You can find the latest information on air travel regulations for this country on the IATA website.

You can also find information about air passenger rights on our portal for citizens.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

A voluntary CovidCheck system has been put in place allowing private individuals, businesses (restaurants, bars, shops, fitness centres) and public and private venues to host events restricted to people who are vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or who present a negative test (certified or the result of auto tests performed locally prior to entry (not valid for venues hosting people between 1 and 6 am)). Children below 6 years old attending events held under CovidCheck are not required to present any COVID-19 test result of perform an auto test.

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport and for any gathering of more than10 people.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance and the wearing of a mask are compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings involving between 51 and 300 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, nor in the context of sports activities and demonstrations. Sports and musical activities are subject to specific rules.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Private gatherings at home or during private events, in a closed or open-air venue, are subjected to the same rules as gatherings.

Public gatherings exceeding 300 people are prohibited. Any gathering from 11 up to 50 people (inclusive of children regardless of their age) is subject to the condition that the people wear masks and observe a minimum distance of 2 metres. Gatherings from 11 to 300 people can be held under the "CovidCheck" system. In this case, the requirement to wear a mask, the requirement for a minimum physical distance of 2 metres, and the requirement for seating arrangements do not apply. Certain events may gather more than 300 people (without exceeding the maximum limit of 2000 people), provided that they are subject to a health protocol accepted in advance by the Health Directorate, which defines the health measures that must be observed.

In the event of infringements of these measures, a fine of up to 1000€ may apply.

Without prejudice to the decisions made by the legal owners, sports and physical fitness activities are allowed, but under certain conditions:

  • sports activities carried out individually or with a maximum of 10 people can be practised without the obligation to wear a mask or to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from each other
  • sports activities carried out in groups of more than 10 people may be practised provided that there is a physical distance of at least 2 metres between the different sports participants, or that a mask is worn.
  • sports facilities must have a surface area of 10m2 per person practising a sporting activity

Swimming pools and aquatic centres are open to the public. The capacity of the pools is limited to one person per 10m2. This means that swimming can be practiced outside the lanes, and the use of leisure pools or other pools in aquatic centres as well as indoor and outdoor swimming pools is now possible. These restrictions do not apply to elite athletes, their training partners and coaches, professional athletes, athletes in the federal national cadre in all categories, students at the “Sportlycée” and federal training centres, or athletes in teams in the highest divisions of the respective sports disciplines at senior level, as well as their coaches, for training and competitions.

In order to participate in sports competitions, each athlete and coach must present a rapid antigen test performed on site, with a negative result. People who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative are exempted from such a test. Sports events may be attended by the public. However, the number of spectators may not exceed 300, unless the sports event is subject to a health protocol approved by the Health Directorate.

In every case, the protective measures (EN  FR  DE  LU) must be in place.

Find out more:

Public and private gatherings (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Sport, religion, culture (EN  FR  DE  LU)

National website on the coronavirus

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg

Further information:



What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Luxembourg is accepting "EU Digital COVID certificates" (EUDCC) since 1 July 2021.

Holders of EUDCC will be allowed to enter Luxembourg, without being subject to further restrictions (testing or quarantine), at the condition that their certificate contains either: 

Vaccination certificate

  • In the case of 2 doses, from the day of the second dose;
  • In the case of 1 dose, from the 14th day after the vaccination;
  • For people who have recovered from COVID-19 in the last 6 months, 14 days after the first dose. Accepted vaccines: BioNTech/Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) / Johnson&Johnson (Janssen)

Recovery certificate

  • The recovery certificate is valid between the 11th and 180th day after a positive PCR test.

Negative COVID-19 test certificate

  • PCR test valid for 72 hours
  • Rapid antigen test valid for 48 hours

Children under 12 years old are exempted from the testing requirements

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Since 13 June, any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either: 

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine; 
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection; 
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted. 

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate. During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted. 

These obligations do not apply to travel by land. 

The following persons are exempted from these obligations: 

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector; 
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period; 
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours; 

Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy until 30 September 2021 (inclusive). Details concerning these restrictions and the various exceptions are available on 

Any person aged 12 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either: 

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine; 
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection; 
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted. 

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate.

During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted. 

 The following persons are exempted from these obligations: 

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector; 
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period; 
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours; 

Please note that the testing obligations applicable to all persons wishing to enter Luxembourg from a third country are in addition to the temporary restrictions already in place for non-essential travel to the EU. 

