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titleSource: GOV.BR


International tourists from any country in the world are authorized to enter Brazil.

Travelers arriving in international flights, whether Brazilian or foreign, must provide proof of vaccination, printed or in electronic form, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, to the airline responsible for the flight prior to boarding.

Proof of vaccination does not apply to:

  • any traveler with a health condition that contraindicates vaccination, as long as it is attested by a medical report;
  • any traveler ineligible for vaccination due to age restrictions, in accordance with criteria defined by the Ministry of Health;
  • any traveler coming into the country due to humanitarian issues;
  • travelers from countries with low vaccination coverage, as defined by the Ministry of Health;
  • Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazilian territory who are not fully vaccinated; 

Travelers with the above exceptions must provide the airline responsible for the flight with a negative RT-PCR test taken 24 hours prior to boarding, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

Connecting Flights and Stopovers
A new RT-PCR test must be provided if travelers are in transit in non-restricted areas for more than 24 hours.

All vaccines must be approved by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), by the World Health Organization (WHO), or by the authorities in the country of origin. The vaccines used in Brazil are the following: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Janssen, and CoronaVac.

For more information: Ordinance N. 670 of April 01, 2022.

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Further information :

titleSource: World Tourism Organization UNWTO


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titleSource: Embassy of Switzerland in Brazil


Entry to Brazil

The conditions for entry into Brazil can be found in the decree 670 of the Brazilian government ( Portaria n°670, 01/04/22) and are as follows:

  • Vaccinated travelers must present proof of their vaccination.
  • Travelers who have not been completely vaccinated, provided that they are Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazilian territory, people whose state of health contraindicates vaccination (certified by a medical report ), persons not eligible for vaccination due to their age or from countries with low vaccination coverage must present to the airline, before boarding, a document proving that they have been tested for Covid-19, with negative or non-detectable results, such as antigen or RT-PCR lab tests performed one day before boarding.
  • Foreigners who have not been fully vaccinated will not be allowed to enter the country (with some exceptions). 

For more information, please contact  the Brazilian Embassy in Switzerland or the Brazilian health authority  Anvisa.


titleSource: IATA


1. Passengers must have:
- a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before departure from the first embarkation point. The certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
- This does not apply to:
- nationals and residents of Brazil. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- passengers with a letter issued by a doctor proving that the passenger is medically unable to receive the vaccine. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The letter and test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- until 28 June 2022, passengers arriving from Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Rep., Chad, Congo, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Kiribati, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Isl., Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen or Zambia. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The letter and test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- effective 29 June 2022, passengers arriving from Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Haiti, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania or Yemen. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The letter and test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- passengers younger than 12 years traveling with vaccinated parents/guardians. If traveling alone or the parents/guardians are not vaccinated, they must have a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point;
- passengers younger than 2 years.2. Airline crew are subject to quarantine in a hotel room until their next flight.
- This does not apply to airline crew with a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before departure from the first embarkation point.



1. Passengers must have:- a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before departure from the first embarkation point. The certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
- This does not apply to:
- nationals and residents of Brazil. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- passengers with a letter issued by a doctor proving that the passenger is medically unable to receive the vaccine. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The letter and test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- passengers arriving from Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Rep., Chad, Congo, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Kiribati, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Isl., Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen or Zambia. They can also enter with a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point. The letter and test certificate must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
- passengers with two positive COVID-19 RT-PCR tests. The tests must be taken at least 14 days apart and the second test at most 24 hours before departure. They must have a COVID-19 recovery certificate in English, Portuguese or Spanish showing that they are asymptomatic and fit to fly. The certificate must show the travel date;
- passengers younger than 12 years traveling with parents/guardians. The parents/guardians must have a negative antigen or RT-PCR test result. If traveling alone they must have a negative COVID-19 antigen or RT-PCR test taken at most 1 day before departure from the first embarkation point.
- passengers younger than 2 years.

2. Airline crew are subject to quarantine in a hotel room until their next flight.

- This does not apply to airline crew with a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before departure from the first embarkation point.Source:

titleSource: WCO/Customs administration

26 March 2020

Actions to prevent the Coronavirus outbreak - BRAZIL

1. Information

Website dedicated toCovid-19 information, related to customs and internal revenue.

2. Health and Prevention


  • Guidance for the Federal Administration on preventive measures, restrictions; risk areas, digital documents instead of paper; Home office. 
  • Government statement on community transmission stage (20/03/20).

3. Management

Government statement of National Importance Emergency on Public Health, due to the 2019-nCOVoutbreak (COVID-19) 

  • Implementation of a National Emergency Operational Center on Public Health (COEnCOV) with competencies to plan, organize, coordinate and control the measures to be taken. 
  • Congress approval of a law ruling the measures to tackle the emergency on Public Health due to COVID-19. 
  • Implementation of a Crisis Committee to supervise and monitor the impacts of COVID-19 (Presidential Level). 
  • Interruption of in-person classes to online classes 
  • Implementation of a Congressional Commission to monitor the fiscal situation of the measures related to tackle the virus outbreak 
  • Change on procurement procedures to facilitate and speedup the processes
  • Decree establishing the public services considered essential to tackle the outbreak.

