online meeting, 2020-09-24

Informal Documents

  File Locked By Modified
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-01 - agenda 13th meeting.docx 10 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-01rev1 - agenda 13th meeting.docx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-02 -GRE-83-xx - modifications of GRE-2020-15e - R37 - Intro LEDr - incl AE - 2020-09-15a.docx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-02rev1 -GRE-83-xx - mod of GRE-2020-15e - R37 - Intro LEDr - incl AE - 2020-09-24.docx 01 Oct, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-03- GRE-83-xx.Rev.1 - R37 - Intro LEDr - incl. AE - 2020-09-15a.docx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-03rev1- rev of GRE-83-05 - R37 - Intro LEDr - incl. AE - 2020-09-24.docx 01 Oct, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-04 - GRE-83-xx - modification of GRE20-2020-16 - R.E.5 - Intro LEDr - incl. AE - 2020-09-17.docx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-04rev1 - GRE-83-xx - mod of GRE20-2020-16 - R.E.5 - Intro LEDr - incl. AE - 2020-09-24.docx 01 Oct, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Word Document TFSR-13-05 - LEDr Equivalence Criteria_major_parts_highlighted.docx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFSR-13-06 H11_LEDr equivalence report.pptx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TFSR-13-07 clarification for high efficiency light source and additional electronics.pptx 17 Sep, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
PDF File TFSR-13-07rev1 clarification for high efficiency light source and additional electronics.pdf 01 Oct, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
PDF File TFSR-13-08 - SAE J575 Humidity Test-with-LEDr.pdf 01 Oct, 2020 by Philipp Plathner
PDF File TFSR-13-09 - report 13th meeting.pdf 01 Oct, 2020 by Philipp Plathner

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