 Additional measures are applicable until 31 July 2021 for the United Kingdom, and until 14 September 2021 for India, regardless of the means of transport. Any person, aged 12 and over, who stayed in India or the United Kingdom during the 14 days prior to arrival in Luxembourg must undergo a COVID-19 test (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) as soon as possible and inform the medical analysis laboratory about their stay in India or the United Kingdom. This obligation applies to any person who has stayed in India during the 14 days before arrival, regardless of the duration of the stay in India and in Luxembourg, and regardless of the means of transport to the Grand Duchy. Upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, the persons concerned are placed in strict quarantine for 7 days with the obligation to undergo a second COVID-19 test from the 6th day of quarantine. In the event of refusal to submit to the test on arrival or at the end of the 7-day quarantine period, the quarantine will be extended for a further 7 days, bringing the total duration to 14 days. 

Those concerned are required to report their presence to the Health Inspection Department (per e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing. 

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website Covid-19.luAn overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance is compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings involving between 51 and 300 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, nor in the context of sports activities and demonstrations. Sports and musical activities are subject to specific rules.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Private gatherings at home or during private events, in a closed or open-air venue, are subject to the following rules:

  • No restrictions for gathering of up to 10 people (children are counted regardless of their age);
  • For gatherings of more than 11 persons, face masks should be worn and safety distances respected;
  • Gatherings of more than 51 people require assigned seats;
  • Private gatherings can also be organised under the Covidcheck system.

Public gatherings exceeding 300 people are prohibited. Any gathering from 11 up to 50 people is subject to the condition that the people wear masks and observe a minimum distance of 2 metres. Gatherings from 11 to 300 people can be held under the "CovidCheck" system. In this case, the requirement to wear a mask, the requirement for a minimum physical distance of 2 metres, and the requirement for seating arrangements do not apply. Certain events may gather more than 300 people (without exceeding the maximum limit of 2000 people), provided that they are subject to a health protocol accepted in advance by the Health Directorate, which defines the health measures that must be observed.

In the event of infringements of these measures, a fine of up to 1000€ may apply.

Without prejudice to the decisions made by the legal owners, sports and physical fitness activities are allowed, but under certain conditions:

  • sports activities carried out individually or with a maximum of 10 people can be practised without the obligation to wear a mask or to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from each other
  • sports activities carried out in groups of more than 10 people may be practised provided that there is a physical distance of at least 2 metres between the different sports participants, or that a mask is worn.
  • sports facilities must have a surface area of 10m2 per person practising a sporting activity

Swimming pools and aquatic centres are open to the public. The capacity of the pools is limited to one person per 10m2. This means that swimming can be practiced outside the lanes, and the use of leisure pools or other pools in aquatic centres as well as indoor and outdoor swimming pools is now possible. These restrictions do not apply to elite athletes, their training partners and coaches, professional athletes, athletes in the federal national cadre in all categories, students at the “Sportlycée” and federal training centres, or athletes in teams in the highest divisions of the respective sports disciplines at senior level, as well as their coaches, for training and competitions.

In order to participate in sports competitions, each athlete and coach must present a rapid antigen test performed on site, with a negative result. People who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative are exempted from such a test. Sports events may be attended by the public. However, the number of spectators may not exceed 300, unless the sports event is subject to a health protocol approved by the Health Directorate.

In every case, the protective measures (ENFRDELU) must be in place.

Find out more:

Public and private gatherings (ENFRDELU)

Sport, religion, culture (ENFRDELU)

Information on Tourism at National level

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg

Useful Info for tourists

Before starting your journey, please check visa requirements for your destination at: The Schengen visa

EU Digital COVID Certificates

This country is already connected to the Gateway and is issuing and/or verifying at least one EU Digital COVID Certificate (Vaccination, Recovery, Test)

Information on "EU Digital COVID Certificates" issued in Luxembourg


The EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation entered into force on 01 July 2021. EU citizens and residents will now be able to have their Digital COVID Certificates issued and verified across the EU. National authorities are in charge of issuing the certificate. 

The certificate provides a standardised recognition of the holder's status related to vaccination, recovery from Covid-19, or test result. Despite the European Digital COVID Certificate, each country continues to be responsible for the definition of its own entry requirements and rules, which are not standardised at the EU level. This means that what is required to enter upon presentation of this certificate, depends on the measures and entry rules in place at your destination. 

Find out more: 

Information on the "EU Digital COVID Certificate" 

Press Release 

Questions & Answers 


Further information:



What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate

Information not yet available.

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

Since 13 June, any person aged 6 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either:

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine;
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection;
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate. During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted.

