Source: European Union/Re-open EU
What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
The ban on non-essential travel, the requirement to take a Covid-19 test and go in self-isolation when entering Latvia has been lifted since 16 June, if a person can present a digital Covid-19 certificate confirming the completion of vaccination or recovery from the disease.
More information on entry restrictions and security measures here: Overview of entry restrictions and security measures | Covid-19 (
All travellers must fill in an electronic confirmation form at Electronic confirmation must be completed no earlier than 48 hours before crossing the Latvian border.
Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate
Travellers can enter Latvia without being subject to additional restrictions if their EUDCC contains one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The full vaccination course is reached 15 days after the second doses of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines, or 15 days after the single dose of the Janssen vaccine. A vaccinated person also will considered a person on the fifteenth day after a single dose of vaccine (registered by the European Medicines Agency or equivalent regulators or recognized by the World Health Organization) received no later than 180 days after a laboratory confirmed episode of SARS-CoV-2 infection as determined by SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA.
- a certificate of recovery from COVID-19
- a pre-departure negative PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival (for unvaccinated/non recovered)
- a pre-departure negative rapid antigen test taken within 48 hours before boarding the carrier’s vehicle or entering Latvia (for unvaccinated/non recovered)
Children under 12 years old are exempted from the requirements above.
Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements
Persons entering the Republic of Latvia by land through border crossing points: Grebņeva, Terehova, Pāternieki, or Silene who do not possess an inter-operational EU certificate of vaccination, testing or recovery; or other valid document issued from a European Union Member State or European Economic Area country; the Swiss Confederation; or the United Kingdom must immediately take a COVID-19 test at their own expense at the above-mentioned border crossing point.
This requirement does not apply to:
- children under 12 years of age;
- staff of diplomatic and consular missions, international organisation and their representations accredited in Latvia and their family members;
- persons arriving in Latvia at the invitation from the President of Latvia, the Saeima, the Cabinet of Ministers or members thereof, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the State Audit Office or a ministry;
- Latvian or foreign diplomatic couriers or ad hoc diplomatic couriers who present an official document specifying their status and the number of packages constituting their diplomatic pouch;
- holders of the diplomatic passport of the Republic of Latvia, technical staff accompanying them, officials and employees of the diplomatic and consular service in the performance of their official duties.
Travellers from EU/EEA countries can enter Latvia by presenting one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The full vaccination course is reached 15 days after the second doses of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines, or 15 days after the single dose of the Janssen vaccine. A vaccinated person also will considered a person on the fifteenth day after a single dose of vaccine (registered by the European Medicines Agency or equivalent regulators or recognized by the World Health Organization) received no later than 180 days after a laboratory confirmed episode of SARS-CoV-2 infection as determined by SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA.
- a certificate of recovery from COVID-19
- a pre-departure negative PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival (if entering from high risk country)
- a pre-departure negative rapid antigen test taken within 48 hours before boarding the carrier’s vehicle or entering Latvia (if entering from high risk country)
Children under 12 years old are exempted from the requirements above.
Documents must be provided in English, French, Russian, or in an official language of the country from which travellers are beginning their trip to Latvia.
This requirement also applies to those arriving in Latvia in a personal vehicle.
Persons entering Latvia to perform their job duties or travelling to or from their place of work, and employees of transport companies, are exempt from the COVID-19 test requirement.
Data on the incidence of COVID-19 cases in the EU and third countries is updated every Friday on the website of Latvia’s Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Find out more:
Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Latvia Travel
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
From 1st September persons from the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Israel, New Zealand and Canada who have been vaccinated with the vaccine registered by the European Medicines Agency or an equivalent regulator or recognized by the World Health Organization and will have the appropriate Proof can enter Latvia without additional restrictions.
- Vaccinated persons and persons recovered from Covid-19 do not have to get tested for Covid-19 prior to travel unless they are travelling to a particularly high-risk country with a very high incidence or spread of a new strain of Covid-19. It is not required to get tested when returning unless the person has been in a particularly high-risk country;
- Other travellers are required to get tested before traveling from any country. When returning from a high-risk or particularly high-risk third country, getting tested for Covid-19 is obligatory.
Is a coronavirus test required?
Non-vaccinated or non-recovered travellers entering Latvia will be asked to show proof of a negative PCR test performed no earlier than 72 hours or a negative rapid antigen test performed no earlier than 48 hours before boarding or crossing the Latvian border. If a traveller is unable to show a test result (printed or on an electronic device), he will not be allowed to board the plane, train, bus, ferry, or other means of transportation. The test result must be in English, French, Russian or in an official language of the country of departure.
This requirement also applies to those arriving in Latvia in a personal vehicle.
The negative COVID-19 test results must be indicated in the form, which will be checked by the State Border Guard and Police officers.
After entering Latvia, an additional Covid-19 test must be taken at the nearest point of testing. Children and vaccinated persons are also subject to this obligation.
Is a quarantine required?
Self-isolation is required:
- Persons who have not been vaccinated or have not had Covid-19 and recovered from it should observe self-isolation when returning from high-risk countries (EU, EEA, Switzerland, United Kingdom and other countries);
- All travellers entering from a high-risk country (including the EU, EEA, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) with a very high incidence or prevalence of a new Covid-19 strain. More information on this are available on the website of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.
