WebEx, 6-8 October 2021

Informal Documents

  File Modified
PDF File SLR-51-20.pdf (Secretariat)_Report 51st meeting_WebEx, 6-8 Oct 2021 25 Aug, 2022 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SLR-51-19.xlsx (HWT-R148)_Updated correlation table between R148.00 and R148.01 (based on GRE-2021-13) 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-14-Rev.1.docx (SLR)_Updated draft R150.01 with corrections (based on SLR-50-07)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-15.docx (SLR)_Updated draft R148.01 with corrections (based on SLR-50-05)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-16.docx (SLR)_Updated draft R149.01 with corrections (based on SLR-50-06)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SLR-51-17.pptx (HWT-R148)_Updated presentation to R148.01 (based on SLR-49-04)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SLR-51-18.pptx (HWT-R150)_Updated presentation for R150.01 (based on SLR-50-02)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SLR-51-05-Rev.1.pptx (SLR)_Draft Status Report to GRE-85 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SLR-51-10-Rev.2.pptx (HWT-R149)_Updated presentation for R149.01 (based on SLR-49-18) 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-04-Rev.2.docx (SLR)_Corrections to R48 series 03, 04, 05 (doc. GRE-2021-17)_SLR51+OICA 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-03-Rev.1.docx (SLR)_Corrections to R150.01 (doc. GRE-2021-15)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-01-Rev.1.docx (SLR)_Corrections to R148.01 (doc. GRE-2021-13)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-02-Rev.1.docx (SLR)_Corrections to R149.01 (doc. GRE-2021-14)_SLR51 14 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-09-Rev.1.docx (Secretariat)_Rev. Agenda 51st meeting_WebEx, 6-8 Oct 2021_SLR51 11 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SLR-51-13.xlsx (HWT-R150)_Missing link between symbol and Figure 04 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-12.docx (HWT-R149)_Proposal to improve Par. 3.1.2. of Annex 8 04 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-11.docx (HWT-R149)_Proposal to improve Annex 12 04 Oct, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Word Document SLR-51-06.docx (IEC)_Updating reference to IEC 60809 30 Sep, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SLR-51-07.xlsx (IEC)_HID colour restriction - Updated timeline 30 Sep, 2021 by Davide Puglisi
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SLR-51-08.pptx (GTB)_Technical requirements concerning manoeuvring lamps 30 Sep, 2021 by Davide Puglisi

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