Seoul, South Korea - April 18-19, 2024

Informal Documents

  File Modified
PDF File A-LCA-15-12_meeting minutes.pdf 01 Sep, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-10e_Introduction of Korean Green NCAP..pdf 24 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-09r1e_About_Level_concept_KOR.pdf 24 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-11e_plug-in between SG6 and other SGs.pdf 24 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-01e_draft Agenda_r3.pdf 19 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-08e_Report from SG6.pdf 18 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-07e_Progress of SG3.pdf 18 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-05e_SG5 status.pdf 17 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-06e_Overarching Aspect 5. System Boundaries_Japan.pdf 17 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-04e_SG4_status_update.pdf 15 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-02e_SG2 input.pdf 15 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-03e_SG7_drafting.pdf 15 Apr, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa
PDF File A-LCA-15-00e_Invitation letter.pdf 25 Feb, 2024 by Nick Ichikawa

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