Self-isolation is not required:
- Persons who can provide proof with an EU digital certificate (via smart device or printed) or a certificate issued in the EU, EEA countries, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, stating that the person has received full vaccination (i.e. 15 days have elapsed since the completion of a full vaccination course or fifteen days after a single dose of vaccine (registered by the European Medicines Agency or equivalent regulators or recognized by the World Health Organization) received no later than 180 days after a laboratory confirmed episode of SARS-CoV-2 infection as determined by SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA) and what vaccine he/she were vaccinated with (exemption from self-isolation only applies to vaccines registered by the European Medicines Agency or equivalent regulators or recognised by the World Health Organisation);
- Persons who have had Covid-19 in the last 6 months and have recovered from it and can provide proof with an EU digital certificate (via smart device or printed) or a certificate issued in the EU, EEA countries, Switzerland or the United Kingdom;
- Children under 13 years of age travelling with adults who are exempt from the requirement of self-isolation. However, in such cases, children do not make close contacts with persons outside their household, do not attend public events, children's groups, do not use public transport for 10 days after leaving the high-risk country.
Mandatory Travel Documentation
All travellers must fill in an electronic confirmation form on the website. Electronic confirmation must be completed no earlier than 48 hours before crossing the Latvian border.
Documents proving the purpose of entry will have to be presented to the Border Guard or the Police.
Find out more:
Overview of entry restrictions and security measures | Covid-19 (
Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control website
Latvia Travel
May I transit this country?
Entry is allowed to foreigners transiting through the territory of Latvia on their return to their country of residence. Quarantine does not apply to persons who cross the territory in transit. Persons crossing Latvia in transit must leave Latvia within 12 hours from the submission of the certification questionnaire on the
Entry is allowed to foreigners transiting through the territory of Latvia on their return to their country of residence. Quarantine does not apply to persons who cross the territory in transit. Persons crossing Latvia in transit must leave Latvia within 12 hours from the submission of the certification questionnaire on the
General measures
All the measures that are currently in place in Latvia can be found at Covid-19 control measures (in English, Latvian and Russian).
Use of facemasks
- Using face masks outdoor is not obligatory
- Face masks must be used in all indoor places, where there is more than 1 person. Wearing a face mask is not obligatory for children under 7 years of age or for people who have difficulty wearing a mask due to medical reasons, for example, due to functional impairments.
- Face masks are mandatory in public transport and in educational institutions.
- The face mask may not be used indoors, outdoors, in private or public events where vaccinated people or people recovered from Covid-19 gather.
Physical Distancing
People must respect 2 metres physical distancing (applies to both public indoor and public outdoor spaces). Physical distancing is not applied to members of the same household.
Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events
Public events
Persons who are vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or tested:
- Are allowed to attend events subject to the requirements to use face masks, distancing and personalized seating.
- A public indoor event can take place for up to 4 hours, gathering up to 500 people.
- A public outdoor event can take place without a time limit, gathering up to 1000 people.
Parents may attend events together with their children who have not been vaccinated and haven’t recovered from Covid-19 if the children are under the age of 13, no Covid-19 tests will be required in these cases.
Persons that are not vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or tested:
- Public indoor and outdoor events are not allowed
Private events
Persons who are vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or tested:
- Are allowed to gather indoors for up to 500 people, outdoors for up to 1000 people.
Persons that are not vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or tested:
- are allowed to gather indoors for up to 20 people
- are allowed to gather outdoors for up to 50 people (also marches and pickets follow this category)
Safety measures for public transportation
The use of face masks is mandatory in public transport (as well as in taxis) for everyone over the age of 7. The number of passengers in a public transport vehicle must not exceed 65% of its capacity. Outside the destinations of regional traffic routes, the number of passengers in a vehicle may not exceed 75% of its capacity.
Places of worship
Open with limitations
No restrictions for vaccinated and/or recovered persons from Covid-19
For other persons:
- Places of religious activity may be open from not earlier than 6.00 and end work no later than 24:00.
- In the places of indoor religious activity visitors shall wear mouth and nose covering.
At least 10 m2 of the publicly available area of premises are provided per visitor. If everyone is immunized, a distance of 2 m2 is enough. - Information is publicly available at the entrance for visitors, including in English, regarding the maximum number of people who may be located in the place of worship at the same time
- Choir singing at a place of religious activity is allowed outdoors.
- Sunday schools are allowed in person, subject to strict safety measures.
In the 14 days quarantine period:
- The infected person must stay at home, under the supervision of a GP.
- Avoid contact with other people as much as possible (do not go to work, school, public places, etc.).
- Monitor your health condition (measure your temperature twice a day, contact your GP). If you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, or difficulty breathing, contact your GP immediately (if the situation becomes critical, call 113).
- Do not have guests.
- If you share your house with somebody else, stay as much isolated as possible and use a medical face mask.
- If possible, agree with your employer on working remotely (if necessary, it is possible to receive sick leave for the quarantine period).
- Clean your home and use disinfectants, especially for cleaning frequently used surfaces, toilets, and shared spaces.
Non-essential (other than medicine and food) shops
Open with limitations
- Wearing face masks is mandatory;
- Clear instructions regarding physical distancing and current safety measures must be displayed;
- At least 15 square metres per customer must be ensured;
- An internal control system for the implementation of epidemiological safety measures must be present.
Tourist accommodations
Accommodations are open on the condition that physical distancing and epidemiological safety measures are being followed. By complying with the general recommendations, including disinfection and social distancing, hotels and guest houses can operate and host guests.
Catering establishments
Open with limitations
Persons who are vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or tested:
Indoor and outdoor catering are allowed following the requirements:
- No more than 4 adults, excluding children under age 13 (but not more than 10 persons in total), from no more than 2 households may be present at one table;
- a distance of at least 2 metres is ensured between persons sitting at different tables.
