Brussels, RDW office, 31Jan-1-2Feb2023

Informal Documents

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-14 only_Annex2-3 update (CKlug).docx (CK-Austria) Annex2 -3 update 16 Nov, 2023 by Irina Dausse
PDF File IWG-DPPS-21-13 Comments to Document Comparison bet. HBMs (Annex 2) and Pedestrian Dummy (BAST).pdf (BAST) Comments to HMB -Ped Dummy comparison Document 31 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation IWG-DPPS-21-12 smallest_HBM (BAST).pptx (BAST) Smallest HBM 31 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-11 Decision_List with text check.docx (Small draft group/Chair/Secretary) - decision list with text check 08 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-11 Decision_List.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 21st Decision list 31 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
PDF File IWG-DPPS-21-10 Proposal Overshoot Phase (BAST).pdf (OZ-BAST) - Proposal Overshoot Phase 27 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
PDF File IWG-DPPS-21-09 Dummy_proposal_for_text_of_preamble Japan.pdf (Japan) - Dummy- proposal for text of preamble 26 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
PDF File IWG-DPPS-21-08 Dummy_comparison_with_HBM_rev1 Japan-draft.pdf (Japan) - Dummy - comparison with HBM - draft 26 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated-final- updated 15Feb2023.docx (Chair/Secretary) - Final updated 15Feb23- for comments 16 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft- updated 24Jan2023.docx (Chair/Secretary/OZ) - consolidated draft -updated 24Jan23 24 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev7- updated 15Feb2023.docx (Chair/Secretary) - rev7-update on 15Feb202- editorial only 15 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev6- updated 8Feb2023.docx (Small draft group/Chair/Secretary) - rev6 draft - updated 8Feb2023 08 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev5- updated 3Feb2023.docx (OZ/Chair/Secretary) - rev5 draft preamble for discussion 03 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev4- updated 1Feb2023.docx (Chair/Secretary) - rev4 draft preamble for discussion 01 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev3- updated 31Jan2023.docx (Chair/Secretary) - rev3 draft preamble for discussion 31 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev2- updated 27Jan2023.docx (OZ/Chair/Secretary) - rev2 consolidated draft- updated 27 Jan2023 27 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-07 consolidated draft.rev1- updated 26Jan2023.docx (Chair/Secretary/Japan) - rev1 consolidated draft - updated 26 Jan2023 26 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation IWG-DPPS-21-06 status report GRSP-72-11.pptx (Chair/Secretary) - 72 GRSP -DPPS status report 11 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-05 technical requirements GRSP-72-09.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 72 GRSP technical requirements 11 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-04 preamble GRSP-72-08e.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 72 GRSP preamble 11 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-03-action list.docx (Chair/Secretary) Action List rev1 06 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-02-official_minutes.docx (Chair/Secretary) Official Minutes 18 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-02-draft_minutes.docx (Chair/Secretary) Draft Minutes 06 Apr, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-01-draft_agenda.rev1.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 21st DPPS rev1 draft agenda 11 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document IWG-DPPS-21-01-draft_agenda.docx (Chair/Secretary) - 21st DPPS draft agenda 05 Jan, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRSP-2023-yy MR1 Amend-4 from IWG-DPPS.docx (CK/Chair/Secretary) - MR1 proposal for May23 GRSP 17 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse
Microsoft Word Document ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRSP-2023-xx final GTR0-03 proposal IWG-DPPS.docx (Chair/Secretary) - GTR9-03 proposal for May23 GRSP 17 Feb, 2023 by Irina Dausse

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