Source: Egyptair
•Passengers should wear face masks during the flight.
•A Health Declaration form should be available on all the international flights and to be filled and signed by the Passengers before boarding the flight (at the departure airport) and to be delivered to The Quarantine Authorities upon arrival.
•Passengers travelling to Egypt should be screened at the airport of departure.
•Passengers who are suffering from a temperature (Equal / above) 38C or those who are suffering from one of the respiratory symptoms (cough / sneezing / shortness of breath …etc.) are not allowed to board the aircraft.
•In case of any of the respiratory symptoms appear on a passenger during the flight, all necessary precautions must be taken if possible by (separating the suspected passenger in an area far from the rest of the passengers / assign one of the cabin crew members to serve the sick passenger / provide a bathroom for the sick passenger only).
•Global Health insurance is no more mandatory. (optional)
•All Passengers arriving to Egypt from (Ethiopia - Eritrea - Senegal – Sudan - Somalia - Congo - Niger - Angola - Uganda - Benin - Burkina Faso - Burundi - Chad - Togo – Tanzania - Gambia - South Sudan- Central African Republic - Democratic Republic of Congo - Sierra Leone -Rwanda - Zambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea Bissau - Equatorial Guinea - Côte d'Ivoire - Kenya - Liberia - Mali - Mauritania – Nigeria-Cameroon –Gabon - Brazil - Argentina - Ecuador - Paraguay - Panama - Peru – Trinidad and Tobago- Guyana - French Guiana - Suriname - Venezuela – Colombia) must be in possession of Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate.
•All Passengers arriving to Egypt from (Pakistan - Afghanistan –Somalia- Nigeria -Niger -Malaysia - Philippines - China- Myanmar - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kenya -Chad - Cote d'ivoire - Angola - central republic of Africa - Ethiopia - Ghana - Togo - Zambia -Benin - Burkina Faso - Cameroon) must be in in possession of Poliomyelitis Vaccination Certificate.
•All passengers "including Egyptians" travelling to Egypt MUST be in possession of negative PCR test (72) hours (before departure time of the last direct flight to Egypt).
•Exception is made for passengers travelling from (Japan / China / Thailand / North America / South America / Canada / London (Heathrow) /Rome / Paris / Frankfurt / New Zealand / Australia/South Korea) PCR test will be 96 hours before departure time.
•All children "regardless their nationalities" under 6 years old are exempted from PCR test.
•Transit Passengers (who are not entitled For Hotel Accommodation and will be staying at Cairo Airport till their onward Flight) don’t require having a PCR Test upon Arrival.
•Transit Passengers (who are entitled For Hotel Accommodation and will not be staying at Cairo Airport till their Onward Flight) must be in Possession of Negative PCR Test even if their Final Destination don’t require a Negative PCR Test to be able to accommodate them in Hotel.
•The minister of foreign affairs will coordinate with the concerned authorities regarding the procedures for PCR test and precautionary measures planned to be implemented for the members of diplomatic missions coming from abroad after the end of their work period.
•The submitted PCR certificate will be accepted if it meets these requirements:
-It includes the hour and the date of sampling, which is the date on which the 72 hours will be counted.
-Issued by an authorized accredited laboratory and stamped with the laboratory’s stamp OR with a QR code “instead of the laboratory stamp” and does not contain scraping, cancellation or addition.
-Indicating the type of sample taken for the swab.
-Indicating that the type of test is (RT - PCR).
-Certificate is accepted in Arabic, English or French language.
-The RT-PCR certificate must be an original paper certificate (Copy is not allowed).
•International Passengers (who are travelling directly) to (Sharm el Sheikh / Taba / Hurghada / Marsa Alam) airports who failed to submit a valid PCR test (72 hours before flight departure time), shall undergo the PCR test upon arrival to those airports with charge of 30 USD. “Those passengers will be isolated in their hotels till the PCR test result is received and “In case the PCR is positive, passenger will be self-isolated in his / her room at the hotel and to coordinate with the Egyptian Ministry of health”.
Vaccinated Passengers:
(A)- Passengers travelling from (India / Bangladesh / Pakistan / Bhutan / Myanmar / Nepal / Sri Lanka / Brazil / Latin America / Vietnam):
1- Vaccinated passengers travelling from the above mentioned countries whether direct or indirect during the last 14 days can enter Egypt if he/she has an approved certificate with a QR code from the country issued the certificate (the certificate will be reviewed and examined, and in case of any scraping, cancellation or addition, the certificate will not be accepted).(In case the vaccination certificate is issued without QR code in the country that the passenger is coming from, the certificate will be accepted if it is approved from the Egyptian Embassy in this country).
•Passengers are required to be fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines approved by World Health Organization and The Egyptian Medicines Authority.
•Passengers can travel to Egypt after 14 days of receiving the second dose of (Pfizer / AstraZeneca / Moderna / Sinopharm / Sinovac / Sputnik) or after 14 days of receiving the first dose of Johnson & Johnson.
•Passenger shall undergo an (ID now Covid-19 TEST) upon arrival and in case the test is positive, the passenger shall undergo a PCR test at the airport and in case the test is positive, the passenger will be quarantined in a governmental designated hospital.(the test costs 1000 EGP)
2- Non-vaccinated passengers traveling from the above mentioned countries whether direct or indirect during the last 14 days shall undergo an (ID now Covid-19 TEST) upon arrival (in addition to the PCR test Certificate which is required before arrival).(the test costs 1000 EGP).