Persons who are not vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or tested:
Public outdoor catering is allowed from 6.00 to 24.00 following the requirements:
- No more than 20 persons excluding minors (but no more than 30 persons in total) may be present at one table
- If there are no partition between the tables, there must be a distance of at least 2 m between the people sitting at different tables;
- Staff and visitors must use mouth and nose coverings during their stay, except while seated at a table;
- Tables must be disinfected after every meal (after every visitor);
- Cutlery, sets of dishes, and napkins must be individually issued to every visitor;
- There must be a designated person who organises and manages the implementation of the established epidemiological safety measures;
- Clearly legible publicly available information, including in foreign languages, must be displayed in places visible to visitors on the maximum number of persons and with contact details of the designated person and the direct phone number 110 of the police service;
Indoor catering is not allowed.
Cinemas, museums and indoor attractions
Open with limitations
- Archives, libraries, museums and places with art and history exhibitions are gradually resuming work as soon as the site is prepared for opening for work, subject to epidemiological safety requirements;
- One-way visitor flow must be ensured at cultural sites;
- 10 m2 per visitor or members of one household;
- Regular ventilation of the premises must be ensured;
- Preparation of epidemiological safety rules and appointment of a person responsible for their observance.
Personal care services
Open with limitations
The vaccinated provider may provide the service to any person, including a person who is unable to present an interoperable certificate, provided that the service is provided individually (in a separate room). At the place of provision of beauty and wellness services, the area must be 10 m2 per person.
Outdoors areas and beaches
Public spaces (including parks and other recreational spaces, public service institutions, shopping areas and market places) are open with general epidemiological conditions applicable.
Other measures
It is prudent for travellers who are sick to delay or avoid travel, in particular for elderly travellers and people with chronic diseases or underlying health conditions. Further information in English is available at COVID-19 and travelling to Latvia | Latvia Travel
Information on Tourism at National level
National website with coronavirus-related information for TOURISM
What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Every traveller arriving in Lithuania will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre within 48 hours before entering Lithuania and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding or at the border control.
Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate
EUDCCs are valid to enter Lithuania if they contain one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The certificate is valid 14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine (or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only).
- Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca);
- a certificate of recovery from Covid-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test, valid for 180 days since the date of the positive test;
- a pre-departure negative Covid-19 test. Accepted tests: PCR taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or rapid antigen test (RAT) taken within 48 hours prior to arrival.
Travellers arriving from countries classified as "yellow" have to take a second PCR test between day 3 and 5 after arrival (unless they are vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19).
Travellers arriving from countries that are listed as risk areas (all areas other than "green" or "yellow"), unless they can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery from Covid-19, are also subject to mandatory self-isolation for 10 days from the day of arrival. The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation.
Those who travel on a work basis from "red" or "grey" areas can leave the place of isolation and perform their work-related duties following a negative result to a PCR test carried out after arrival in Lithuania.
Children under 16 years old are exempted from the pre-departure testing requirement. Children under 12 years old from "red" and "grey" countries are exempted from the isolation requirement. Children under 12 years old from "yellow" countries are exempted from the second PCR requirement. Children from 12 to 15 years old from "red" and "grey" countries are exempted from the isolation requirement upon presentation of a negative result to a PCR or RAT test.
Other testing / quarantine exemptions for certain profesions are provided here: Isolation Exemptions
A quarantine is imposed to all travellers (including vaccinated, recovered and children) arriving from areas where stricter measures are applied. Persons arriving from such countries must obtain the NPHC permission before leaving the place of isolation. A notification must also be sent 24 hours before leaving Lithuania and returning to the country of residence or work, if this takes place before the end of the self-isolation period.
Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements
Travellers arriving in Lithuania must present one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The certificate is valid 14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine (or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only).
- Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
- a certificate of recovery from Covid-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test, valid for 180 days since the date of the positive test
- a pre-departure negative Covid-19 test. Accepted tests: PCR taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or rapid antigen test (RAT) taken within 48 hours prior to arrival.
All certificates above can be provided in any of the official languages of the European Union.
Travellers arriving by private transport without a pre-departure test should register for a test in Lithuania within 24 hours from arrival by calling the hotline 1808 or +370 66 01 1808.
Travellers arriving from countries classified as "yellow" have to take a second PCR test between days 3 and 5 after arrival (unless they are vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19).
Travellers arriving from countries that are listed as risk areas (all areas other than "green" or "yellow"), unless they can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery from Covid-19, are also subject to mandatory self-isolation for 10 days from the day of arrival. The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation.
Those who travel on a work basis from "red" or "grey" areas can leave the place of isolation and perform their work-related duties following a negative result to a PCR test carried out after arrival in Lithuania.
Children under 16 years old are exempted from the pre-departure testing requirement. Children under 12 years old from "red" and "grey" countries are exempted from the isolation requirement. Children under 12 years old from "yellow" countries are exempted from the second PCR requirement. Children from 12 to 15 years old from "red" and "grey" countries are exempted from the isolation requirement upon presentation of a negative result to a PCR or RAT test.
Other testing / quarantine exemptions for certain profesions are provided here: Isolation Exemptions
A quarantine is imposed on all travellers (including vaccinated, recovered and children) arriving from areas where stricter measures are applied. Persons arriving from such countries must obtain the NPHC permission before leaving the place of isolation. A notification must also be sent 24 hours before leaving Lithuania and returning to the country of residence or work, if this takes place before the end of the self-isolation period.