  • 4. Customs

  •  Regulation prescribing anticipated release of goods prior the inspection and clearance, according to HS Classification Reference from the WCO.
  • Implementation of a Special License for the exports of goods to tackle the virus outbreak 
  • Implementation of previous authorization for the exports of chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine as raw materials, semi-finished or finished products. 
  • Prioritizing the destination of goods seized, according to the HS Classification Reference from the WCO
  •  Daily monitoring of the clearance of goods to tackle the virus outbreak, according to the HS Classification Reference from the WCO 
  • Redistribution of workload on postal and express consignments, due to the reduction of in and out bound parcels 
  • Production of online courses on customs matters, due to the leave of customs officers 
  • Reduction of duties and taxes for the imports of goods to tackle the virus outbreak, according to the HS Classification Reference from WCO 
  • Orientation for all Customs Officers on the need to wear the necessary IPE (individual Protective Equipment): Gloves, glasses, masks… 
  • Implementation of a Customs Operational Center for Crisis Management, competent to supervise, monitor and guide the customs processes.

5. Economics

  •  Additional Credit for the ministries of Education and Defense 
  • Additional Credit for states and municipalities 
  • Facilitation of credit for bank institutions 
  • Reduction of duties and taxes 
  • Delay of up to 12 months for the reimbursement of airway tickets

Further Information:

titleSource: Presidency


International tourists from any country in the world are authorized to enter Brazil.

Travelers arriving in international flights, whether Brazilian or foreign, must provide proof of vaccination, printed or in electronic form, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, to the airline responsible for the flight prior to boarding.

Proof of vaccination does not apply to:

  • any traveler with a health condition that contraindicates vaccination, as long as it is attested by a medical report;
  • any traveler ineligible for vaccination due to age restrictions, in accordance with criteria defined by the Ministry of Health;
  • any traveler coming into the country due to humanitarian issues;
  • travelers from countries with low vaccination coverage, as defined by the Ministry of Health;
  • Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazilian territory who are not fully vaccinated; 

Travelers with the above exceptions must provide the airline responsible for the flight with a negative RT-PCR test taken 24 hours prior to boarding, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

Connecting Flights and Stopovers
A new RT-PCR test must be provided if travelers are in transit in non-restricted areas for more than 24 hours.

All vaccines must be approved by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), by the World Health Organization (WHO), or by the authorities in the country of origin. The vaccines used in Brazil are the following: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Janssen, and CoronaVac.

For more information: Ordinance N. 670 of April 01, 2022.


Ordinance No. 125, OF MARCH 19, 2020
It provides for the exceptional and temporary restriction of entry into the country of foreigners from the countries it lists, as recommended by the National Health Surveillance Agency. Art. 5 The restriction referred to in this Ordinance does not apply to traffic of road cargo transportation, in accordance with current legislation;


Dispõe sobre a restrição excepcional e temporária de entrada no País de estrangeiros oriundos dos países que relaciona, conforme recomendação da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Art. 5º A restrição de que trata esta Portaria não impede o livre tráfego do transporte rodoviário de cargas, na forma da legislação vigente;

Contact information:

titleSource: ANTAQ - National Agency of Waterborne Transport

Resolution No 7,653, March 31, 2020: Establish measures in response to the public health emergency in the field of waterborne passenger transport and port facilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Resolution No 7,653, March 31, 2020: Estabelece medidas em resposta à emergência de saúde pública no âmbito do transporte aquaviário de passageiros e nas instalações portuárias em razão da pandemia do COVID-19.

More information:

titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union


IRU member NTC & Logística has reported that in spite of the critical situation in Brazil, and considering the crisis ahead, all entities representing road freight transport and logistics are committed to sharing as much information as possible with transporters:

“We are monitoring all measures being taken by public and private agencies in relation to traffic, working conditions, preventive measures for the health and safety of employees and service providers, the closing of establishments, problems and difficulties in fulfilling their transportation contracts, restrictions of any kind and all measures of an economic nature that are being studied by the government, in all areas.

The situation calls for organised planning and responsibility in guaranteeing the supply of essential items concerning public health, i.e. items in relation to personal hygiene, medicines, food and hospital supplies, as well as other priorities.

We are aware of the concern of businesses in the sector and their desire to maintain that business, along with jobs and their financial commitments, and we confirm that we are in constant discussion with the government on all levels.

The link below accesses a guide to actions that can be taken by companies in relation to labour issues, which will be updated as the government discloses new legislative measures on this matter: Coronavirus Specific Legislation Impacting Operations.”

Source: NCT & Logística