•Passenger shall undergo an (ID now Covid-19 TEST) upon arrival and in case the test is positive, the passenger shall undergo a PCR test at the airport and in case the test is positive, the passenger will be quarantined in a governmental designated hospital.(the test costs 1000 EGP).
(B)- Vaccinated Passengers travelling from any other country not mentioned in (A) whether direct or indirect during the last 14 days can enter Egypt if he/she has an approved certificate with a QR code from the country issued the certificate (the certificate will be reviewed and examined, and in case of any scraping, cancellation or addition, the certificate will not be accepted).(In case the vaccination certificate is issued without QR code in the country that the passenger is coming from, the certificate will be accepted if it is approved from the Egyptian Embassy in this country).
•Passengers are required to be fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines approved by World Health Organization and The Egyptian Medicines Authority.
•Passengers can travel to Egypt after 14 days of receiving the second dose of (Pfizer / AstraZeneca / Moderna / Sinopharm / Sinovac / Sputnik) or after 14 days of receiving the first dose of Johnson & Johnson.
•All recovered passengers travelling to Egypt with one shot of vaccine – even they had their vaccinated certificates – must have a negative PCR before travel.
•(ID Now / PCR-NAA/ Antigen/IGg-IGm) tests are NOT acceptable by Egyptian authority.
•Passengers arriving from Cameroon ONLY can present a copy / electronic PCR certificate.
•PCR test certificate EXPIRES as soon as the passenger used it to travel outside Egypt (as it can’t be used again to return back).
•All recovered passengers traveling from Bahrain must have a negative PCR test 72 hours.
•All recovered passengers traveling from Bahrain “with one shot of vaccine” according to Bahrain ministry of health protocol - even they had their vaccinate certificate - must have a negative PCR test before travel.
Passengers coming to Egypt will be followed up for 14 days by The Quarantine Authorities and Ministry of Health Offices.
Source: Maritime Transport Sector (MTS). Ministry of Transport. Arab Republic of Egypt
The emergency measures currently applied at the level of the Egyptian ports with regard to the transport of goods in light of the global pandemic of the virus Corona are the following:
- The Egyptian ports did not impose any restrictions on the circulation of goods at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The ports operate from the beginning of the crisis until now over the course of 24 hours and receive all types of ships in full coordination with the quarantine departments at the ports.
- The Egyptian ports are strictly committed to applying all the precautionary measures recommended by the International Maritime Organization, as part of the state’s precautionary plan to deal with the disease. Places, tools and equipment directly frequented by workers, customers and goods are continuously sterilized and disinfected
- An operation room was formed in coordination with the quarantine departments in each port to continue checking the arrivals on board the vessels and ships that the ports receive daily
- The Egyptian ports apply the EDI system
- There is complete coordination between the concerned authorities in order to facilitate and accelerate the rates of loading and unloading and the provision of strategic goods and to develop scenarios to deal with any development related to the spread of the virus
- The extension of the travel permit for 72 hours instead of 48 hours was coordinated to facilitate the customers and sailors and reduce gatherings. The compatibility certificates were extended for a period of three months.
The Arab Republic of Egypt is fully prepared to provide maritime transport services through the Egyptian ports, which operate 24 hours a day in full efficiency in accordance with international standards and precautionary measures.
الإجراءات الطارئة المطبقة حالياً على مستوى الموانئ المصرية فيما يتعلق بنقل البضائع في ظل الجائحة العالمية لفيروس كورونا
لم تفرض الموانئ المصرية أية قيود لتداول البضائع على مستوى جمهورية مصر العربية وتعمل الموانئ منذ بداية الأزمة حتى الآن على مدار الـ 24 ساعة وتستقبل جميع أنواع السفن بتنسيق كامل مع إدارات الحجر الصحي بالموانئ
الموانئ المصرية ملتزمة بدقة بتطبيق كافة الإجراءات الاحترازية التي أوصت بها المنظمة البحرية لدولية وذلك ضمن خطة الدولة الاحترازية للتصدي للمرض ويتم على مدار الساعة تعقيم وتطهير الأماكن والأدوات والمعدات التي يتردد عليها العاملين والمتعاملين والبضائع بشكل مباشر
تم تشكيل غرفة عمليات بالتنسيق مع إدارات الحجر الصحي بكل ميناء لمتابعة فحص الوافدين على متن المراكب والسفن التي تستقبلها الموانئ يومياً
EDI تطبيق الموانئ المصرية لمنظومة التبادل الالكتروني للوثائق
هناك تنسيق تام بين الجهات المعنية من أجل تسهيل وتسريع معدلات الشحن والتفريغ وتوفير السلع الاستراتيجية ووضع سيناريو للتعامل مع أي تطورات تتعلق بانتشار الفايروس
تم التنسيق لتمديد تصريح السفر لمدة 72 ساعة بدلا من 48 ساعة تيسيرا للمتعاملين والبحارة وتقليلا للتجمعات، كما تم تمديد شهادات الموائمة لمدة ثلاثة أشهر
جمهورية مصر العربية على استعداد تام لتوفير خدمات النقل البحري من خلال الموانئ المصرية والتي تعمل على مدار الـ 24 ساعة بكفاءة تامة وفقاً للمعايير الدولية والإجراءات الاحترازية