These obligations do not apply to travel by land.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours;

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy until 30 September 2021 (inclusive). Details concerning these restrictions and the various exceptions are available on

Since 13 June, any person aged 6 or over, regardless of their nationality, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present at the boarding either:

  • a certificate of vaccination attesting a complete vaccination schedule carried out with a vaccine that has been granted a marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency (AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna), issued by a public or medical authority of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the Schengen Area. A complete vaccination schedule means any schedule that defines the number and interval of injections necessary to achieve sufficient protective immunity, and that is complete upon administration of the required doses as planned in the case of multiple-dose vaccines or, for single-dose vaccines, after a 14-day gap. For persons who have recovered and have been vaccinated within 180 days of the first positive NAAT test result, the vaccination schedule is complete after 14 days after the administration of the single dose of any vaccine;
  • a certificate of recovery issued by a doctor or a national authority of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area for persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 6 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of all symptoms of infection;
  • a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) performed less than 72 hours prior to the flight, or a rapid antigen test performed less than 48 hours prior to the flight, from a laboratory or other organisation authorised for this purpose. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg, or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are also accepted.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates, the system in place temporarily allows for the recognition of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates issued by another Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the Schengen Area, which are not yet drawn up in accordance with the European Regulation on the EU digital COVID certificate. During this phase, for example, certificates without a QR code or proof of vaccinations in a vaccination booklet are accepted.

The following persons are exempted from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours;

Please note that the testing obligations applicable to all persons wishing to enter Luxembourg from a third country are in addition to the temporary restrictions already in place for non-essential travel to the EU.

Additional measures are applicable until 30 June 2021 for the United Kingdom, and until 15 July 2021 for India, regardless of the means of transport. Any person who stayed in India or the United Kingdom during the 14 days prior to arrival in Luxembourg must undergo a COVID-19 test (PCR, TMA or LAMP methods) as soon as possible and inform the medical analysis laboratory about their stay in India or the United Kingdom. This obligation applies to any person who has stayed in India during the 14 days before arrival, regardless of the duration of the stay in India and in Luxembourg, and regardless of the means of transport to the Grand Duchy. Upon arrival in the Grand Duchy, the persons concerned are placed in strict quarantine for 7 days with the obligation to undergo a second COVID-19 test from the 6th day of quarantine. In the event of refusal to submit to the test on arrival or at the end of the 7-day quarantine period, the quarantine will be extended for a further 7 days, bringing the total duration to 14 days.

Those concerned are required to report their presence to the Health Inspection Department (per e-mail: or by telephone: 247-65533), which ensures a reinforced monitoring and tracing.

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance is compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings involving between 51 and 300 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, nor in the context of sports activities and demonstrations. Sports and musical activities are subject to specific rules.

Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events

Private gatherings at home or during private events, in a closed or open-air venue, are limited to the following people:

  • people who belong to the same household, or who live together;
  • who are at home as part of the exercise of visitation and accommodation rights or in alternate residences;
  • a maximum of 10 visitors from different households, or all members of a single other household or any members of the same cohabitation

Individuals who are part of the same household or who cohabit as well as guests are not subject to the obligation of social distancing and wearing a facemask is not compulsory.

Public gatherings exceeding 300 people are prohibited. Any gathering from 11 up to 50 people is subject to the condition that the people wear masks and observe a minimum distance of 2 metres. Gatherings from 11 to 300 people can be held under the "CovidCheck" system. In this case, the requirement to wear a mask, the requirement for a minimum physical distance of 2 metres, and the requirement for seating arrangements do not apply. Certain events may gather more than 300 people (without exceeding the maximum limit of 2000 people), provided that they are subject to a health protocol accepted in advance by the Health Directorate, which defines the health measures that must be observed.

In the event of infringements of these measures, a fine of up to 1000€ may apply.

Without prejudice to the decisions made by the legal owners, sports and physical fitness activities are allowed, but under certain conditions:

  • sports activities carried out individually or with a maximum of 10 people can be practised without the obligation to wear a mask or to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from each other
  • sports activities carried out in groups of more than 10 people may be practised provided that there is a physical distance of at least 2 metres between the different sports participants, or that a mask is worn.
  • sports facilities must have a surface area of 10m2 per person practising a sporting activity

Swimming pools and aquatic centres are open to the public. The capacity of the pools is limited to one person per 10m2. This means that swimming can be practiced outside the lanes, and the use of leisure pools or other pools in aquatic centres as well as indoor and outdoor swimming pools is now possible. These restrictions do not apply to elite athletes, their training partners and coaches, professional athletes, athletes in the federal national cadre in all categories, students at the “Sportlycée” and federal training centres, or athletes in teams in the highest divisions of the respective sports disciplines at senior level, as well as their coaches, for training and competitions.

In order to participate in sports competitions, each athlete and coach must present a rapid antigen test performed on site, with a negative result. People who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative are exempted from such a test. Sports events may be attended by the public. However, the number of spectators may not exceed 300, unless the sports event is subject to a health protocol approved by the Health Directorate.

In every case, the protective measures (EN  FR  DE  LU) must be in place.

Find out more:
Public and private gatherings (EN  FR  DE  LU)
Sport, religion, culture (EN  FR  DE  LU)

Safety measures for public transportation

Wearing a facemask is mandatory in all circumstances on public transport, except for the driver when an interpersonal distance of 2 metres is respected or a separation panel separates him/her from the passengers.


