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22.09.2021 Traveling to Mexico?To this day, there are no entry restrictions in Mexico and no obligation to carry a COVID test or to do quarantine. However, it is mandatory to register on the Mexico Vuela Seguro Platform before boarding and to show the QR code at the arrival airport. Check the current status of the pandemic in Mexico and follow the sanitary rules to prevent contagion (information only in Spanish). The Embassy informs that, according to article 36 of the Migration Act, Mexicans will always have the right to enter Mexico and cannot be denied of that right. If you are a foreigner, the Embassy informs that, the Mexican migration authorities are especially careful to verify the entry requirements foreseen in article 60 of the Migration Regulations ( Thus, the Mexican authorities are entitled to require, inter alia, following information: valid passport, visa (in case required), personal information, reason of travel, place of residence, address and period of stay in Mexico, date and form of transport to exit the country, invitation letters (in case of required), hotel reservations, subsistence means, etc. The general recommendation In Mexico and Switzerland is to avoid any kind of non-essential travel. Hence, if you decide to travel you do it on your own risk and with knowledge that the current situation can change immediately. In case your trip isn’t urgent, we suggest you avoid it. Check the measures of the Swiss government for residents in the Swiss Confederation upon return from abroad. Further information: |
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26.08.2020 COVID-19 México ________________________________________________________________________ 16.07.2020 COVID-19 [México] Boletín n° 2 - CIQP : 16 de julio de 2020 (Boletín de Aduanas, Inmigración y Procedimientos de Cuarentena) ________________________________________________________________________ 10.06.2020 COVID-19 [México] Boletín n° 1 - CIQP : 10 de junio de 2020 (Bulletin on Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Procedures) IMPORTACIÓN Y ADUANAS
(Información fechada el 9 de junio: Agrupada de Logística)
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28 April 2020
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SANITARY EMERGENCY, As of March 30, the suspension until April 30 of non-essential activities in the public, private and social sectors is ordered. After April 30, the Health Secretariats, in coordination with the Labor and Economy Secretariats, will issue guidelines for the gradual resumption of activities. The following are considered essential activities for this measure, among others: Those that are directly necessary to attend the health emergency, such as: the medical branch's work activities, those involved in its supply, storage services and cold chain of essential supplies), logistics (airports, ports and railways), among others. -------------------- EMERGENCIA SANITARIA, A partir de este 30 de marzo, se ordena la suspensión hasta el 30 de abril de actividades no esenciales en los sectores público, privado y social. Después del 30 de abril, la Secretarías de Salud, en coordinación con las Secretarías del Trabajo y Economía emitirán lineamientos para la reanudación escalonada de las actividades. Se consideran como actividades esenciales para la presente medida, entre otras las siguientes: Las que de manera directa son necesarias para atender la emergencia sanitaria, como son: las actividades laborales de la rama médica, los que participan en su abasto, servicios de almacenamiento y cadena de frío de insumos esenciales), logística (aeropuertos, puertos y ferrocarriles), entre otros. More information: |
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April, 8, 2020: DOF: 08/04/2020 Define the essential activities of competence of the Secretariat of Communication and Transport, in the framework of attention of the sanitary emergency generated by the virus SARS-CoV2 March, 25 2020: All Mexican ports are working under normal circumstances and are only applying UN international sanitary recommendations to avoid the virus to enter the country.However, formalities before the immigration and customs authorities within the ports is taking longer than usual. Agreement COVID-19, March18, 2020: Art. 3. The days that in accordance with this agreement are considered unworkable, will not apply to the terms and terms established for the authorization of amendment and funding, as well as the piloting service and those activities inherent to the operation of ships in port. that require your immediate attention at the Merchant Marine Services Offices; as well as for the terms and terms established by the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector, and the Law of Public Works and Services Related to the same, therefore, the procedures and procedures that are related to said laws, will remain excepted from the application and observance of this Agreement. Art.4: In the field of preventive medicine in transportation, the practice of the comprehensive psychophysical examination is suspended in the face of the health emergency situation to mitigate the accelerated expansion of the outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 during the period of two months from the entry into force of this Agreement. Art. 5: Regarding federal motor transport, the procedures related to the issuance and renewal of the federal driver's license, as well as the procedures, are suspended in the General Directorate of Federal Motor Transport and in the SCT