- Created by Martin DAGAN, last modified on 09 Dec, 2016
London, 21 December 2016
Informal Documents
File | Modified | |
PDF File TFSC-01-10e NHTSA Cybersecurity guidance.pdf (USA) NHTSA Cybersecurity guidance | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-09e ITU-T SG17_Presentation-hyyouml.pdf (SCH Uni) Introduction to ITU-T STUDY GROUP 17 (including ITS security) | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow TFSC-01-08e proposed approach to cyber security in the TF_JPN.PPT (Japan) A proposal for approach to proceed work in Cybersecurity TF | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-08e proposed approach to cyber security in the TF_JPN.pdf (Japan) A proposal for approach to proceed work in Cybersecurity TF | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-07e WP29 paper.pdf ECE /TRANS/WP.29/2017/XX Proposal for draft Guideline of Cybersecurity and data protection | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-07e WP29 paper.DOCX ECE /TRANS/WP.29/2017/XX Proposal for draft Guideline of Cybersecurity and data protection | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-06e Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1373.pdf Draft Recommendation on “Secure software update capability for intelligent transportation system communication devices” | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-06e Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1373.docx Draft Recommendation on “Secure software update capability for intelligent transportation system communication devices” | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-05e Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1373 summary letter.pdf Draft Recommendation on “Secure software update capability for intelligent transportation system communication devices” | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-05e Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1373 summary letter.docx Draft Recommendation on “Secure software update capability for intelligent transportation system communication devices” | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-04e comments China.pdf (Chair) Draft terms of reference - comments by China | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-04e China's proposal on Cyber Security.docx (Chair) Draft terms of reference - comments by China | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-03e DfT draft CAV cyber security principles.pdf DfT draft CAV cyber security principles | 13 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-03e DfT draft CAV cyber security principles.docx DfT draft CAV cyber security principles | 13 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-02e-rev1_draft_tracked.pdf (Chair) Updated terms of reference with tracked changes | 29 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-02e-rev1_draft_tracked.docx (Chair) Updated terms of reference with tracked changes | 29 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-02e-rev1_draft_clean.pdf (Chair) Updated terms of reference | 29 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-02e-rev1_draft_clean.docx (Chair) Updated terms of reference | 29 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-02e.pdf (Chair) Draft terms of reference | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-02e.docx (Chair) Draft terms of reference | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-02e_comments_OICA.pdf (Chair) Draft terms of reference - comments by OICA | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-02e_comments_OICA.docx (Chair) Draft terms of reference - comments by OICA | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFSC-01-01- Rev3e - agenda.pdf (Chair) - Revised Agenda | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFSC-01-01- Rev3e - agenda.docx (Chair) - Revised Agenda | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFCS-01-12e-list of attendees.pdf (Chair) List of attendees | 23 Jan, 2017 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File TFCS-01-11e-draft minutes of 1st session.pdf (Chair) Draft minutes of previous meeting | 23 Jan, 2017 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document TFCS-01-11e-draft minutes of 1st session.docx (Chair) Draft minutes of previous meeting | 23 Jan, 2017 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File Invitation to WP29 TF on cyber security.pdf (Chair) Invitation letter to the 1st TF session | 19 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
PDF File (ITS_AD-10-13) Working Paper on OTA.pdf New - Working paper on OTA updates from November ITS/AD meeting | 22 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
Microsoft Word Document (ITS_AD-10-13) Working Paper on OTA.docx New - Working paper on OTA updates from November ITS/AD meeting | 22 Dec, 2016 by Darren Handley | |
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