  • the front door of the bus remains closed;
  • the first row of seats should remain unoccupied as far as possible;
  • travellers are requested to get on and off the bus by using the back doors;
  • a safety distance between travellers has to be maintained;
  • the driver is not allowed to sell tickets. 

Find out more:

Safety measures on public transportation (in French)

Public transport adaptation (in French)

Information on Tourism at National level

National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM

Visit Luxembourg

Useful Info for tourists

Before starting your journey, please check visa requirements for your destination at: The Schengen visa

EU Digital COVID Certificates

This country is already connected to the Gateway and is issuing and/or verifying at least one EU Digital COVID Certificate (Vaccination, Recovery, Test)

Information on "EU Digital COVID Certificates" issued in Luxembourg


The "EU Digital COVID Certificate" (available from 1 July 2021) provides proof that a person has either:

  • been vaccinated against COVID-19 (vaccine type and manufacturer, number of doses, date of vaccination);
  • received a negative test result, PCR or rapid antigen, with the name of the test, date and time of test, test centre and result (self-tests are not valid);
  • recovered from COVID-19.

When travelling, holders of the "EU Digital COVID Certificate" will have the same rights as citizens of the visited Member State who have been vaccinated, tested or recovered.

The certificate provides a standardised recognition of the holder's status related to vaccination, recovery from COVID or test result. Each country continues to be responsible for the definition of its own entry requirements and rules, which are not standardised at the EU level. This means that what you will be eligible for, upon presentation of this certificate, depends on the measures and entry rules in place at your country of destination.

How does it work:

  1. Member States issue a certificate automatically or upon request, which is issued either digitally or on paper, and has a QR code with an electronic signature;
  2. Citizens store the certificate in their digital app or wallet and can use it when they travel;
  3. When the verifier asks the citizen for the certificate, the QR code is shown and the digital signature is verified.

Find out more:
Information on the "EU Digital COVID Certificate"

Press Release
Questions & Answers



From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?


Is a coronavirus test required?

Since 29 January, any person - regardless of nationality - arriving by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test (on paper or electronic document).

The test must be taken within 72 hours prior to departure.

Accepted test: PCR, TMA, LAMP, Antigen

This obligation does not apply to travel by land.

Children aged 5 and under are exempted.

The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are also accepted.

The following persons are exempt from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector and passengers in transit from the airport;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours;
  • Persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 3 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of any symptoms of infection. These persons may present a medical certificate attesting to these facts, which allows them to board a flight to Luxembourg without having to undergo a new nucleic acid amplification test of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA or of a viral antigen test.

Is a quarantine required? 

Entry to Luxembourg is not subject to a mandatory quarantine.

Mandatory Travel Documentation

All passengers travelling by air are required to fill in a Passenger Locator Form.

Find out more: (ENFRDE — LU)

Contact Point for Luxembourg:
For important medical questions concerning COVID-19, the Health Helpline (247-65533) is available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 18:00; on weekends between 10:00 and 18:00. Additional hotlines and contacts are available (ENFRDE — LU).

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy until 30 June 2021 (inclusive). Details concerning these restrictions and the various exceptions are available on (ENFRDE — LU)

Is a coronavirus test required? 

Yes, since 29 January, any person, regardless of nationality, arriving by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test (on paper or electronic document).
The test must be taken less than 72 hours prior to departure.
Accepted test: PCR, TMA, LAMP, Antigen

The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are now also accepted.

From 1 April 2021, persons travelling by air from a third country will no longer have to undergo an additional rapid antigen test upon arrival at Luxembourg airport.

The following persons are exempted from the testing obligation:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector and passengers in transit from the airport;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organisations, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours;
  • Persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 3 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of any symptoms of infection. These persons should present a medical certificate attesting to these facts, which allows them to embark for Luxembourg without undergoing a new nucleic acid amplification test of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA or of a viral antigen test.

Please note that the testing obligations applicable to all persons wishing to enter Luxembourg from a third country are in addition to the temporary restrictions already in place for non-essential travel to the EU.

Is a quarantine required? 

Entry to Luxembourg is not conditioned upon absolving a mandatory quarantine.

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory:

  • in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport;
  • during gatherings that involve more than 4 people, both indoors and outdoors.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity;
  • people who play sports, provided that it is exercised individually or in a group of no more than 2 people.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance is compulsory during a gathering of 4 to 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 and up to 100 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, sports activities and demonstrations.




From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?


Is a coronavirus test required? 

All travellers arriving by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test.
The test must be taken within 72 hours prior to departure.
Accepted test: PCR, TMA, LAMP, Antigen

Children aged 5 and under are exempted.

The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are also accepted.