Find out more:
Contact information for travellers
Vilnius information for travellers
Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Travel to Lithuania from third countries is restricted, with the exception of:
- citizens coming from the countries listed in Annex I of the Council Recommendations 2020/912;
- those who are fully vaccinated (14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine - or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only). Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca).
All third countries are classified as "grey" countries and listed as risk areas.
Travellers from third countries must present one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The certificate is valid 14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine (or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only).
- Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
- a certificate of recovery from Covid-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test, valid for 180 days since the date of the positive test
- a pre-departure negative Covid-19 test. Accepted tests: PCR taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or RAT (rapid antigen test) taken within 48 hours prior to arrival.
Travellers arriving from third countries, unless they can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery from Covid-19, are also subject to mandatory self-isolation for 10 days from the day of arrival. The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation.
Those who travel on a work basis can leave the place of isolation and perform their work-related duties following a negative result to a PCR test carried out after arrival in Lithuania.
Children under 16 years old are exempted from the pre-departure testing requirement. Children under 12 years old from "red" and "grey" countries are exempted from the isolation requirement. Children under 12 years old from "yellow" countries are exempted from the second PCR requirement. Children from 12 to 15 years old from "red" and "grey" countries are exempted from the isolation requirement upon presentation of a negative result to a PCR or RAT test.
Other testing / quarantine exemptions for certain profesions are provided here:
A quarantine is imposed on all travellers (including vaccinated, recovered and children) arriving from areas where stricter measures are applied. Persons arriving from such countries must obtain the NPHC permission before leaving the place of isolation. A notification must also be sent 24 hours before leaving Lithuania and returning to the country of residence or work, if this takes place before the end of the self-isolation period.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller arriving in Lithuania will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre within 48 hours before entering Lithuania and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding or at at the border control.
Find out more:
Contact information for travellers
Vilnius information for travellers
May I transit this country?
As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restrictions.
EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.
Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.
Additionally, for Lithuania, the following rules apply:
Transit through the territory of Lithuania is allowed for citizens of third countries:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backward (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Regardless of the transport used by travellers in transit through Lithuania, it is necessary to fill in the NPHC form and submit your personal data. There is no need for self-isolation or negative test result.
As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restrictions.
EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.
Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.
Additionally, for Lithuania, the following rules apply:
Transit through the territory of Lithuania is allowed for citizens of third countries:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backward (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Regardless of the transport used by travellers in transit through Lithuania, it is necessary to fill in the NPHC form and submit your personal data. There is no need for self-isolation or negative test result.
General measures
Use of facemasks
In indoor public spaces (e.g. stores, public transport, events, etc.), face masks are mandatory for those over 6 years of age, except when exercising or providing a service that can only be provided for unmasked customer and when wearing a face mask is not possible due to health condition.
Masks are not required in outdoor public spaces.
Physical Distancing
It is recommended to keep 2 metres distance in indoor and outdoor public places.
Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events
No restrictions on the number of participants for outdoor events.
For short-term (up to 2 hours) non-commercial events held outdoors in public spaces: there is no requirement for the National Certificate.
Indoor events can be held at up to 75% seating capacity when attended by non-holders of the National Certificate. Face masks will still be mandatory in events held indoors in public spaces.
Only seated indoor and outdoor events are allowed when attended by non-holders of the National Certificate. Online ticketing and/or registration of spectators and/or participants and controlling access by spectators and/or participants to the venue of the indoor/outdoor event must be ensured. Catering can be organised during the indoor and outdoor events in designated locations.
Information on Tourism at National level
Useful Info for tourists
Before starting your journey, please check visa requirements for your destination at: The Schengen visa More info
EU Digital COVID Certificates
This country is already connected to the Gateway and is issuing and/or verifying at least one EU Digital COVID Certificate (Vaccination, Recovery, Test)
Information on "EU Digital COVID Certificates" issued in Lithuania
The EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation entered into force on 01 July 2021. EU citizens and residents will now be able to have their Digital COVID Certificates issued and verified across the EU. National authorities are in charge of issuing the certificate.
The certificate provides a standardised recognition of the holder's status related to vaccination, recovery from Covid-19, or test result. Despite the European Digital COVID Certificate, each country continues to be responsible for the definition of its own entry requirements and rules, which are not standardised at the EU level. This means that what is required to enter upon presentation of this certificate, depends on the measures and entry rules in place at your destination.
Find out more:
Information on the "EU Digital COVID Certificate"
Further information:
What are the rules to enter this country from an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate
EUDCC are valid if they contain one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The certificate is valid 14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine (or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only).
Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
- a certificate of recovery from COVID-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test, valid for 180 days since the date of the positive test
- a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test
Accepted tests: PCR taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or RAT (rapid antigen test) taken within 48 hours prior to arrival.
Travellers under 16 years old are exempted from the testing requirement.
Travellers arriving from countries that are listed as risk areas (all areas other than "green" or "yellow"), unless they can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery from COVID-19, are also subject to mandatory self-isolation for 10 days from the day of arrival. The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expenses).
Children under 7 years old are exempted from the isolation requirement. Children from 7 to 15 years old are also exempted upon presentation of a negative result to a PCR or RAT test.
A quarantine is imposed on all travellers (including vaccinated, recovered and children) arriving from areas where stricter measures are applied. Persons arriving from such countries must obtain the NPHC permission before leaving the place of isolation. A notification must also be sent 24 hours before leaving Lithuania and returning to the country of residence or work, if this takes place before the end of the self-isolation period.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller arriving in Lithuania will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre within 48 hours before entering Lithuania and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding or at the border control.
