
Bulletin n° 5 - CIQP : 18 August 2020 (Bulletin on Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Procedures)



  • Special permission from the address is required for international flights, to use international airports other than Tehran.
  • Sari Su BCP (Turkey) is open for “health products”.
  • Bazargan BCP (Turkey) only allows 60 trucks per day.
  • Land border crossings between Turkey and Iran have been open since 4 June 2020.

Source: Islamic Republic of Iran’s Customs administration and Iran`s Ministry of Health


Best practices to prevent and fight the spread of COVID-19.


- All Iranian borders points are open for transit via Iran`s territory by observing the above mentioned guidelines. 

-  Emergency hotline number is 190

- Following no special restrictions, no green line is foreseen and all transit routes are open to transport . However for medicine, foods further facilitation is provided by customs.

Iran calls all Countries to do the best in this vital situation and try to prevent any delaying in distribution chain, logistic and transit to save the life of ordinary people who could be our beloved families, friends,colleagues and relatives.

Source: WCO/Islamic Republic of Iran’s Customs Administration


When the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic on 11 March 2020, Islamic Republic of Iran’s Customs administration started to implement some actions in view of the arisen emergency situation to facilitate the movement of relief supplies to preventing the spread of the coronavirus and threat the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

The following are the responsive measures Iran’s Customs has taken to implement:



  1. Extending office hours for many of the customs offices and border crossing points during the holidays and weekends in order to prevent the delay of the movement of shipments and reduce the overcrowded

  1. Fast clearance of current shipments, especially relief supplies and medical equipments for COVID-19 treatment including diagnostic kits, various types of respirators, gloves, ethyl alcohol, etc. which are the first

  1. The Government has reduced duties and taxes on the import of 14 items of equipment and 13 items of supplies which are necessary for combating the COVID-19 with a minimum import duty of 5% (of customs value).

  1. Clearing of the above-mentioned shipments, which had the registration of a bank order and were in the process of providing bank currency, was

  1. Releasing of essential supplies and equipment for COVID-19 with a minimum set of documents and without tracking code, when they are approved by the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education. Each case will be notified to the relevant points of entry with the invoice number and type of goods to be released

  1. The license of international transportation companies will be renewed automatically for a certain period of time in order to prevent in-person

  1. Accepting of customs clearance documents via office e-mail with no need to visit in person.

  1. Customs headquarters announced to all Customs offices to extend all temporary entry and export licenses that are due to expire in near days in order to prevent the commuting of the stakeholders to Customs

  1. Customs headquarters requested all Customs offices to send the information of all voided declarations of health-oriented goods which are prohibited to export, and announce to the Ministry of Industry every

Prohibition and restriction:


  1. The government has restricted the export of medical devices and supplies including masks and other medical items, in accordance with the list of HS codes announced by the Ministry of industry, as well as the export of machinery for the production of these items.

  1. It is emphasized to track the exit of goods such as diagnostic kits, all types of respirators, gloves, ethyl alcohol, etc. as well as obtaining the number and information of similar goods which already exist in Customs places to follow up with the importers to declare and release the



  1. Staff has been trained with guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health recommending hygiene measures such as hands washing and disinfection of surfaces, objects, areas, and a minimum one-meter distance from patients or suspected cases to reduce the possibility of disease transmission among personnel at border terminals or offices, as well as individuals working at and commuting to such

  1. Essential personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks are being distributed among

  1. All Equipment and Tools are being sanitized frequently

  1. Proper and agreeable ventilation, segregation of spaces or observance are implemented

A protocol has been developed to unify the procedure of individuals’ arrival and departure through Iran’s points of entry. Accordingly, any case of arrival in and departure from Iran must undergo preliminary examination and investigation including checking the body temperature and other clinical signs and also being asked about the nationality, arrival in or departure from Iran, transit, and previous travels to contaminated countries.

Further information:

Remarks from the International Road Transport Union


Border crossing conditions at Turkmenistan-Iran border

Turkmenistan - Iran (Islamic republic of) 

According to the Road Transport Agency of Turkmenistan, since October 2021 the “Altyn asyr-Inçeburun” border crossing point (Turkmenistan-Iran border) is operational for imports, exports and transit of foreign vehicles through the territory of Turkmenistan. Vehicles, including trucks and semi-trailers can cross without any mandatory swap of tractor. However, crossings must be done in a “non-contact mode”, meaning that foreign drivers should stay at the neutral zone, passing trucks and semi-trailers to Turkmen drivers.