The following persons are exempt from these obligations:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector and passengers in transit from the airport;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a country which is a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organizations and persons invited by these international organizations whose physical presence is required for the proper functioning of these organizations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours;
  • Persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 3 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of any symptoms of infection. These persons may present a medical certificate attesting to these facts, which allows them to board a flight to Luxembourg without having to undergo a new nucleic acid amplification test of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA or of a viral antigen test.

Is a quarantine required? 

Entry to Luxembourg is not conditioned to a mandatory quarantine.

Mandatory Travel Documentation

All passengers travelling by air are required to fill in a passenger locator form.

Find out more: (EN  FR  DE — LU)

Contact Point for Luxembourg:
For important medical questions concerning COVID-19, the Health Helpline (247-65533) is available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 18:00; on weekends between 10:00 and 18:00. Additional hotlines and contacts are available (EN  FR  DE — LU).

Documents you need to travel in Europe

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy until 31 March 2021 (inclusive).

These travel restrictions are waived for people resident in the following third countries:

  • Australia
  • China, Hong Kong and Macao (subject to reciprocity at European Union level)
  • New Zealand
  • Ruanda
  • South Korea
  • Singapore 
  • Thailand

The following categories of third-country nationals are also exempted: 

  1. Nationals of third countries who have long-term resident status in accordance with European Directive 2003/109/EC as well as any other person with a right of residence in accordance with European directives, and the national law of a Member State of the European Union and the countries associated with the Schengen area, or who hold a long-term national visa from one of the above-mentioned States;
  2. Health professionals, health researchers and professionals involved in the care of the elderly;
  3. Cross-border workers;
  4. Seasonal workers in agriculture;
  5. People employed in the transport sector;
  6. Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organisations, military personnel, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and civil defence personnel in the exercise of their respective functions;
  7. Transit passengers;
  8. Passengers travelling for urgent and duly justified family reasons;
  9. Sailors;
  10. Persons wishing to apply for international protection;
  11. Third-country nationals travelling for study purposes;
  12. Highly qualified third-country workers if their employment is economically necessary and their work cannot be postponed or carried out from abroad.

The persons referred to in points 8°, 10° and 11° of the categories of persons listed above must have a specific certificate. To this end, they must make an express request by e-mail to For further information please contact the Passport, Visa and Legalization Office by e-mail: or by telephone: 247-88300.

Is a coronavirus test required? 

From 29 January until 31 March 2021 included, any person, regardless of their nationality, aged 6 or over, travelling by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present a negative result (on paper or electronic document) of a nucleic acid amplification test of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA (either by PCR, TMA or LAMP method) or of a viral antigen test (rapid test)

The test should be carried out within 72 hours before take-off. The negative test result must be presented, if necessary along with a translation, either in one of the administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) of Luxembourg or in English. Documents in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are now also accepted.

In addition, any person travelling by air from a third country will have to undergo an additional viral rapid antigen test on arrival at Luxembourg airport. This obligation also applies in the case of transit. 

The obligation to present a negative test on boarding, and to submit to an additional test on arrival, also applies to persons residing in Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore and Thailand.

The following persons are exempted from the testing obligation:

  • People on duty employed in the transport sector and passengers in transit from the airport;
  • Persons making a return journey by air, for less than 72 hours, from the Grand Duchy to a member of the Schengen area or the European Union, provided they have not left the Schengen area or the territory of the EU Member States during this period;
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, personnel of international organisations, personnel in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid and civil protection personnel in the exercise of their respective functions, provided that their stay in Luxembourg does not exceed 72 hours;
  • Persons who have had a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection within 3 months prior to travel and who have completed the applicable isolation period in the respective country with the disappearance of any symptoms of infection. These persons should present a medical certificate that allows them to embark for Luxembourg without undergoing a new nucleic acid amplification test of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA or of a viral antigen test.

Is a quarantine required? 

If you choose not to take a rapid antigen test on arrival, you are required to undergo a 14-day quarantine, which can be terminated if a negative test result is provided during that time.

May I transit this country?


As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on the website

Health cover for temporary stays

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory:

  • in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport;
  • during gatherings that involve more than 4 people, both indoors and outdoors.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity;
  • people who play sports, provided that it is exercised individually or in a group of no more than 2 people.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance is compulsory during a gathering of 4 to 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 and up to 100 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, sports activities and demonstrations.




From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?


Luxembourg adopts its own national classification of risk areas, hence travel restrictions for Luxembourg are not based on the common "EU Traffic Lights" map.

Nationals of an EU country or one of the Schengen Area associated countries, as well as Nationals of San Marino, Andorra, Monaco and the Vatican/Holy See, are free to enter the European Union, irrespective of the purpose of their stay and not only to return to their home.

Is a coronavirus test required? 

No, it is not required to show the negative result of a Covid-19 test before entering Luxembourg. Nevertheless, passengers arriving by air can be tested free of charge at Luxembourg Airport on a voluntary basis or at one of the eight test stations in the country through appointment on, provided that a Luxembourg social security number (CNS number) is available. 