Find out more:
Contact information for travellers
Vilnius information for travellers
Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements
As of 17 June, travellers arriving from countries listed as risk areas must present one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The certificate is valid 14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine (or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only).
Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
- a certificate of recovery from COVID-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test, valid for 180 days since the date of the positive test
- a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test
Accepted tests: PCR taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or RAT (rapid antigen test) taken within 48 hours prior to arrival.
Travellers under 16 years old are exempted from the testing requirement.
All certificates above can be provided in any of the official languages of the European Union.
Travellers arriving by private transport without a pre-departure test should register for a test in Lithuania within 24 hours from arrival by calling the hotline 1808 or +370 66 01 1808.
Travellers arriving from countries that are listed as risk areas (all areas other than "green" or "yellow"), unless they can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery from COVID-19, are also subject to mandatory self-isolation for 10 days from the day of arrival. The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expenses).
Children under 7 years old are exempted from the isolation requirement. Children from 7 to 15 years old are also exempted upon presentation of a negative result to a PCR or RAT test.
A quarantine is imposed on all travellers (including vaccinated, recovered and children) arriving from areas where stricter measures are applied. Persons arriving from such countries must obtain the NPHC permission before leaving the place of isolation. A notification must also be sent 24 hours before leaving Lithuania and returning to the country of residence or work, if this takes place before the end of the self-isolation period.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller arriving in Lithuania will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre within 48 hours before entering Lithuania and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding or at at the border control.
Find out more:
Contact information for travellers
Vilnius information for travellers
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
As of 14 June, all third countries are classified as "grey" countries and listed as risk areas.
Travellers from third countries must present one of the following:
- a certificate of vaccination. The certificate is valid 14 days after taking the second dose of the vaccine (or the single dose, for vaccines with 1 dose only).
Accepted vaccines: Janssen, Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
- a certificate of recovery from COVID-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test, valid for 180 days since the date of the positive test
- a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test
Accepted tests: PCR taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or RAT (rapid antigen test) taken within 48 hours prior to arrival.
Travellers under 16 years old are exempted from the testing requirement.
Travellers arriving from third countries, unless they can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery from COVID-19, are also subject to mandatory self-isolation for 10 days from the day of arrival. The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expenses).
Children under 7 years old are exempted from the isolation requirement. Children from 7 to 15 years old are also exempted upon presentation of a negative result to a PCR or RAT test.
A quarantine is imposed on all travellers (including vaccinated, recovered and children) arriving from areas where stricter measures are applied. Persons arriving from such countries must obtain the NPHC permission before leaving the place of isolation. A notification must also be sent 24 hours before leaving Lithuania and returning to the country of residence or work, if this takes place before the end of the self-isolation period.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller arriving in Lithuania will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre within 48 hours before entering Lithuania and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding or at at the border control.
May I transit this country?
As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restrictions.
EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.
Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.
Additionally, for Lithuania, the following rules apply:
Transit through the territory of Lithuania is allowed for citizens of third countries:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backward (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Regardless of the transport used by travellers in transit through Lithuania, it is necessary to fill in the NPHC form and submit your personal data. There is no need for self-isolation or negative test result.
General measures
Use of facemasks
Protective face masks are mandatory in all public places (from the age of 6) Some exceptions exist.
Physical Distancing
A distance of 2 metres between people must be ensured (except for members of the same family). The safety distance may be less if there is a professional partition, or when personal protective equipment is worn. Distances in queues should be at least 1 metre.
Indoor and outdoor meetings, public or private gatherings and events
Indoor or outdoor commercial or non-commercial cultural, entertainment, sporting events, celebrations, fairs, festivals, or other mass gatherings arranged in public locations are suspended.
Exceptions are funerals (attended by a maximum of 10 persons, excluded family members and persons providing the funeral services), and high-performance sporting events without spectators.
Also, it is allowed to hold events whereby spectators stay in their cars and there are maximum 2 people in the car, except for multiple members of one family and/or one household
Social intercations between households are restricted.
Information on Tourism at National level
Useful Info for tourists
Before starting your journey, please check visa requirements for your destination at: The Schengen visa More info
EU Digital COVID Certificates
Information on "EU Digital COVID Certificates" issued in Lithuania
The "EU Digital COVID Certificate" (available from 1 July 2021) provides proof that a person has either:
- been vaccinated against COVID-19 (vaccine type and manufacturer, number of doses, date of vaccination);
- received a negative test result, PCR or rapid antigen, with the name of the test, date and time of test, test centre and result (self-tests are not valid);
- recovered from COVID-19.
When travelling, holders of the "EU Digital COVID Certificate" will have the same rights as citizens of the visited Member State who have been vaccinated, tested or recovered.
The certificate provides a standardised recognition of the holder's status related to vaccination, recovery from COVID or test result. Each country continues to be responsible for the definition of its own entry requirements and rules, which are not standardised at the EU level. This means that what you will be eligible for, upon presentation of this certificate, depends on the measures and entry rules in place at your country of destination.
How does it work:
- Member States issue a certificate automatically or upon request, which is issued either digitally or on paper, and has a QR code with an electronic signature;
- Citizens store the certificate in their digital app or wallet and can use it when they travel;
- When the verifier asks the citizen for the certificate, the QR code is shown and the digital signature is verified.
Find out more:
Information on the "EU Digital COVID Certificate"
Press Release
Questions & Answers
From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?
Lithuania adopts its own national classification of risk areas, hence travel restrictions for Lithuania are not based on the common "EU Traffic Lights" map.
Is a coronavirus test required?
