- Created by Ryuzo Oshita, last modified by Francois Guichard on 15 Jan, 2021
Tokyo, January 16-17, 2020
Informal Documents
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VMAD-05-00 Logistic information.pptx | 22 Nov, 2019 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-01 minutes.docx Minutes of the 4th session of VMAD IWG transmitted by Technical Secretary | 30 Nov, 2019 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document VMAD-05-02 agenda.doc Provisional Agenda of the 5th VMAD IWG meeting transmitted by Technical Secretary | 10 Dec, 2019 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-03 ALKS scenario (SG1a).docx Proposal for traffic disturbance test scenarios for ALKS transmitted by SG 1a Leader | 23 Dec, 2019 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-05 SG 2a Concept paper.docx Concept paper on audit/ virtual testing/ in-use data reporting transmitted by the expert of EC | 13 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-06 Annex on audit, assessment .docx Draft Annex on audit/ assessment to the new UN Regulation on ALKS transmitted by the expert of EC | 13 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document VMAD-05-02-rev.1 agenda.doc | 14 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
PDF File VMAD-05-04 CDV Overview.pdf Coverage Driven Vfication transmitted by SAFE | 14 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VMAD-05-07 Draft ALKS Testing protocols.pptx ALKS technical requirements for testing transmitted by the experts of France and Germany | 14 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-08 Draft ALKS Test specifications annex.docx Test specifications for ALKS transmitted by the experts of France and Germany | 14 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-09 Draft ALKS Technical requirements.docx Proposal for technical requirements for an ALKS transmitted by the experts of France and Germany | 14 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet VMAD-05-10 Draft ALKS Test Matrix.xlsx ALKS test matrix transmitted by the experts of France and Germany | 14 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document VMAD-05-02-rev.2 agenda.doc | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VMAD-05-11 Real-world testing.pptx Real-world test and assessment based on subjectivity and objectivity transmitted by the expert of China | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
PDF File VMAD-05-12 AD safety validation - french views - Vdef.pdf AD safety validation: proposal from the French Eco-system transmitted by the expert of France | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VMAD-05-13 APPROACH.pptx VMAD approach transmitted by Co-Chairs | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-14 overview test approachSG2b.docx General overview test approach transmitted by SG 2b Leader | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-15 Case study ALKS SG2b.docx Case study ALKS transmitted by SG 2b Leader | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet VMAD-05-10 rev.1 Draft ALKS Test Matrix.xlsx | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word 97 Document VMAD-05-02-rev.3 agenda.doc | 15 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow VMAD-05-16 Progress_reportSG2b.ppt Progress report of SG 2b transmitted by SG 2b Leader | 16 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-17 proposal for traffic scenario.docx Proposal for traffic scenario transmitted by SG 1a Leader | 16 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Word Document VMAD-05-18 TRAFFIC_SCENARIO.docx Key Concepts and Work Plan for Subgroup 1a – Traffic Scenarios transmitted by the expert of Canada | 17 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VMAD-05-19 APPROACH.pptx | 27 Jan, 2020 by Ryuzo Oshita | |
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