Is a quarantine required? 

No, it is not required to undergo a mandatory quarantine upon entry.  A 10-day isolation will be applied only in case of a positive COVID-19 test result.

Find out more:

Contact Point for Luxembourg: 

For important medical questions concerning COVID-19, the Health Helpline (247-65533) is available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 18:00; on weekends between 10:00 and 18:00. Additional Hotlines and contacts are available.

Documents you need to travel in Europe

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

As of 1 January 2021, the UK is considered a third country with regards to temporary restrictions on non-essential travel to the EU. Passengers returning to Luxembourg from the UK must meet the following conditions:

  • be in possession of a negative PCR test taken less than 48 hours ago;
  • be in possession of a negative PCR test dated between 48 and 72 hours. These persons must undergo a new PCR test upon arrival at Luxembourg airport and must place themselves into quarantine until a negative test result has been received.

Alternatively, antigen tests are accepted under the same conditions as outlined above.

Additional information is available on


Third-country nationals coming from Australia, China, Hong Kong and Macao (subject to confirmation of reciprocity at EU level), Japan, New Zealand, Ruanda, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand, are allowed to enter the territory of Luxembourg without the necessity to provide a negative test result. These travellers are required to hold official documents proving their residence in one of these countries (residence permit, residence certificate, work permit, etc.), translated into one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or into English.

Third-country nationals who do not belong to the previous categories are not allowed to enter Luxembourg.

Some exceptions apply for the following categories: 

  1. third-country nationals who have the status of long-term resident in accordance with European Directive 2003/109/EC and anyone who holds a national long-term visa.
  2. health professionals, health researchers and professionals involved in the care of old people;
  3. cross-border workers;
  4. seasonal workers in the agricultural sector;
  5. people working in the transport sector;
  6. members of the diplomatic corps, military personnel and similar categories; 
  7. passengers in transit;
  8. passengers travelling for duly justified urgent family reasons;
  9. sailors;
  10. people looking for international protection or travelling for humanitarian reasons;
  11. third-country nationals travelling for study purposes;
  12. highly-qualified workers from third countries if their employment is necessary in economic terms and their work cannot be postponed or carried out from abroad. 

People who travel for family, work and study reasons (points 8, 11 and 12 of the previous list) must present a specific attestation. They must apply for this by sending a specific application by e-mail to the Passport, Visa and Legalisation Office ( For further information, please contact the Passport, Visa and Legalisation Office by e-mail ( or by phone ((+352) 247-88300).

Apart from third-country nationals who belong to points 5,6 (including their family members) and 7 of the previous list, all the other travellers from the age of 11 belonging to the above-mentioned list, must present before boarding the negative result of a SARS-CoV-2 test, carried out less than 72 hours before the flight departure. The result of the biological test must be presented together with a translation into one of Luxembourg three administrative languages or English.

Third-country nationals who are also family members of a European Union citizen or of a national of a Schengen Area associated country are free to enter, irrespective of the purpose of their stay, provided that they show a specific attestation issued by the Luxembourgish authorities for the purpose of a short visit or also a letter demonstrating the family reunification or a residence permit.

To know more:

Visit Luxembourg

May I transit this country?


General measures

An overview of the current measures is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish on Covid-19 measures after 11.01.2021

Health cover for temporary stays

Use of facemasks

Wearing a facemask is mandatory:

  • in case of indoor activities open to the public (for example shops and supermarkets) as well as on public transport;
  • during gatherings that involve more than 4 people, both indoors and outdoors.

The following categories are exempted from the use of a mask:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • people with disabilities;
  • speakers and religious actors during the exercise of their professional activities;
  • theatre and film actors, musicians and dancers as long as they exercise their professional artistic activity;
  • people who play sports, provided that it is exercised individually or in a group of no more than 2 people.

Physical Distancing

A 2-metres physical distance is compulsory during a gathering of 4 to 10 people. This obligation does not apply:

  • to people who are part of the same household or who live together;
  • to public transport users;
  • in outdoor markets.

In addition to the obligation of wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 metres, the assignment of seats is compulsory for gatherings of more than 10 and up to 100 people. The assignment of seats is not mandatory in case of funerals, markets, museums, art centres, sports activities and demonstrations.



From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?


Nationals of an EU country or one of the Schengen Area associated countries, as well as Nationals of the United Kingdom, San Marino, Andorra, Monaco and the Vatican/Holy See, are free to enter the European Union, irrespective of the purpose of their stay and not only to return to their home. These people do not need to produce a negative test before entering the Grand Duchy.

What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?