All travellers arriving from countries listed as risk areas are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test.
The test must be taken within 72 hours prior to arrival.
Children aged 16 and under are exempt.
The certificate can be in one of the official languages of the European Union.
Travellers arriving by private transport should register for a test in Lithuania within 24 hours of arrival by calling the hotline +370 (5 2) 196 180.
Provisions for vaccinated people
Travellers who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 are exempted from providing a negative COVID-19 test. A certificate of vaccination is needed.
Also, those holding a medical certificate confirming that they had coronavirus are exempt from testing and quarantine. The diagnosis should be confirmed by a positive PCR test, and maximum 180 days may have passed since the positive testing.
Is a quarantine required?
Travellers arriving from countries that are listed as risk areas should self-isolate for 10 days from the day of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania (regardless of the negative test result). The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expenses).
Depending on the local epidemiological situation, travellers from some countries face stricter measures during the isolation period.
Persons arriving from countries where the spread of new virus variants has been detected must obtain the NPHC permission to leave the place of isolation for certain specified reasons. To leave Lithuania for the country of residence or work before the end of self-isolation period, a notification must be sent to NPHC 24 hours before departure.
Travellers that can provide proof of full vaccination or recent recovery of COVID-19 infection are not required to quarantine.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller returning to, or arriving by air, sea, or land, will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
All persons arriving in Lithuania by car must register with the National Public Health Center within 12 hours of arrival.
Find out more:
Contact information for travellers
Vilnius information for travellers
Documents you need to travel in Europe
Health cover for temporary stays
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Travellers from third countries listed as risk areas should:
- have a certificate proving a negative laboratory test for COVID-19 disease performed not earlier than 72 hours before arriving in the Republic of Lithuania. The form can be in any of the official languages of the European Union. Children aged 16 and under are exempt from the test obligation.
- self-isolate for 10 days from the day of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania following the applicable isolation measures. The isolation period may be shortened after a negative SARS-Co-V2 PCR test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) performed not earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expense).;
Those with a medical certificate that proves they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are exempt from providing a negative COVID-19 test.
Also, those holding a medical certificate confirming that they had coronavirus infection are exempt from testing and quarantine. The diagnosis should be confirmed by a positive PCR test, and a maximum of 90 days may have passed since the positive testing.
Persons arriving from countries where the spread of new virus variants has been detected must obtain the NPHC permission, to leave the place of isolation for certain specified reasons. To leave Lithuania for the country of residence or work before the end of the self-isolation period must notify NPHC 24 hours before departure.
Every traveller returning to or arriving in Lithuania by regular, special or charter transport by air, sea, or land, will have to electronically submit their personal data to the National Public Health Centre. This means that before boarding a plane, ferry, bus, or train, a traveller will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre, and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
Information for arriving people.
May I transit this country?
As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restrictions.
EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.
Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.
Additionally, for Lithuania, the following rules apply:
Transit through the territory of Lithuania is allowed for foreigners:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Seafarers;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backward (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Regardless of the transport used by travelers in transit through Lithuania, it is not necessary to fill in the NPHC form and submit your personal data. There is no need for self-isolation or negative test result, if you travel by air transport and you do not leave the transit area at the airport. The carriers must allow transit passengers with onward air travel tickets to board the aircraft without a QR code.
General measures
Use of facemasks
Protective face masks are mandatory in all public places (from the age of 6) Some exceptions exist.
Physical Distancing
A distance of 2 metres between people must be ensured (except for members of the same family). The safety distance may be less if there is a professional partition, or when personal protective equipment is worn. Distances in queues should be at least 1 metre.
From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?
Lithuania adopts its own national classification of risk areas, hence travel restrictions for Lithuania are not based on the common "EU Traffic Lights" map.
Is a coronavirus test required?
All travellers arriving from countries listed as risk areas are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test.
The test must be taken within 72 hours prior to arrival.
Children aged 16 and under are exempt.
The certificate can be in Lithuanian, English or Russian.
Travellers who do not have a test result for COVID-19 performed before arrival in Lithuania will immediately be registered for such testing. It is recommended to register in advance for the test on the Coronavirus Hotline 1808.
Provisions for vaccinated people
Travellers who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 are exempted from providing a negative COVID-19 test. A certificate of vaccination is needed.
Also, those holding a medical certificate confirming that they had coronavirus are exempt from testing and quarantine. The diagnosis should be confirmed by a positive PCR test, and maximum 90 days may have passed since the positive testing.
Is a quarantine required?
Travellers arriving from countries that are listed as risk areas should self-isolate for 10 days from the day of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania (regardless of the negative test result). The isolation period may be shortened after a second negative PCR test performed no earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expenses).
Depending on the local epidemiological situation, travellers from some countries face stricter measures during the isolation period.
Persons arriving from countries where the spread of new virus variants has been detected must obtain the NPHC permission to leave the place of isolation for certain specified reasons. To leave Lithuania for the country of residence or work before the end of self-isolation period, a notification must be sent to NPHC 24 hours before departure.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller returning to, or arriving by air, sea, or land, will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
All persons arriving in Lithuania by car must register with the National Public Health Center within 12 hours of arrival.
Find out more:
Contact information for travellers
Vilnius information for travellers
State Border Guard Service
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Travellers from third countries listed as affected countries should:
- have a certificate proving a negative laboratory test for COVID-19 disease performed not earlier than 72 hours before arriving in the Republic of Lithuania. The form can be in Lithuanian, English or Russian. Travellers who do not have a test result for COVID-19 performed before arrival in Lithuania will immediately be registered for such testing. It is recommended to register in advance for the test on the Coronavirus Hotline 1808. Children aged 16 and under are exempt from the test obligation.
