Source: World Tourism Organization UNWTO
COVID-19 entry regulations lifted on 1 November 2022.
Source: U.S. Embassy in Algeria
*** Effective March 20, 2022, passengers can enter Algeria without restriction if they are fully vaccinated and if their last vaccine is not older than 9 months. Non-vaccinated passengers and those whose vaccinations are older than 9 months must have a negative PCR test within 72 hours of the time of arrival. We recommend that you check with the Algerian authorities on further entry requirements, including vaccination and quarantine.
*** Effective January 5, 2022, the Algerian government is requiring all travelers over the age of 18 entering or exiting Algeria to present a “vaccination pass” that proves complete COVID-19 vaccination.
Exemptions will be considered on an extremely limited basis. Please contact your nearest embassy or consulate to apply for an exemption. Please visit the CDC webpages for more information about exemptions and the requirement for proof of negative COVID-19 test or recovery from COVID-19 for all air passengers arriving in the United States
Country-Specific Information
COVID-related preventative measures now in effect include:
- People are required to wear a protective mask when in public and those who do not comply may be subject to a fine.
- Land borders remain generally closed, with periodic exceptions. The Algerian government announced the reopening of non-cargo international air travel on June 1, 2021. Limited flights are available, and criteria for entry under the new regulations is available from the government of Algeria. The government may impose additional restrictions should the epidemiological situation warrant.
- The Algerian government has lifted all curfews nationwide.
Additionally, the “vaccination pass” is required to access public spaces and buildings to include:
- Stadiums and locations for sporting events
- Sports halls, gyms, and swimming pools
- Meetings, seminars, and conferences
- Cinemas, theaters, museums, and entertainment venues
- National and local festivities and events
- Lounges and exhibition fairs
- Party halls
- Hammams
The Ministry of Health has advised people to dial 3030 if they suspect they are symptomatic. Visit the website of the Algerian Ministry of Health for updates and its dedicated webpage for additional information on these measures.
COVID-19 Testing
- Are PCR and/or antigen tests available for U.S. citizens in Algeria? Yes.
- If so, are test results reliably available within one calendar day? Yes. Consult with the testing facility.
- U.S. citizens should be able to obtain a COVID-19 test (PCR) by contacting one of the following testing laboratories closest to their location:
- AIT BACHIR Bejaia Boulevard Aissat Idir, Akbou 05 42 81 83 61
- BAHOURA Zeralda 64 lotissement Azouz Abdellah 07 72 31 31 60
- IBN ROCHD Ghardaia 3 rue Khemisti 06 68 25 27 28 / 05 41 39 22 61
- KALACHE Draria cité des 142 logements, Bt N16 route de la wilaya 06 57 18 13 39
- KHOURI Tipaza 137 rue cimetière , route de Meurad ,Hadjout 06 97 71 63 05
- LAZLI Rouiba Les Orangers, cité des 7 logements, villa N°4 05 51 01 61 22
- RAMDANI Val hydra Résidence Chabani, Bt F2 05 60 10 93 35
- SIFER Tizi ouzou Coopérative Azrou Laghriv,locaux 1 et 2, lot Thala 05 40 66 88 66
- BENDALI Miliana 11 rue Emir Abdelkader 05 55 05 99 31
- HAMMADI Bab El Oued 4 Avenue colonel Lotfi, 05 40 97 32 88
- OUKRIF Tessala El Merdja Coopérative N°29, villa N°49, 06 65 58 53 01
- BIOTOP Kouba Cité les vergers ilot 36 coop Ennadjah, Kouba 06 73 74 06 98
- BELARBI Oran 248 bis rue Carrula Hai Khemisti Bir El Djir 06 66 53 38 76
- EPSILON Alger centre 37 rue Larbi Ben Mhidi (ex rue d’Isly) 06 98 85 30 15
- SERAPI Birkhadem 1 rue Mohammed Kious, Birkhadem 06 69 08 36 38
- SIFI Meftah rue des frères Ayadi
- ADNANE Mostaganem 2 rue Bouhella Habib 045 21 25 19
- MELAINE Khraicia 136 route de Birtouta 05 50 40 81 77
- Clinique des bougainvilliers Azazga En face du lycée Jeunes Filles, Azazga 05 50 02 63 41
- VFS Global:
- Clinique Al Azhar:
Tél: (0)23 29 02 88, (0)23 29 02 90/91/92, (0)5 60 95 7000, (0)5 60 95 8000
contact@cliniquealazhar.comThe above list is a subset, and there may be other testing sites available. - Exact method of results delivery will vary. Thus, each client should inquire when they make the testing appointment.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information:
- Has the government of Algeria approved a COVID-19 vaccine for use? Yes
- Are vaccines available in Algeria for U.S. citizens to receive? Yes
- Which vaccines are available in Algeria? Primarily SINOVAC, though SPUTNIK-V, ASTRA-ZENECA, and Johnson and Johnson are occasionally available.
- The Algerian Ministry of Health has a website to register for a COVID-19 vaccine. It has also announced that individuals may register at public health units: “établissements publics de santé de proximité (EPSP).” There is a prioritization which includes age group, but the Ministry has not published specifics. The registration web page, available in French and Arabic, may not be accessible from the U.S. and can be found here:
- Visit the FDA’s website to learn more about FDA-approved vaccines in the United States.
- The U.S. government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas. Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination.
Entry and Exit Requirements:
- Algeria closed all land borders and suspended non-cargo international air and maritime travel as of March 17, 2020. Limited domestic flights were resumed December 6, 2020, and the government launched a partial reopening for international passenger flights on June 1, with certain restrictions.
- Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes. However, please be advised that at this time, entry into the country for U.S. citizens may require dual U.S.-Algerian citizenship, or special permission. Algeria does require a visa. Please visit the Algerian Consulate in New York ( ) or the Algerian Embassy in Washington, D.C. ( )
- Is a negative COVID-19 test required for entry? Starting on March 20, 2022, passengers can now enter Algeria without restriction if they are fully vaccinated and if their last vaccine is not older than 9 months. Non-vaccinated passengers and those whose vaccinations are older than 9 months must have a negative PCR test within 72 hours of the time of arrival. We recommend that you check with the Algerian authorities on further entry requirements, including vaccination and quarantine.
- Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes, the Algerian authorities require an antigen test for Covid upon arrival.
Visa extensions for residents and/or tourists: The Algerian government has instructed the U.S. Embassy to inform citizens in need of Algerian visa extensions to contact their local wilaya Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly (Bureau de la Circulation des Étrangers) to request visa extensions. The U.S. Embassy cannot process these requests.
Local Resources:
Algerian Customs - Direction générale des Douanes
Décret exécutif n° 21-41 du 30 Joumada El Oula 1442
correspondant au 14 janvier 2021 portant
prorogation des mesures du dispositif de prévention
et de lutte contre la propagation du Coronavirus
Mesures exceptionnelles"
Décret exécutif n° 20-69 du 26 Rajab 1441 correspondant
au 21 mars 2020 relatif aux mesures de prévention
et de lutte contre la propagation du Coronavirus
Source :
Source: Ministère de la Santé, de la Population et de la Réforme Hospitalière
Updates from : Ministère de la Santé, de la Population et de la Réforme Hospitalière
Source: WCO/Directorate General of Customs
1. Measures to facilitate the cross-border movement of relief consignments and
essential supplies
1.1. In the Customs’ Information System, the green and orange circuit has been allocated to the import of medical supplies as part of the campaign against COVID-19.
1.2. A special Customs clearance procedure for essential goods and medicines has been set up.
1.3. Customs maintains a risk management and anti-fraud system (seizure of medical devices,
narcotics, psychotropic substances, kerosene, etc.).
1.4. Goods imported as donations by humanitarian associations are duty- and tax-exempt.
1.5. Customers have access to simplified Customs clearance procedures subject to producing a
letter from the declarant (together with the transport document) undertaking to sign the
detailed declaration and complete the Customs clearance formalities, including payment of
duties and taxes, after the goods have been cleared.
2. Measures to support the economy and ensure supply chain continuity
2.1. Exports of staple foodstuffs have been stopped.
2.2. The exporting of medical devices is banned.
3. Measures to ensure protection for Customs Administration personnel
3.1. All officers who are exposed to passengers, the general public and goods are supplied with the means to protect themselves (gloves, protective masks, alcohol-based hand-sanitizer and non-contact infrared forehead thermometers).
3.2. All other officers are supplied with alcohol-based hand-sanitizer.
3.3. Periodical workplace disinfection campaigns are planned.
3.4. Strict social-distancing measures have been imposed (particularly in canteens and in offices to which members of the public are admitted).
3.5. All spaces where people ordinarily gather are closed (prayer room, cafeteria, lift).
3.6. All meetings that are not considered a priority have been postponed, and necessary meetings have been shortened, with those attending required to keep the prescribed distance from each other.
3.7. Only officers whose presence is necessary shall be physically present at work, and
teleworking must be preferred whenever possible.
3.8. All officers returning from missions abroad and all officers who have been in contact with a person suffering from COVID-19 (particularly someone close to them) must be placed in
quarantine (for 14 days).
3.9. Extensive awareness-raising campaigns aimed at Customs officers have been launched on
the various media used by the Customs Administration for communication purposes (social
networks, posters, etc.).
3.10. The following stages in Customs investigations have been deferred:
- calling in all users of the Administration (economic operators, Customs clearing agents,
consignees and others);
- taking evidence from all users of the Administration who are under investigation;
- unannounced on-site inspections or inspections at residential addresses.
Urgent and special investigations are, of course, still being taken on.
3.11. Customs activities involving groups of people (auctions, sporting activities) have been
4. Measures to ensure protection for the public
4.1. A section on the fight against the spread of COVID-19 has been put online on the Algerian
Customs website, including the new statutory provisions governing the trade in goods linked to protection against the COVID-19 pandemic.
5. Other measures
5.1. Customs is to be represented on the National Commission responsible for establishing
facilitation and decision-taking measures and chaired by the Prime Minister.
5.2. A Central Standing Committee to Prevent, Monitor and Control the Spread of COVID-19 has been set up in the Directorate General of Customs.
5.3. Monitoring units have been set up at the regional and local levels and in the national Customs centres, to follow up and implement the guidelines issued by the Central Commission referred to above.
5.4. Round-the-clock shifts have been started, staffed by Customs officers and tasked with passing on all useful information about the spread of COVID-19 and measures which have been adopted or urgently need to be adopted.
5.5. Customs transit documents issued to non-residents are automatically extended until normal conditions are restored, the present situation being regarded as a case of force majeure.
5.6. Vehicles imported under TPD in the context of emergency removal of nationals are accepted for processing, the present situation being regarded as a case of force majeure.
5.7. ATA carnets are cleared in cases of force majeure.
5.8. The Customs procedures with economic impact referred to in Articles 180, 181, 182 and 193 of the Algerian Customs Code are followed in cases of force majeure.