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titleSource: Ministry of Transport. National Focal Points for the ITSAS-GIS Project (ESCWA/IsDB)

  • Stop trucks crossing the territory of the Kingdom (Transit) to pass through unless with security escort and under the control of public security
  • Stop the movement of non-Jordanian trucks from the Karama border crossings, whose goods are intended for Jordanian territory, and transfer the transport process into back to back transport, and not allow Jordanian trucks to leave through the border crossings
  • Stop the movement of non-Jordanian trucks from the Jaber border crossing, whose goods are destined for Jordanian territory, and transform the transport process into back to back transport and not allow Jordanian trucks to leave through the border crossing
  • Stop the movement of trucks from the Durra border crossing and the center is used for transit traffic to and from the customs of passenger ships only
  • Stop the movement of non-Jordanian trucks from the Customs border crossing for passenger ships, whose goods are intended for Jordanian territory, and transform the transport process into back to back transport and do not allow Jordanian trucks to leave through the center
  • Allow Entering trucks from the Omari Border Center, whose goods are destined for Jordanian territory, provided that safety rules are followed to limit the spread of the Coronavirus and request a virus-free certificate for the driver issued by approved entities for no more than 48 hours.
  • Stop truck traffic through the rounded border center
  • The government of Jordan has decided to close the border crossings in front of the movement of passengers except for Commercial freight traffic
  • Continue allowing the movement of empty and loaded trucks to transport goods coming from border crossings with official permission for employees in that sector like truck drivers, technicians and administrative personnel
  • It was decided to allow for transit trucks to cross only with security escort from Jaber border crossing to Al Karame border crossing, from Customs passengers Ship Center to Al Omari border crossing, from Customs passengers Ship Center to Al Dorra border crossing, from Customs passengers Ship Center to Al Karame border crossing, from Customs passengers Ship Center to exchange square in Al Aqaba
  • It was decided to allow for transit trucks to cross only with security escort, concerning the movement and handling of goods. It was decided to stop the entry of trucks from Al Karame, Jaber and Al Omari border crossings to its final destination in the Jordanian territory. Goods will continue to flow through transforming the transport process to back to back transport
  • Stop the flow of entry and exit of trucks in Al Dourra border crossing. It will only be used for transit from and to Customs passengers Ship Center. Stop the flow of entry of foreign trucks from Customs passengers Ship Center to its final destination in the Jordanian territory.  It will be transformed by the transport process to back to back transport.

عدم السماح لشاحنات التي تعبر أراضي المملكة (ترانزيت) بالمرور إلا من خلال رفقة أمنية وتحت سيطرة الأمن العام

إيقاف حركة دخول الشاحنات غير الأردنية من مركز حدود الكرامة والتي مقصد بضائعها الأراضي الأردنية وتحويل عملية النقل إلى نقل تبادلي وعدم السماح للشاحنات الأردنية بالمغادرة عبر المركز

إيقاف حركة دخول الشاحنات غير الأردنية من مركز حدود جابر والتي مقصد بضائعها الأراضي الأردنية وتحويل عملية النقل إلى نقل تبادلي وعدم السماح للشاحنات الأردنية بالمغادرة عبر المركز

إيقاف حركة دخول وخروج الشاحنات من مركز حدود الدرة ويستخدم المركز لحركة الترانزيت من وإلى جمرك بواخر الركاب فقط

إيقاف حركة دخول الشاحنات غير الأردنية من مركز جمرك بواخر الركاب والتي مقصد بضائعها الأراضي الأردنية وتحويل عملية النقل إلى نقل تبادلي  وعدم السماح للشاحنات الأردنية بالمغادرة عبر المركز

السماح بحركة دخول الشاحنات من مركز حدود العمري والتي مقصد بضائعها الأراضي الأردنية شريطة اتباع قواعد السلامة للحد من انتشار فيروس كورونا وطلب شهادة خلو من الفايروس للسائق صادرة عن جهات معتمدة بمدة لا تزيد عن 48 ساعة

إيقاف حركة الشاحنات عبر مركز حدود المدورةالمدوّرة


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titleRemarks from the International Road Transport Union