- self-isolate for 10 days from the day of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania following the applicable isolation measures. The isolation period may be shortened after a negative SARS-Co-V2 PCR test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) performed not earlier than on day 7 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expense).;
Those with a medical certificate that proves the have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are exempt from providing a negative COVID-19 test. A certificate of vaccination is needed.
Also, those holding a medical certificate confirming that they had coronavirus infection are exempt from testing and quarantine. The diagnosis should be confirmed by a positive PCR test, and maximum 90 days may have passed since the positive testing.
Persons arriving from countries where the spread of new virus variants has been detected must obtain the NPHC permission, to leave the place of isolation for certain specified reasons. To leave Lithuania for the country of residence or work before the end of the self-isolation period must notify NPHC 24 hours before departure.
Every traveller returning to or arriving in Lithuania by regular, special or charter transport by air, sea, or land, will have to electronically submit their personal data to the National Public Health Centre. This means that before boarding a plane, ferry, bus, or train, a traveller will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre, and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
Information for arriving people.
May I transit this country?
As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restrictions.
EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.
Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.
Additionally, for Lithuania, the following rules apply:
Transit through the territory of Lithuania is allowed for foreigners:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Seafarers;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backward (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Regardless of the transport used by travelers in transit through Lithuania, it is not necessary to fill in the NPHC form and submit your personal data. There is no need for self-isolation or negative test result, if you travel by air transport and you do not leave the transit area at the airport. The carriers must allow transit passengers with onward air travel tickets to board the aircraft without a QR code.
General measures
People should leave their residences and municipalities only for essential purposes. The police control movement between municipalities.
General COVID-19 related restrictions
Health cover for temporary stays
Use of facemasks
Protective face masks are mandatory in all public places (from the age of 6) Some exceptions exist.
Physical Distancing
A distance of 2 metres between people must be ensured (except for members of the same family). The safety distance may be less if there is a professional partition, or when personal protective equipment is worn. Distances in queues should be at least 1 metre.
From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?
Lithuania adopts its own national classification of risk areas, hence travel restrictions for Lithuania are not based on the common "EU Traffic Lights" map.
Is a coronavirus test required?
Travellers from EU Member States or Schengen Associated Countries listed as affected countries or displayed as such on the map, should have a certificate of a healthcare institution, or a laboratory test result form, proving a negative laboratory test coronavirus infection performed not earlier than 48 hours before returning to / arriving in the Republic of Lithuania. The form can be in Lithuanian, English or Russian.
Alternatively, the traveler should contact the Coronavirus Hotline tel. 1808 or the institution performing laboratory tests and register for the test within 24 hours from arrival in the Republic of Lithuania.
Is a quarantine required?
Travellers from EU Member States or Schengen Associated Countries listed as affected countries, should self-isolate for 14 days from the day of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania. The isolation period may be shortened after a negative PCR test for coronavirus infection performed not earlier than on day 10 of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expense).
Persons arriving from countries where the spread of new virus variants has been detected, must obtain the NPHC permission, to leave the place of isolation for certain specified reasons. To leave Lithuania for the country of residence or work before the end of self-isolation period must notify must notify NPHC 24 hours before departure.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller returning to or arriving in Lithuania by regular, special or charter transport by air, sea, or land, will have to electronically submit their personal data to the National Public Health Centre. This means that before boarding a plane, ferry, bus, or train, a traveller will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre, and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
All persons, arriving in Lithuania by car, are obligated to register with the National Public Health Center within 12 hours of arrival.
Find out more:
Who is allowed to enter Lithuania?
Contact information for travellers
State Border Guard Service
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Travellers from third countries listed as affected countries or displayed as such on the map, should:
- have a certificate of an healthcare institution or a laboratory test result form proving a negative laboratory test for COVID-19 disease performed not earlier than 48 hours before returning to / arriving in the Republic of Lithuania. The form can be in Lithuanian, English or Russian. Alternatively, the traveler should contact the Coronavirus Hotline tel. 1808 or the institution performing laboratory tests for COVID-19 disease and register for the test within 24 hours from arrival in the Republic of Lithuania.
- self-isolate for 14 days from the day of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania. The isolation period may be shortened after a negative SARS-Co-V2 PCR test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) performed not earlier than on the 10th day of self-isolation (the test is carried out at own expense);
Persons arriving from countries where the spread of new virus variants has been detected must obtain the NPHC permission, to leave the place of isolation for certain specified reasons. To leave Lithuania for the country of residence or work before the end of self-isolation period must notify must notify NPHC 24 hours before departure.
Every traveller returning to or arriving in Lithuania by regular, special or charter transport by air, sea, or land, will have to electronically submit their personal data to the National Public Health Centre. This means that before boarding a plane, ferry, bus, or train, a traveller will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre, and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
Information for arriving people.
May I transit this country?
Transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania is allowed for foreigners:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Seafarers;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backwards (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Regardless of the transport used by travelers in transit through Lithuania, it is not necessary to fill in the NPHC form and submit your personal data. There is no need for self-isolation or negative test result, if you travel by air transport and you do not leave the transit area at the airport. The carriers must allow transit passengers with onward air travel tickets to board the aircraft without a QR code.
Documents you need to travel in Europe
General measures
General COVID-19 related restrictions
Health cover for temporary stays
Use of facemasks
Protective face masks are mandatory in all public places (from the age of 6) Some exceptions exist.