Turkmen vehicles, including trucks and semi-trailers, are allowed to travel to foreign countries through this border crossing point following the same procedure.

Source: THADA



Afghanistan border crossing with Iran (Dogharun customs office) is closed

Afghanistan - Iran (Islamic republic of) 

Following the incident at Islam Qala the customs office of Afghanistan, at border crossing with Iran (Dogharun customs office) on 13 February 2021, this border crossing is closed. 

The carriers are called not to use this border crossing and use other two border crossings including Milak and Mahirood (Milak 53) between Iran and Afghanistan.

Source: RMTO- Ministry of Road and Urban Development of I.R.Iran



As of 30 June the situation at Iranian borders is as follows:

Iran – Iraq

  • Parvizkhan – Kalar and Tamarchin – Hajj Omran:

-      Iranian goods vehicles can enter Iraq, and both countries’ vehicles can cross the border. Transshipment operations at the border are also possible. Third country vehicles are not allowed to enter Iraq.

-      Iranian and Iraqi nationals are allowed to enter Iran, while Iraq does not allow Iranian and Iraqi people to leave the country, nor third country citizens to transit through their territory.

-      It is estimated that up to 4 days are needed to cross the border.

  • Bashmagh – Panjwin:

-      Third countries’ vehicles are allowed to cross the border, and there is no restriction on movements of Iranian and Iraqi vehicles. Aside from that, the same rules as above apply.

  • Chazzabeh – Sheib, Shalamcheh – Shalmjeh and Khosravi – Manzarieh:

-      Borders on the Iraqi side are closed to the movement of commercial and passenger vehicles.

-      In Khosravi – Manzarieh, the border crossing of dual nationality citizens will be resumed from 25 June.

  • Mehran – Zorbatieh:

-      Entry of Iranian and Iraqi nationals is authorised; Iraq does not allow the departure of Iranian and Iraqi citizens, nor the transit of third country citizens.

-      As from 9 June, only 200 trucks (roughly 100 for transshipment and 100 for border crossings) are permitted; and only on Sundays and Wednesdays. The border waiting time is estimated at around two days.

Iran – Azerbaijan

  • Bilehsavar – Bilesuvar:

-      Commercial and passenger fleet movements are authorised. The border waiting time is estimated at less than 24 hours.

  • Astara – Astara and Jolfa – Julfa:

-      Iranian and Azeri nationals are allowed to cross the border, while Azerbaijan does not allow departure of Iranian and Iraqi citizens nor the transit of third country vehicles. Goods vehicles are authorised. The border waiting time is estimated at less than 24 hours.

  • Poldasht – Shahtakhty:

-      Passenger vehicles are not allowed to cross the border, while goods vehicles are. The border waiting time is estimated at less than 24 hours.

Iran – Pakistan

  • Taftan – Mirjaveh:

-       Passenger vehicles are not permitted to cross the border. Since mid-June, goods vehicle operations are limited to those authorised. The border waiting time is estimated at up to one week.

Iran – Turkmenistan 

  • Sarakhs – Serakhs, Artik – Loftabad, Bajgiran – Godan and Inchehboroun – Altyn Asyr

-       Except for the admission of national fleet, Turkmenistan does not allow the entry of goods vehicles.Passenger traffic is also not permitted to enter the country.

Iran - Afghanistan

  • Dogharoun – Islam Qala, Mahirud – Farah and Milak – Zaranj:

-      Goods vehicles can use all borders, the border waiting time is estimated at less than 24 hours.

-      At Milak – Zaranj, passenger vehicles cannot enter Afghanistan.

-      As from 20 June, border crossing at Dogharoun – Islam Qala is only permitted for those people leaving Iran or Afghanistan who hold a residence permit in the other country.

-      At Mahirud – Farah, only Iranian and Afghan nationals are allowed to cross the border. Afghanistan does not allow the departure of Iranian and Afghan citizens, nor the transit of third country citizens.


Iran – Turkey

  • Kapikoi – Razi

-      Goods vehicle operations are suspended, and Turkey does not permit the entry of passenger vehicles.

  • Esendere – Sero

-      While movements of Iranian and Turkish nationals are authorised, only Turkish goods vehicles are permitted to operate under strict sanitary conditions.

  • Gurbulak – Bazargan

-      While movements of Iranian and Turkish nationals are authorised, goods vehicle operations resumed two weeks ago for both countries, with strict health controls, which are resulting in border waiting times of up to one week.


Iran – Armenia

  • Meghri – Nordooz:

-      Admission of Iranian and Armenian nationals or holders of both country passports is authorised; Armenia does not permit the departure of Iranian and Armenian citizens, nor transit of third country citizens.

-      Commercial fleet operations resumed two weeks ago for  both countries, with strict health controls.




On 5 April, the authorities of Razavi Khorasan Province prohibited passenger transport from Afghanistan to Iran at the Islam Qala - Dogharoun border crossing point. Goods transport has been exempted from this provision.

At Farah - Mahirood and Zaranj - Milak border crossing points, only goods transport and entry of Iranian and Afghan nationals is authorised. The exit of Iranian and Afghan citizens and transit of third country nationals is prohibited.




In March 2020, Iran`s Ministry of Health published instructions and guidelines for combating the coronavirus (COVID-19) at the border crossing points of Iran.

Please also note that:

- All Iranian borders points are open for transit via the territory of Iran, provided drivers observe the published guidelines; 

- The emergency hotline number is 190;

- As there are no specific restrictions, there is no requirement for a green lane and all transit routes are currently open to transport. Customs authorities are facilitating the transport of medicines and food.

Source: Iranian Customs Administration



The situation at Iran’s border crossing points is as follows:

·      Iraq - Iran border crossing points in the Kurdish territory of Parvizkhan - Parvizkhan, Bashmakh - Bashmaq and Tamarchin - Haj Omran:

Iranian export fleet, admission of national fleet from both sides of the border, as well as border transhipment are authorised.  However, third party fleet border crossing and Iraqi export fleet border crossing is prohibited by the neighbouring country.  While admission of Iranian and Iraqi nationals is authorised, departure of Iranian and Iraqi citizens as well as transit of third party citizens is prohibited by the neighbouring country.

·      Iraq - Iran border crossings in main territory of Chazabeh - Sheib, Shalamcheh - Shalamjeh, Mehran – Zorbatieh:

Commercial fleet, except admission of national fleet, is prohibited by the neighbouring country. While admission of Iranian and Iraqi nationals is authorised, departure of Iranian and Iraqi citizens as well as transit of third party citizens is prohibited by the neighbouring country.

·      Pakistan - Iran border crossing of Taftan - Mirjaveh:

Commercial as well as passenger fleet, including admission of national fleet, is prohibited by the neighbouring country.

·      Turkmenistan - Iran border crossing of Sarakhs - Sarakhs, Artiq - Lotfabad and Inchehboroun – GuderOlum:

Commercial fleet, except admission of national fleet, is prohibited by the neighbouring country. The neighbouring country has prohibited entry of passenger traffic. In Bajgiran - Gudan, commercial as well as passenger fleet, including admission of national fleet, is prohibited by the neighbouring country.

·      Turkey - Iran border crossings:

In Kapikoi - Razi BCP, commercial transport is already banned, while admission of Iranian and Turkish nationals is authorised, the departure of Iranian and Turkish citizens as well as transit of third party citizens is prohibited by the neighbouring country.

In Esendere - Sero and Gurbulak - Bazargan BCPs, while admission of Iranian and Turkish nationals is authorised, commercial fleet, except entry of national fleet, is prohibited by the neighbouring country.

·    Afghanistan - Iran border crossings:

In Islam Qala - Dogharoun BCP, commercial and passenger fleet is permitted.

In Farah - Mahirood and Zaranj - Milak, commercial fleet is permitted.

While admission of Iranian and Afghan nationals is authorised, departure of Iranian and Afghan citizens as well as transit of third party citizens is prohibited by both countries.

·    Armenia - Iran border crossing of Meghri - Nordooz:

Commercial and passenger fleet is prohibited by Armenia, while some recent exemptions, in particular for medical cargo, has been declared by Armenia.

Source: Ministry of Road and Urban Development

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