Third-country nationals coming from Australia, China, Hong Kong and Macao (subject to confirmation of reciprocity at EU level), Japan, New Zealand, Ruanda, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Uruguay, are allowed to enter the territory of Luxembourg without the necessity to provide a negative test result. These travellers are required to hold official documents proving their residence in one of these countries (residence permit, residence certificate, work permit, etc.), translated into one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or into English.

Until 31/12/2020 (inclusive), third-country nationals who do not belong to the previous categories are not allwed to enter Luxembourg.

Some exceptions apply for the following categories: 

  1. third-country nationals who have the status of long-term resident in accordance with European Directive 2003/109/EC and anyone who holds a national long-term visa.
  2. health professionals, health researchers and professionals involved in the care of old people;
  3. cross-border workers;
  4. seasonal workers in the agricultural sector;
  5. people working in the transport sector;
  6. members of the diplomatic corps, military personnel and similar categories; 
  7. passengers in transit;
  8. passengers travelling for duly justified urgent family reasons;
  9. sailors;
  10. peoole looking for international protection or travelling for humanitarian reasons;
  11. third-country nationals travelling for study purposes;
  12. highly-qualified workers from third countries if their employment is necessary in economic terms and their work cannot be postponed or carried out from abroad. 

People who travel for family, work and study reasons (points 8, 11 and 12 of the previous list) must present a specific attestation. They must apply for this by sending a specific application by e-mail to the Passport, Visa and Legalisation Office ( For further information, please contact the Passport, Visa and Legalisation Office by e-mail ( or by phone ((+352) 247-88300).

Apart from third-country nationals who belong to points 5,6 (including their family members) and 7 of the previous list, all the other travellers from the age of 11 belonging to the above-mentioned list, must present before boarding the negative result of a SARS-CoV-2 test, carried out less than 72 hours before the flight departure. The result of the biological test must be presented together with a translation into one of Luxembourg three administrative languages or English.

Third-country nationals who are also family members of a European Union citizen or of a national of the United Kingdom or a Schengen Area associated country are free to enter, irrespective of the purpose of their stay, provided that they show a specific attestation issued by the Luxembourgish authorities for the purpose of a short visit or also a letter demonstrating the family reunification or a residence permit.

May I transit this country?


To know more:

Visit Luxembourg

Find out more:



Entry Restrictions

Travelling to Luxembourg from EU+ countries is allowed without restrictions.

EU+ comprises EU Member States plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City State and the Republic of San Marino.

Travelling from Luxembourg or returning to Luxembourg

Some countries are submitting travellers coming from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to a quarantine (which may last between 5 and 14 days) or are asking for a recent negative COVID-19 test. For the summer holiday period, the State offers one free COVID-19 test per person ahead of, as well as after, a trip or stay abroad for tourism. More information are available on "Covidtest travels" and

Luxembourgish citizens who are currently abroad may reach the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on (+352) 247-82300 or by email at, in case of an emergency.

Third-country nationals coming from outside the EU and Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein

Third-country nationals who are resident in Australia, Canada, China (subject to confirmation of reciprocity at EU level), Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand and Tunisia, are allowed to enter the territory of Luxembourg. These travellers are required to hold official documents proving their residence in one of these countries (residence permit, residence certificate, work permit, etc.), translated into one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or into English.

Since 12/08/2020, any third-country national from the age of eleven who come from countries other then the above-mentioned ones, including people holding a residence permit (also temporary), wishing to travel by air transport to the territory of Luxembourg, must present before boarding the negative result of a SARS-CoV-2 test, carried out less than 48 hours before the flight departure.

Mandatory Travel Documentation

No additional document is required.

Find out more:

Find out more:



Travelling to Luxembourg

Travelling to and from EU countries is allowed without restrictions.
Travelling to and from Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, as well as the United Kingdom, is allowed without restrictions.

Third-country nationals

The ban on the entry of third-country nationals into the territory of Luxembourg is extended until 15 September 2020 included.
Since 1 July 2020, third-country nationals who are resident in one of the following countries are authorised to enter the territory of Luxembourg:
China (subject to confirmation of reciprocity at EU level);
New Zealand;
South Korea;
These travellers will need official documents proving their residence in one of these countries (residence permit, residence certificate, work permit, etc.). These documents must be accompanied by a translation into one of the administrative languages of Luxembourg or into English.
Since 12 August, any third-country national aged eleven or over, including persons holding a temporary residence permit or a residence permit, wishing to travel by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from a non-EU third country not appearing on the aforementioned list of third countries, must present before boarding the negative result of a biological examination looking for the viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2, carried out less than 48 hours before the flight departure.
More information are available at

Travelling from Luxembourg or returning to Luxembourg 

Some countries are submitting travellers coming from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to a quarantine (which may last between 5 and 14 days) or are asking for a recent negative COVID-19 test. For the summer holiday period, the State offers one free COVID-19 test per person ahead of, as well as after, a trip or stay abroad for tourism. More information are available on "Covidtest travels" and

Luxembourgish citizens who are currently abroad may reach the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on (+352) 247-82300 or by email at, in case of an emergency.

Rules and Exceptions

Mandatory Travel Documentation

Links to national sources

Driving abroad



Lift of weekend traffic ban (20.03.2020)

Luxembourg has notified the Commission that it suspended the ban on traffic for >7.5 tonne vehicles on weekends and public holidays.

Start date: 20.03.2020

End date: not available

Temporary and limited relaxation of the enforcement of driving and rest times for the drivers involved in freight transport

Luxembourg has notified a temporary and limited relaxation of the enforcement of driving and rest times for the drivers involved in national and international freight transport. This relaxation is granted pursuant to Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006

Start date: 19.03.2020

End date: 17.04.2020

Further information:

Contact information:


titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union


Covid-19 Update - New 3G scheme at workplace from 15 January 2022

Luxembourg will introduce on 15 January 2022 a new rule to fight the spread of coronavirus: "3G" at the workplace. It will be similar to an existing rule in Germany. Any worker, employed or self-employed, must be either vaccinated, cured or tested (in Luxembourgish: geimpft, genesen, getest, hence "3G") to be allowed access to their workplace.

Regarding HGV drivers, there will be some significant differences compared to the rule in Germany:
- In Luxembourg, the "3G" rule does apply to HGV drivers, in general.
- The "3G" rule does not apply to drivers in transit through Luxembourg.
- It was also decided that the "3G" rule does not apply to drivers of foreign transport companies coming to Luxembourg to unload/load and then leave again the country (no time limit, so the driver can spend his daily/weekly rest in Luxembourg).
- The "3G" rule applies to drivers of foreign transport companies if they are carrying out cabotage operations in Luxembourg. In this case, the foreign haulier is responsible for his driver the same way as a Luxembourgish haulier.

In short: the "3G" rule does not apply to HGV drivers of foreign transport companies, except for cabotage operations.

IMPORTANT: as some companies might decide to impose the "3G" rule on their premises also for external persons, any haulier coming to Luxembourg should contact beforehand the companies where they intend to load/unload in order to avoid any surprise.

For further information, please find enclosed a FAQ (in English and French) regarding the "3G" rule for HGV drivers, which serves as guidance for hauliers.

Source: CLC



Entry into force of a Curfew between 23h00 and 06h00 until the end of November.

International road transport divers mustn’t carry any specific documentation.

Source: CLC



Restrictions on movements

The following measures apply until further notice:

-       Reduction of frequency of national regular bus services

-       Suspension of international bus services except for repatriation transport

Public transport on Sundays is suspended until 4 May.

Facilitation measures

On 8 April, the government extended the validity of Certificates of Professional Competence that expire during the crisis for further six months.

Validity of a serie of ADR certificates is extended over different periods of time. Full list can be consulted here.

Source: ITF



On 16 April, the Luxembourg Minister of Mobility has signed a new relaxation of the rules regarding driving and rest times.

The new rules apply from 18 April until 31 May, included, and are as follows:

- Art. 6.1: Increase of the maximum daily driving time from 9 hours to 11 hours, not more than three times per week

- Art. 6.3: Increase of the fortnightly driving time from 90 hours to 96 hours

- Art. 8.6: Postponement of a weekly rest period from six to seven 24-hour periods, with the obligation to compensate during the following week

- Art. 8.8: possibility for the driver to take the regular weekly rest in the vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities,for each driver and the vehicle is stationary.

Source: CLC



The Ministry of Mobility has set out new measures for bus and coach transport in Luxembourg. The measures apply immediately and until further notice and provide for the following:

  • The front door of multi-door vehicles can no longer be used by passengers
  • The first row of passenger seats should remain unoccupied. The driver is requested to put up barrier tape or similar
  • The driver does not sell tickets (RegioZone) anymore
  • The social distancing rules must be displayed on the vehicle

Source: CLC




A state of emergency has been declared for 3 months but may be cancelled earlier. There are no restrictions considering transport of goods in Luxembourg, but there may be short waiting times at the borders.


Luxembourg has agreed on a temporary and limited relaxation of the enforcement of driving and rest times for the drivers involved in domestic and international delivery of goods. This relaxation is granted pursuant to Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006. This temporary relaxation applies from 19 March 2020 and will run until 17 April 2020.

Luxembourg has made it clear that driver and road safety must not be compromised. Drivers should not be expected to drive whilst tired - employers remain responsible for the health and safety of their employees and other road users.

For the above mentioned category of drivers, the following provisions will be temporarily relaxed as follows: 

- Derogation to Article 6(2): replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours.

- Derogation to Article 6(3): replacement of the maximum fortnightly driving limit of 90 hours with one of 96 hours.

- Derogation to Article 8(6): postponement of a weekly rest period beyond six-24 hours period.

Source: CLCForthcoming