Physical Distancing
A distance of 2 metres between people must be ensured (except for members of the same family). The safety distance may be less if there is a professional partition, or when personal protective equipment is worn. Distances in queues should be at least 1 metre.
From an EU Member State or Schengen Associated Country, may I enter this country without being subject to extraordinary restrictions?
Travellers from EU Member States of Schengen Associated countries listed as affected countries or shown as such on the map, should isolate themselves for 10 days or present a negative COVID-19 test result, which has to be received not earlier than 48 hours before arrival. Several exemptions apply.
Mandatory travel documentation
Every traveller returning to or arriving in Lithuania by regular, special or charter transport by air, sea, or land, will have to electronically submit their personal data to the National Public Health Centre. This means that before boarding a plane, ferry, bus, or train, a traveler will have to fill in a form on the website of the National Public Health Centre, and present the confirmation received, the QR code, at the time of boarding.
All persons, arriving in Lithuania by car, are obligated to register with the National Public Health Center within 12 hours of arrival.
What are the rules to enter this country from outside an EU Member State or Schengen Associated country?
Travellers legally residing in countries that are included in the EU list of third countries whose residents should not be subject to a temporary restriction for the purpose of unnecessary travel to the EU, are also allowed to enter the Republic of Lithuania if these countries are not included in the list of affected countries.
In general, people arriving from all other third countries are not allowed to come to Lithuania, unless they are exempt.
A mandatory self-registration is required before entry into Republic of Lithuania.
Requirements upon return or arrival from abroad.
May I transit this country?
Transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania is allowed for foreigners:
- On their return to their country of residence;
- In whose respect a reasoned request has been made by a foreign country;
- Seafarers;
- Using facilitated transit of persons from the territory of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and backwards (this transit of persons shall be carried out only through Kena railway border checkpoint and Kybartai railway border checkpoint under the conditions laid down by the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Republic of Lithuania).
Mandatory selfregistration is required before entry into Republic of Lithuania, see the online form
May I enter this country by road?
May I enter this country by car/motorbike/camper?
May I enter this country by bus or coach?
Bus and coach passenger rights
Find out more:
Who is allowed to enter Lithuania?
Contact information for travellers
Documents you need to travel in Europe
Travelling to Lithuania
A two-week self-isolation requirement is applied to persons arriving from COVID-19 affected countries or in transit through them. Affected countries are those with a coronavirus infection incidence rate exceeding 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the last 14 days.
The official list of affected countries is available at the Ministry of Health website.
Foreigners arriving from countries where the COVID-19 incidence rate exceeds 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants will have to provide a negative result to a coronavirus test performed within 72 hours prior to their arrival and they will be required to self-isolate for 14 days, also in case of a negative result to the test.
Third-country nationals
Foreigners from third countries may enter Lithuania only after obtaining permission from the responsible Lithuanian authorities depending on the nature of the issue: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, etc. Travellers legally residing in countries that are included in the EU list of third countries whose residents should not be subject to a temporary restriction on crossing external borders for the purpose of unnecessary travel to the EU, are also allowed to enter the Republic of Lithuania if their countries are not included in the list of the affected countries, i. e. if the incidence rate is less than 25 cases per 100,000 population in those countries in the last 14 days. Foreigners arriving from third-countries where the COVID-19 incidence rate exceeds 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants will have to provide a negative result to a coronavirus test performed within the last three days prior to their arrival and they will also be required to comply with isolation requirements. list of affected countries. A mandatory self-registration is required before entry into Republic of Lithuania.
Travelling from Lithuania or returning to Lithuania
Interactive map of countries from which isolation is required upon return
If the country of travelling or transit had more than 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, citizens must have a test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) taken not earlier than 72 hours before their entry to the Republic of Lithuania and negative results thereof, or contact the Hotline 1808 or other establishment that performs Coronavirus tests within 24 hours of the entry, except cases provided for in the order of the Minister for Health.
Rules and Exceptions
Citizens from the European Economic Area, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and persons lawfully residing in these countries, are allowed to enter Lithuania without restrictions, provided that the incidence of COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) in their country of origin has not exceeded 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.
Persons who have returned or arrived from countries on the list of countries most affected by coronavirus infection or who have travelled through the affected countries shall be deemed to have been exposed to the virus. This does not apply when people travel by air without leaving the airport transit area or travel in transit from a country unaffected by a coronavirus infection through Poland, with essential stops only, in Poland.
Isolation is mandatory for persons arriving from or transiting through the affected countries, with the exceptions provided for in the order of the Minister for Health.
Foreigners arriving from countries where the COVID-19 incidence rate exceeds 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants will have to provide a negative result to a coronavirus test performed within 72 hours prior to their arrival and they will be required to self-isolate for 14 days, also in case of a negative result to the test.
Mandatory Travel Documentation
All travellers arriving in Lithuania from abroad by air or sea have to register with the National Public Health Centre. All passengers must fill out forms on paper or online before disembarking. NPHC specialists will collect completed paper forms from travellers or check if they have filled them out online. Those travelling by land are obliged to register with the NPHC within 12 hours from the moment of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania.
Find out more:
Korona Stop
Ministry of Health
Driving abroad
National Emergency & travel prohibition (14.03.2020)
While the quarantine is in place, Lithuanian citizens, with some exceptions, will be banned from leaving the country, and foreigners will be banned from entering the country with some exceptions. Persons returning to their country of residence shall be allowed to transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania without a stopover until 19 March 2020, 00:00.
Start date: 16.03.2020
End date: 30.03.2020
Further information: