UNECE emphasizes potential of digital transformation to drive economic circularity

In an era of rapid digital transformation, platforms like Google, Amazon, and Airbnb have created marketplaces by reducing transaction costs, scaling market reach, and lowering entry barriers. Yet, despite their success these platforms have yet to fully harness their potential to drive economic circularity.

To this end, the UN-ECE Transformative Innovation Network (ETIN) has developed a separate work stream to explore the potential of platforms driving the circular economy transition and transformative innovation. Partnering with TheNTWK | Digital Business Models CEO and ETIN member Maria Planas, ETIN recently hosted two sessions about platforms and ecosystem innovation at the recent TheNTWK summit in Barcelona.

The first session moderated by Immanuela Badde, Associate Economic Affairs Officer at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, focused on how platforms can facilitate reverse logistics for the circular economy. Circular platforms may facilitate and streamline the reverse logistics processes necessary to enable the efficient collection, sorting, and redistribution of used products and materials, ensuring they are returned to the production cycle rather than becoming waste. The latter is crucial to minimize resource depletion, reducing environmental impact, and creating a sustainable economic system.

The second panel about multiple functions of circular platforms was moderated by Mikael Román, Project Coordinator of ETIN at UNECE, explored the additional functions platforms may serve in larger sustainability transitions, in addition to providing new market spaces. This session highlighted their importance for data sharing, collaboration, and continuous development of new innovative business models.

Moving forward, ETIN will leverage these insights to enhance project outcomes, foster vital collaborations in the digital platform landscape and drive sustainable innovation. The discussions underscored the need for policy support and continuous research to cultivate sustainable business models. In this context, ETIN has a clear role in facilitating continuous discussions that support transformative changes towards a more resilient, resource-efficient economy.

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