Centers located in the country's federal entities. for the issuance of Federal Autotransport, Private Transport and its Auxiliary Services permits. In addition to the foregoing, the validity of the federal licenses for federal motor transport as well as the training certificates of federal motor transport drivers are extended for a period of three months, counted from the entry into force of this Agreement. Art. 6:. In civil aeronautics, the holders of permits, licenses or certificates of capacity issued or granted may continue to exercise their powers as aeronautical technical personnel, even when their respective proof of psychophysical aptitude or Comprehensive Psychophysical Exam is expired, taking the effects as extended. legal provisions, for a period of three months, counted from the entry into force of this Agreement. Art. 7: In matters of merchant marine, the holders of the Certificates of Competence, Certificates of Special Competence and Endorsements of Titles issued or granted may continue to exercise their functions as Personnel of the Mexican Merchant Navy, even though their respective evidence of psychophysical aptitude o Comprehensive Psychophysical Exam is expired. The validity of the Certificates of Competence, Certificates of Special Competence and Endorsements of Titles in force is considered extended, for a period of three months, counted from the entry into force of this Agreement. Art. 8 :. In railway matters, the Federal Railroad Licenses that are expired, may continue to operate even when their respective proof of psychophysical aptitude or Comprehensive Psychophysical Exam is expired, having for granted the legal effects of said licenses, for a period of three months, counted from the entry into force of this Agreement. -------------------- 8 Abril 2020: DOF: 08/04/2020 Precisa las actividades esenciales de competencia de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, en el marco de atención de la emergencia sanitaria generada por el virus SARS-CoV2 25 de marzo de 2020: Todos los puertos mexicanos funcionan en circunstancias normales y solo aplican las recomendaciones sanitarias internacionales de la ONU para evitar que el virus ingrese al país; sin embargo, los trámites ante las autoridades de inmigración y aduanas dentro de los puertos están tardando más de lo habitual. Acuerdo COVID-19, 18 de marzo del 2020: Art. 3. Los días que conforme a este acuerdo son considerados inhábiles, no se aplicarán a los plazos y términos previstos para la autorización de enmienda y fondeo, así como del servicio de pilotaje y aquellas actividades inherentes a la operación de los buques en puerto que requieran de su inmediata atención en las Oficinas de Servicios a la Marina Mercante; así como para los plazos y términos previstos por la Ley de Adquisiciones, Arrendamientos y Servicios del Sector Público, y la Ley de Obras Públicas y Servicios Relacionados con las Mismas, por lo que, los trámites y procedimientos que guarden relación con dichas leyes, quedarán exceptuados de la aplicación y observancia de este Acuerdo. Art.4: En materia de medicina preventiva en el transporte se suspende la práctica del examen psicofísico integral ante la situación de emergencia sanitaria para mitigar la expansión acelerada del brote de coronavirus COVID-19 durante el plazo de dos meses a partir de la entrada en vigor del presente Acuerdo. Art. 5: En materia de autotransporte federal, se suspenden en la Dirección General de Autotransporte Federal y en los Centros SCT ubicados en las entidades federativas del país, los trámites relativos a la expedición y renovación de licencia federal de conductor, así como los trámites de expedición de permisos de Autotransporte Federal, Transporte Privado y sus Servicios Auxiliares. Aunado a lo anterior, se tiene por prorrogada la vigencia de las licencias federales de autotransporte federal así como de las constancias de capacitación de conductores del autotransporte federal, por un periodo de tres meses, contados a partir de la entrada en vigor del presente Acuerdo. Art. 6: . En materia de aeronáutica civil, los titulares de permisos, licencias o certificados de capacidad expedidos u otorgados podrán seguir ejerciendo sus atribuciones como personal técnico aeronáutico, aun cuando su respectiva constancia de aptitud psicofísica o Examen Psicofísico Integral se encuentre vencido, teniendo por prorrogados los efectos jurídicos de los mismos, por un periodo de tres meses, contados a partir de la entrada en vigor del presente Acuerdo. Art. 7: En materia de marina mercante, los titulares de los Certificados de Competencia, Certificados de Competencia Especial y Refrendos de Títulos expedidos u otorgados podrán seguir ejerciendo sus funciones como Personal de la Marina Mercante Mexicana, aun cuando su respectiva constancia de aptitud psicofísica o Examen Psicofísico Integral se encuentre vencido. Se tiene por prorrogada la vigencia de los Certificados de Competencia, Certificados de Competencia Especial y Refrendos de Títulos vigentes, por un periodo de tres meses, contados a partir de la entrada en vigor del presente Acuerdo. Art. 8:. En materia ferroviaria, las Licencias Federales Ferroviarias que se encuentren vencidas, podrán seguir operando aun cuando su respectiva constancia de aptitud psicofísica o Examen Psicofísico Integral se encuentre vencido, teniendo por prorrogados los efectos jurídicos de las referidas licencias, por un periodo de tres meses, contados a partir de la entrada en vigor del presente Acuerdo. More information: |
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